Search results for: ACTIVITY SCHEDULE METHOD - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Finite Element Method

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Sobczyk
    • M. Malikan

    Item Name : Finite Element Method- Abaqus learning Field of study : Civil Engineering Faculty : Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Education level : Second degree studies Form of studies : Full-time studies Year of studies : 1 Study semester : 2 Start of the semester : November 2021 Academic year of the course : 2021/2022 Form of classes : Lecture, Laboratory

  • Finite Element Method Applications - winter 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Witkowski
    • A. Sabik
    • B. Sobczyk
    • S. Burzyński
    • Ł. Pyrzowski

    Finite Element Method Applications - summer 2022/2023 Seminar.

  • Finite Element Method Applications - winter 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Witkowski
    • A. Sabik
    • B. Sobczyk
    • Ł. Pyrzowski

    Finite Element Method Applications - winter 2022/2023 Seminar.

  • Finite Element Method Applications - summer 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Witkowski
    • A. Sabik
    • B. Sobczyk
    • S. Burzyński
    • Ł. Pyrzowski

    Finite Element Method Applications - summer 2022/2023 Seminar.

  • Finite Element Method Applications 2023/2024 Summer

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Sobczyk

    Finite Element Method Applications - summer semester 2023/2024 Seminar.

  • Finite Element Method Applications 2024/2025 winter

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Sobczyk

    Finite Element Method Applications - winter semester 2024/2025 Seminar.

  • Scientific Research Method

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Szczepański

  • Physics Research Method IV

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Guthmuller

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina:  Nauki Fizyczne Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów II roku Prowadzący:   prof. Julien Guthmuller Liczba godzin: 15 h Forma zajęć: wykład/seminarium {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Phisical Sciences Obligatory course for 2nd year PhD students Academic teacher:  prof. Julien Guthmuller Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Course type: lecture/seminar {mlang}

  • Finite Element Method - winter 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Witkowski
    • B. Sobczyk
    • M. Miśkiewicz
    • Ł. Pyrzowski

    Civil Engineering, Studia Stacjonarne II Stopień, II semestr

  • Finite Element Method - winter 2024/2025

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Witkowski
    • B. Sobczyk
    • Ł. Pyrzowski

    Civil Engineering, Studia Stacjonarne II Stopień, II semestr

  • GTM Method of Structural Studies Lecture and Laboratory

    e-Learning Courses
    • S. Makowiec
    • I. Sinkiewicz
    • M. Ryczkowska
    • T. Olszewska
    • A. Brillowska-Dąbrowska

  • Finite Element Method - winter 2024/2025 - kopia

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Witkowski
    • B. Sobczyk
    • Ł. Pyrzowski

    Civil Engineering, Studia Stacjonarne II Stopień, II semestr

  • Joanna Ozimek WIMiO, BM II st., sem 2, niestacj., 2022/2023 l

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Ozimek
    • U. Kamińska
    • I. Mokwa-Tarnowska
    • J. Wielgus
    • E. Wawoczna


  • English for Engineering Mechanics

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Skowronek

    The activity of structural mechanics students' community FOREVER YOUNG aimed at improving practical skills in technical English

  • Construction Management, WILIS, Civil Engineering, sem. I, 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Apollo
    • M. Pawelska-Mazur

    Techniques and methods of organization and planning in construction projects - review. Analysis of construction schedule. Ms Project as a construction planning tool.

  • Construction Management, WILIS, Civil Engineering, sem. I, 2024/2025

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. E. Apollo
    • M. Pawelska-Mazur

    Techniques and methods of organization and planning in construction projects - review. Analysis of construction schedule. Ms Project as a construction planning tool.

  • Construction Management, WILIS, Civil Engineering, sem. I, 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. E. Apollo
    • M. Pawelska-Mazur

    Techniques and methods of organization and planning in construction projects - review. Analysis of construction schedule. Ms Project as a construction planning tool.

  • Selected topics of electrical engineering

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Wilk

    Principles of electromchanical energy conversion using Lagrange energy method

  • Technologia drewna , W/L, Oceanotechnika, sem.6, lato 23, (O:098640)

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Bera
    • J. Kozak

    Celem przedmiotu  jest przedstawienie wybranych zagadnień związanych z zastosowaniem i przetwarzaniem drewna do budowy jednostek pływających. W ramach przedmiotu zostaną poruszone zagadnienia materiałowe, podstawowych procesów wytwarzania, w tym metrologiczne a także wybranych problemów łączenia i konserwacji drewna. Zakres przedmiotu obejmuje: Wykład:  Historia drewna...

  • [Soft Skills] Writing grant application

    e-Learning Courses
    • R. Downar-Zapolska
    • A. Klej

    Writing grant application, 5 h., Teacher: Renata Downar-Zapolska, GUT Schedule: 20 & 21 April 2022, time: 15:45-18:00

  • [IMe] Advanced numerical methods in mechanics

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Tesch
    • R. Jankowski
    • A. Żak

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina: inżynieria mechaniczna Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I i II roku Prowadzący:  dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Tesch, prof. PG, dr hab. inż. Arkadiusz Żak, prof. PG Liczba godzin: 45 Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: mechanical engineering Obligatory course for 1st and 2nd-year PhD students Academic teachers: dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Tesch, prof. PG, dr hab. inż. Arkadiusz Żak, prof....

  • Management and Economics 2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Geniusz-Stepnowska

    Introduction to Management and Economics, Learning by Doing method based upon trends in geopolitics and modern economics frameworks,  strategy and Business Models Management Tools SEMESTR II Green Technologies and Monitoring

  • Architectural and urban theories in urban regeneration

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Piątkowska
    • L. Nyka
    • P. Lorens

    This course deals with key issues associated with contemporary architectural and urban teories associated with transformation and revitalization of the distressed / degradated areas and buildings / objects. The architectural topics will be presented by dr Ksenia Piątkowska and Prof. Lucyna Nyka, while urban topics will be discussed by Prof. Piotr Lorens. Particular topics and themes will be presented according to the individual...

  • Mechanics of materials (PG_00057378), W/Ć, BM, II stop., sem1,3, lato, 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Rozmarynowski
    • P. M. Bielski

    The aim of this course is providing knowledge in the field of analysis and solving problems of mechanics and strength of one-dimensional systems (bars, beams, frames) and selected two-dimensional systems (shields, plates); preparing the student to solve problems involving complex cases of material strength; developing the ability to assess the stability of structural elements (forms of stability loss, critical forces); consolidation...

  • 2022-2023 - Wytrzymałość materiałów II, PG_00040052

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. K. Gerigk

    Opanowanie wiedzy i umiejętności rozwiązywania złożonych zagadnień wytrzymałości prętów, powłok oraz płyt, mechaniki pękania i wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej, drgań prętów, oraz wybranych zastosowań metody elementów skończonych. The aim of the lectures is to deliver to the students the knowledge and abilities to solve the complex problems concerning the bars, shells, 3D structures, mechanics of cracking and fatique strength, vibrations...

  • Biochemistry - Laboratory exercises - Nowy

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Jakubek
    • Z. Koziara
    • A. Brillowska-Dąbrowska
    • I. Koss-Mikołajczyk

    Exerise 1. The ability to accumulate metal cations by edible mushrooms, comparison with edible plants Exercise 2. Measurement of activity of glutathione S-transferases - the detoxifying enzymes present in the cytosol of eukaryotic cells Exercise 3. Cell membranes permeability Exercise 4. Detection of mutagenic substances using Ames test Exercise 5. Gluten content in food products part 1. Exercise 6. Gluten content in food...

  • Biochemistry - Laboratory exercises

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Jakubek
    • A. Bartoszek-Pączkowska
    • Z. Koziara
    • A. Brillowska-Dąbrowska
    • I. Koss-Mikołajczyk

    Exerise 1. The ability to accumulate metal cations by edible mushrooms, comparison with edible plants Exercise 2. Measurement of activity of glutathione S-transferases - the detoxifying enzymes present in the cytosol of eukaryotic cells Exercise 3. Cell membranes permeability Exercise 4. Detection of mutagenic substances using Ames test Exercise 5. Gluten content in food products part 1. Exercise 6. Gluten content in food...

  • Geometria wykreślna I, 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. M. Kowalewska
    • M. Malewczyk
    • B. A. Chomicka
    • D. Cyparski
    • A. Wancław

    {mlang pl}Kurs „Geometria wykreślna I” łączy w sobie elementy kształcenia tradycyjnego z e-nauczaniem. Przeznaczony jest dla studentów kierunku Architektura, sem. 1, studia inżynierskie I stopnia. Tematyka dotyczy graficznej prezentacji obiektów 3D na płaszczyźnie, ich restytucji na podstawie rzutów oraz rozwiązywania prostych problemów przestrzennych. Treść nauczania obejmuje założenia metody rzutów prostokątnych na dwie rzutnie...

  • Architectural Project I and II 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Krenz
    • M. Wojtkiewicz

    The aim of the course is to teach the method of creating an architectural form in a style that reflects a given topic drawn in the form of an ideogram. Creating architecture in this way makes it possible to endow the architectural form with meanings contained in the art, so that it becomes an important element of the existential space. An important feature of the ideogram is its artistic value. In this way, it can additionally...

  • Numerical Methods

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Sypek
    • M. Rewieński

    Numerical Methods: for Electronics and Telecommunications students, Master's level, semester 1 Instructor: Michał Rewieński, Piotr Sypek Course description: This course provides an introduction to computational techniques for the simulation and modeling of a broad range of engineering and physical systems. Concepts and methods discussed are widely illustrated by various applications including modeling of integrated circuits,...

  • Inter Applied Chemistry Programme 6 A practical approach to novel industrial enzymes Dr Natasha Bozic

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Głowacz-Różyńska
    • M. Tobiszewski
    • C. Jungnickel
    • P. Filipkowski

    Inter Applied Chemistry Programme 6 - A practical approach to novel industrial enzymes Dr Natasha Bozic The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the technologies of industrial enzymes discovery and manufacturing and to provide in depth insight about the advantages of using enzyme preparations in industry. Lectures will cover the common workflows of industrial enzymology including following topics: general enzyme...

  • Management and economic of engineer projects

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Ossowska

    Lectures  - 05 October-30 November, 2023 1. Project management: Engineers, projects, management, planning and scheduling, personnel and organizational, team building, project control, estimating and ordering. 2. Team building: personality types, team effectiveness. 3. Project management: WBS, Gantt, Earned Value Method, critical path, risk management. 4. Economic Engineering: Establishing economic equivalence, Interest: cost...

  • e-Learning Courses
    • A. Gębczyńska-Janowicz
    • K. Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • J. Szczepański
    • P. Czyż
    • M. Podwojewska

    Contemporary Theories in Architecture and Perception of Space Thursdays 14.15-16.00 on-line 1. 01.12.2022 Characteristics of Architecture of Public Buildings 2. 08.12.2022 Light for Public Buildings 3. 15.12.2022 The issues of contemporary architectural theories from the late nineteenth century to the present December 22, 2022 - classes according to Friday's schedule4. 05.01.2023 The issues of contemporary architectural...

  • Polityka Rozwoju/Development Policy 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz

    The course addresses the challenges of achieving Goal 11 of the Global Sustainable Development Policy (17 Sustainable Development Goals) to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. teacher: dr Gabriela Rembarz Lectures are held remotely (TEAMS) in the arrangement of classes blocked according to an individual schedule. Starting point: Wed February 28, 2024, 8:30 a.m. Join under...

  • Zarządzanie i Organizacja Ruchu Kolejowego - 7T_I_IR - 2024/2025

    e-Learning Courses
    • S. Grulkowski

    Przedmiot Zarządzanie i Organizacja Ruchu Kolejowego składa się z części wykładowej i projektowej Treści prezentowanych przez 10 tygodni wykładów umieszczone zostaną na platformie eNauczanie. Zaliczenie części wykładowej w postaci sprawdzianu odbędzie się stacjonarnie. Projektowanie będzie polegało na wykonaniu 3 ćwiczeń w czasie zajęć, pod nadzorem prowadzącego. Zaliczenie części projektowej będzie oceną prawidłowości...

  • Geographical Information Systems GIS (project) [2022/23]

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Augusiak

    Subject: Geographical Information Systems GIS, Inter-faculty (field of study: Energy Technologies), undergraduate studies, full-time studies (semester 6) Teacher: dr inż. Andrzej Augusiak, doc. PG Abstract: The course aims to teach the practical implementation of a simple project in the field of GIS geographical information systems. As part of the project, the course participant will learn how to use the basic methods and tools...

  • Interactive Decision Making, Inżynieria Środowiska, Environmental Engineering, 2023/2024 (summer semester)

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska
    • A. Siemaszko

    The course is designed for students of MSc Studies in Environmental Engineering (studies in Polish and English) Person responsible for the subject, carrying out lectures and tutorials: mgr inż. Agata.Siemaszko; The person conducting the lectures and tutorials: dr inż. Anna Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska; The course is conducted using the Project-Based Learning (PBL) method. It provides...

  • 2022-2023 - Wytrzymałość materiałów I, PG_00039799

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. K. Gerigk

    Celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z podstawowymi zagadnieniami związanymi z wytrzymałością materiałów. Wykłady dotyczą kolejno: podstawy wytrzymałości materiałów, wytrzymałość pręta prostego na ściskanie/rozciąganie, analiza wytrzymałości dla układów prętowych statycznie niewyznaczalnych, wytrzymałość prętów na skręcanie, wytrzymałość belek zginanie, odkształcenia belki zginanej, ścinanie pręta (pręt ścinany), stany naprężeń,...

  • Mathematical and numerical modelling,W,IDE-EMSS,IIst,sem.01,lato,2023/24 (PG_00057379)

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. J. Kaliński

    Modelling of controlled mechanical systems by the mixed method of rigid and flexible finite elements: The finite element volume problems. Dynamics of multibody systems. Modelling of stationary closed loop systems. Modelling of systems whose configuration changes with time. Modelling of nonlinear controlled systems. Optimal control at energy performance index: Control of continuous nonstationary systems in domain of generalised...

  • Mathematical and Numerical Modelling, L, IDE IInd, sem.01, summer, 2022/23(00057379)

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. J. Kaliński

    Modelling of controlled mechanical systems by the mixed method of rigid and flexible finite elements: The finite element volume problems. Dynamics of multibody systems. Modelling of stationary closed loop systems. Modelling of systems whose configuration changes with time. Modelling of nonlinear controlled systems. Optimal control at energy performance index: Control of continuous nonstationary systems in domain of generalised...

  • Biochemia BT 2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Potęga
    • I. Gabriel

    Przedmiot Biochemia składa się z dwóch elementów: 60 h wykładu  i 15 h ćwiczeń obliczeniowych. Każda część kończy się odrębnym zaliczeniem. Podstawą do uzyskania pozytywnej oceny z modułu jest otrzymanie przynajmniej 60% punktów z egzaminu. Do egzaminu przystępują osoby, które pozytywnie zaliczyły dwa kolokwia wykładowe (próg 50%) oraz otrzymały pozytywną ocenę z zajęć ćwiczeniowych. Składowe oceny końcowej: 80% ocena...

  • Elective seminar: Designing Urban Lighting for the Built Environment – from Theory to Practice

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • A. Zdanowicz

    Goal of the course:    Understanding the basic design issues related to illumination of the exterior spaces in the built environment  Course content / class schedule:   1.Student will learn the difference between Functional versus Decorative lighting in exterior spaces 2. Student will learn how artificial lighting can shape the appearance of an urban space 3. Student will learn necessary tools (luminaires, light sources,...


    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Marczak
    • A. Orchowska

    The aim of a team research project is to conduct a process in which Students will verify the research hypothesis set by the Client. For this purpose, the project may require the creation of a product, e.g. an application, a device and conducting appropriate research, analysis of results, etc. In the event that the University/Client shares confidential information (including data), the Students will be required to sign an undertaking...

  • Physical Chemistry_GTM_20_21_winter

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Kloskowski
    • Ł. Nierzwicki
    • M. Śmiechowski
    • W. Chrzanowski
    • Ł. Marcinkowski

    The aim of the subject is to familarize the student with fundamental physico-chemical laws in chemical thermodynamics, phase equilibria and chemical equilibria together with ability of solving relevant text problems involving calculations, as well as teachnig him/her effective and safe carrying out simple experiments/measurements of physico-chemical quantities and proper presentation and interpretation of their results. LECTURES Chemical...

  • Mechanika (PG_00060473), Ć, Mechatronika, sem. 02, letni 2023/24, gr. C2, C3

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Macek

    Spis treści prezentowanych na kursie   Wprowadzenie, aksjomaty statyki, układy sił Płaski i przestrzenny zbieżny układ sił Płaski dowolny układ sił Przestrzenny dowolny układ sił Tarcie Środek ciężkości i geometria mas Kinematyka punktu we współrzędnych kartezjańskich, biegunowych Kinematyka bryły sztywnej – ruch postępowy, ruch obrotowy Kinematyka ruchu płaskiego Ruch złożony bryły Dynamika punktu materialnego w...

  • Mechanika (PG_00061190), Ć, MiBM, sem. 02, letni 2023/24, gr. C1

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Macek

    Spis treści prezentowanych na kursie   Wprowadzenie, aksjomaty statyki, układy sił Płaski i przestrzenny zbieżny układ sił Płaski dowolny układ sił Przestrzenny dowolny układ sił Tarcie Środek ciężkości i geometria mas Kinematyka punktu we współrzędnych kartezjańskich, biegunowych Kinematyka bryły sztywnej – ruch postępowy, ruch obrotowy Kinematyka ruchu płaskiego Ruch złożony bryły Dynamika punktu materialnego w...

  • Theory of Achitectural Design II 2021/2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Krenz

    Prowadzący: dr hab. inż. arch. Jacek Krenz, prof. PG Architecture influenced by Art The aim of the set of lectures is to teach the method of creating an architectural form in a style that reflects a given topic drawn in the form of an ideogram. Creating architecture in this way makes it possible to endow the architectural form with meanings so that it becomes an important element of the existential space. An important feature...

  • Theory of Achitectural Design II 2020/2021

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Krenz

    Prowadzący: dr hab. inż. arch. Jacek Krenz, prof. PG Architecture influenced by Art The aim of the set of lectures is to teach the method of creating an architectural form in a style that reflects a given topic drawn in the form of an ideogram. Creating architecture in this way makes it possible to endow the architectural form with meanings so that it becomes an important element of the existential space. An important feature...


    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Życzkowska

    DREAM HOUSE – Space for Living: Between the Idea and the SeaGdynia, Kamienna Góra, Korzeniowskiego Street The task for this project is to design a contemporary single-family house located in the prestigious district of Gdynia, surrounded by exclusive villas,with a stunning view of the sea. How can you offer  the dream home for future residents? The starting point will be to define the future residents of the house so that the...

  • Statistics 2022_23

    e-Learning Courses
    • S. M. Kot

    1.Elements of probability. The axioms of the probability theory 2. Random  variables and their distributions. Discrete and continuous random variables 3. Parameters of random variables: expected value, moments 4. Selected distributions of random variables (Bernoulli, Poison, Gaussian) 5.The distribution in the sample. Visualisation by histograms 6. Measures of statistical location: arithmetic mean, median, quantiles. 7. Measures...