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filtered: 365
- Publications 5790 available results
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- e-Learning Courses 365 available results
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- Open Research Data 442 available results
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Methods of Experiment Design, W, E, sem.01, letni 21/22 (PG_00057505)
e-Learning Courses -
Advanced design of energy installations, P, MiBM, sem. 07, zimowy 22/23
e-Learning Courses -
Research project: CAD. Integrated archictural design + Methodology of scientific work 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesKurs e-learningowy stanowi uzupełnienie zajęć stacjonarnych Projekt Naukowy (Techniki Komputerowe i Metodyka Pracy Naukowej) dla studentów II stopnia (2 semestr) Zajęcia dotyczą zastosowania środowiska GIS i oprogramowania BIM oraz odpowiednich metod naukowych w procesie projektowania i przekształcania obszarów waterfrontów.
Methods of Experiment Design, S, E, sem.01, letni 21/22 (PG_00057505)
e-Learning Courses -
Methods of Experiment Design, S, E, sem.01, letni 22/23 (PG_00057505)
e-Learning Courses -
Advanced design of energy installations, W MiBM, sem. 07, zimowy 22/23
e-Learning Courses -
Methods of Experiment Design, W/S, Energetyka, sem. 1, letni, 2023/24
e-Learning Courses -
Methods of experiment design, W/C, EJ, sem.1, letni 24/25
e-Learning Courses -
Methods of experiment design, W/C, E, sem.1, letni 24/25
e-Learning Courses -
Introduction to Higher Physics (PG_00055138), Design and Production Engineering, sem. 01, 2023/24
e-Learning Courses -
Projektowanie ekologiczne miast i regionów / Eco-design of cities and regions 2023/24
e-Learning Courses -
e-Learning CoursesZajęcia będą odbywać się w interdyscyplinarnych i międzynarodowych grupach projektowych, złożonych z edukatorów i architektów. Wspólnie, będziemy wypracowywać : a.innowacyjne rozwiązania w zakresie architektury dla edukacji podstawowej oraz licealnej b.nowe formy współpracy pomiędzy specjalistami z różnych dziedzin c.nową jakość współpracy interdyscyplinarnej d.akademicki model poszukiwania nowych rozwiązań na styku i poza zakresem...
Environmental Protection in Energetics, W, E, sem.01, zimowy 22/23
e-Learning CoursesThe principle of sustainable development. Non-renewable and renewable energy sources. Environmental aspects of the use of different energy sources. Atmospheric pollution. Methods of reducing the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere. Waste and hazardous waste. Water and Wastewater. Legal aspects of environmental protection.
'23 Teoria i Projektowanie Urbanistyczne 2 / Urban Design Theory and Studio 2 (2023)
e-Learning CoursesArchitektura s.4 TEORIA URBANISTYKI I PROJEKTOWANIE URBANISTYCZNE 2Kształtowanie kompleksowego środowiska zamieszkiwania Kurs przeznaczony jest dla studentów 4 semestru studiów inżynierskich na kierunku Architektura Zajęcia projektowe odbywają się w poniedziałkia wykłady we wtorki zgodnie z planem i zapisami do poszczególnych grup realizowanymi przez stronę Wydziału. Lectures for students of 4th semester Architecture...
Design and Production Engineering V sem (WIMiO) - Egzamin z języka angielskiego C1 – 31.01.2022
e-Learning Courses -
Krzysztof Lis, WM, Design and Production Engineering I st. 5 sem. 20/21z
e-Learning Courses -
Design and Production Engineering V sem (WIMiO) - Egzamin z języka angielskiego B2 – 31.01.2022
e-Learning Courses -
Elective Project II 2024/25 International competition titled : "Kindergarten Building Design with Surrounding Area"
e-Learning Courses -
Work Safety and Ergonomics - L-15/C-0/L-0/P-0, Design and Production Engineering, WIMiO, undergraduate studies, engineering studies, full-time (stationary) studies, 2021/2022, se04, (M:32013W0), summer semester 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesWydział Mechaniczny Mechanika i budowa maszyn (w języku angielskim). Kurs: Specjalność: Design and Production Engineering (WM), I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2018/2019 - zimowy (obecnie sem. 4), Semestr: 2019/2020 - letni. Student explains the concepts of ergonomics. Describes its goals and area of application. Defines the human - machine - environment system. Designs the human working environment taking into account...
Numerical Modelling in flow systems design , W/L ,Energetyka. sem 6, lato 22/23 PG_00042087
e-Learning Courses -
Design of welded structures, PG_00058894, W, P, MiBM (IDE), stacjonarne, sem. 03, letni 24/25
e-Learning CoursesLectures and project.
Vehicle Dynamics - L-15/C-15/L-15/P-15, Design and Production Engineering, WIMiO, undergraduate studies, engineering studies, full-time (stationary) studies, 2021/2022, se06, (M:320383W0), summer semester 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesModuł przedmiotów wybieralnych, MiBM, I stopień, specjalność w j. angielskim: Design and Production Engineering (DaPE), semestr 6?, (przedmiot dla Chińczyków), Lecture: Throttle by tyred wheel: slip rolling, rolling with tyre strain, vertical and lateral surface reactions, traction, energetic looses, forces in contact path. Drugs of movement: rolling, air, gradient, inertia, cornering and towing. Forces ant torques acting to vehicle...
Zerowaste Architecture 2022/23
e-Learning CoursesThe issues of the classes include design in the spirit of "zerowaste", i.e. maximum use of existing tissue and the use of secondary building materials. In the face of climate change, construction should face the enormity of waste generated by this sector. Minimizing the production of a new substance and maximizing the use of the existing substance in combination with high aesthetic values is a considerable architectural challenge. The...
Zerowaste Architecture 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesThe issues of the classes include design in the spirit of "zerowaste", i.e. maximum use of existing tissue and the use of secondary building materials. In the face of climate change, construction should face the enormity of waste generated by this sector. Minimizing the production of a new substance and maximizing the use of the existing substance in combination with high aesthetic values is a considerable architectural challenge. The...
The concept of experience marketing - examples of practical application (PG_00059626), W, International Design Engineer, sem. 2, zimowy 2024/25
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to familiarize students with the concept of experience marketing, which is increasingly an obligatory basis for innovative marketing strategies of enterprises, and to show the practical application of this idea (experience management, strategic experience modules, mapping of customer and employee journeys).
The concept of experience marketing - examples of practical application (PG_0005962), W, International Design Engineer, sem. 2, zimowy 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesCelem przedmiotu jest zaznajomienie studentów z koncepcją marketingu doświadczeń, będącego coraz częściej obligatoryjną podstawą innowacyjnych strategii marketingowych przedsiębiorstw oraz ukazanie praktycznego zastosowania niniejszej idei (zarządzanie doświadczeniami, strategiczne moduły doświadczeń, mapowanie podróży klienta i pracownika firmy). The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the concept of experience...
Self-healing and shape memory polymers
e-Learning CoursesThe course "Self-Healing and Shape Memory Polymers" is a specialized elective designed for Chemical Engineering PhD students. This advanced course delves into the innovative realms of self-healing materials and shape memory polymers (SMPs), representing a significant breakthrough in material science and engineering. Throughout the course, students learn about the problems of failure of polymeric materials and explore the fundamental...
Arch./Urban Project II
e-Learning CoursesA design studio focused on issues related to the creation of sustainable and climate-responsible facilities. The design task is related to the concept of development of the Gdańsk University of Technology campus. The implemented project will be both a task related to urban and architectural design. A very important element of the design process will be a smooth transition between various scales and problems that architects and...
Engineering Graphics II (M:31997W1) 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesThe course covers subject scope of standardised methods used for the presentation of machine details in projected views, in technical design drawings. Detailed topics include: projection systems, principles of design documentation in machine design, rules in dimensioning and selection of views in technical drawing. Practical excercises are carried out and an introduction to CAD is performed.
Robotics for human health and performance 03.2022
e-Learning CoursesThis course is to provide knowledge in area of biomechanics, necessary to design instrumentation for human health and performance, and automatics necessary to design simple instrumentation as well as about human-robot interface.
Materials Science - classical particle approach 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesComputer modeling and design of materials, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Mathematics for new materials design, II stopień, semestr 3
Materials Science - Classical Particle Approach 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesComputer modeling and design of materials, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Mathematics for new materials design, II stopień, semestr 3
Environment protection and sustainable development
e-Learning CoursesStructure, Organization, Classification, and Protection of Landscapes (priority landscape; landscape values; principles and problems of protecting various types of ecosystems and landscapes; regionalization of landscapes; threats to landscape resources; ecological structure of the landscape and landscape ecological systems; principles of conducting a landscape protection study; European Landscape Convention; landscape audit - concept...
Biznesowe aplikacje wielkoskalowe
e-Learning CoursesZapoznanie z architekturami biznesowych aplikacji wielkoskalowych i narzędziami do ich wytwarzania. Overview of design patterns, architectures, and tools used for design and development of large-scale enterprise applications.
Biznesowe aplikacje wielkoskalowe - 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesZapoznanie z architekturami biznesowych aplikacji wielkoskalowych i narzędziami do ich wytwarzania. Overview of design patterns, architectures, and tools used for design and development of large-scale enterprise applications.
Biznesowe aplikacje wielkoskalowe - 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesZapoznanie z architekturami biznesowych aplikacji wielkoskalowych i narzędziami do ich wytwarzania. Overview of design patterns, architectures, and tools used for design and development of large-scale enterprise applications.
Construction project I 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesThe subject focuses on technical issues involved in producing an architectural design.
Projektowanie układów VLSI
e-Learning CoursesThe lecture tackles the problem of VLSI circuits design. In particular, emphasis is put on the physical design stage and more in-depth discussion of its sub-components. The lecture also focus on detailed explanation of selected numerical algorithms that are utilized in the course of physical design. Specialization: Microelectronic Systems
Projektowanie Aplikacji Internetowych 2022/23
e-Learning Courses{mlang en}Web Application Design covers the software design phase, which falls between the analysis of the problem domain and the implementation of the program in the code. It shows the rules and guidelines for application design in general, with particular emphasis on web application design problems. Teaches systematic design in aspects of system architecture, application logic, user interface and data structure. Emphasizes the...
Projektowanie Aplikacji Internetowych 2023/24
e-Learning Courses{mlang en}Web Application Design covers the software design phase, which falls between the analysis of the problem domain and the implementation of the program in the code. It shows the rules and guidelines for application design in general, with particular emphasis on web application design problems. Teaches systematic design in aspects of system architecture, application logic, user interface and data structure. Emphasizes the...
Projektowanie Aplikacji Internetowych 2024/25
e-Learning Courses{mlang en}Web Application Design covers the software design phase, which falls between the analysis of the problem domain and the implementation of the program in the code. It shows the rules and guidelines for application design in general, with particular emphasis on web application design problems. Teaches systematic design in aspects of system architecture, application logic, user interface and data structure. Emphasizes the...
Wytrzymałość Materiałów II, Laboratorium, MiBM, sem. IV, I st., sem. letni 2020/2021 (PG_00050288)
e-Learning CoursesSpis treści prezentowanych na kursie: 1) Statyczna próba rozciągania metali. 2) Statyczna próba ściskania metali. 3) Badanie udarności metali. 4) Dynamiczna próba rozciągania metali. 5) Wyznaczenie modułu sprężystości podłużnej, umownej granicy sprężystości i umownej granicy plastyczności. 6) Badanie twardości metali. 7) Statyczna próba skręcania metali.
Mathematical and numerical modelling, L, IDE, sem. 01, summer 21/22,(M:00057379)
e-Learning CoursesModelling. Optimal control. Modal analysis. High speed milling. Mechatronic design.
Construction project I
e-Learning CoursesLearning how to prepare building elements, structural design of a single-family house
e-Learning CoursesDREAM HOUSE – Space for Living: Between the Idea and the SeaGdynia, Kamienna Góra, Korzeniowskiego Street The task for this project is to design a contemporary single-family house located in the prestigious district of Gdynia, surrounded by exclusive villas,with a stunning view of the sea. How can you offer the dream home for future residents? The starting point will be to define the future residents of the house so that the...
Wytrzymałość Materiałów II - Laboratorium, MiBM, sem. IV , I st. niestacjonarne, sem. letni 2020/2021(PG_00040052)
e-Learning CoursesSpis treści prezentowanych na kursie: 1) Statyczna próba rozciągania metali. 2) Statyczna próba ściskania metali. 3) Badanie udarności metali. 4) Dynamiczna próba rozciągania metali. 5) Wyznaczenie modułu sprężystości podłużnej, umownej granicy sprężystości i umownej granicy plastyczności. 6) Badanie twardości metali. 7) Statyczna próba skręcania metali. 8) Badanie odkształcenia za pomocą tensometrii oporowej.
Professional Practice, ET, sem.6, summer 24/25 (PG_000549757)
e-Learning CoursesProfessional internships for students include design, workshop and operational work in the field of energy.
Introductory CDIO Project [Energy Technologies][2021/22]
e-Learning CoursesDesign of complete prototype of Simple electronic circuit (DC-DC converter) with control based on integrated circuit.
Introductory CDIO Project [Energy Technologies][2021/22]
e-Learning CoursesDesign of complete prototype of Simple electronic circuit (DC-DC converter) with control based on integrated circuit.
Theory of urbanism IV 2025
e-Learning CoursesProblems of systemic and integrated design and planning of complex urban organisms. Challenges and trends in contemporary urban planning.