Search results for: VARIABLE-FIDELITY MODELING - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Introductory modeling for decision-making using AMPL

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Szostak
    • A. Felt

    Introductory modeling for decision-making using AMPL

  • Modeling projects for decision-making using AMPL

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Szostak
    • A. Felt

    Modeling projects for decision-making using AMPL

  • Numerical Modeling of Hydrosystems 2024/2025

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Szymkiewicz
    • A. Gumuła-Kawęcka
    • M. Szydłowski

    Kurs do przedmiotu NUMERICAL MODELING OF HYDROSYSTEMS Specjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne prof. dr hab. inż. Michał Szydłowski

  • Numerical Modeling of Hydrosystems 2024/2025

    e-Learning Courses

    Kurs do przedmiotu NUMERICAL MODELING OF HYDROSYSTEMS Specjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne dr hab. inż. Michał Szydłowski, prof. PG

  • Numerical Modeling of Hydrosystems 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Szymkiewicz
    • A. Gumuła-Kawęcka
    • M. Szydłowski

    Kurs do przedmiotu NUMERICAL MODELING OF HYDROSYSTEMS Specjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne dr hab. inż. Michał Szydłowski, prof. PG

  • Numerical Modeling of Hydrosystems 2022/2023 (summer)

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Szymkiewicz
    • M. Szydłowski
    • A. M. Mustafa

    Kurs do przedmiotu NUMERICAL MODELING OF HYDROSYSTEMS Specjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne dr hab. inż. Michał Szydłowski, prof. PG

  • Numerical Modeling of Hydrosystems 2022/2023 (winter)

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Szymkiewicz
    • M. Szydłowski
    • A. M. Mustafa

    Kurs do przedmiotu NUMERICAL MODELING OF HYDROSYSTEMS Specjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne dr hab. inż. Michał Szydłowski, prof. PG

  • Computer modeling and design of materials 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • S. Winczewski

    Computer modeling and design of materials, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Mathematics for new materials design, II stopień, semestr 3

  • Modeling in Machine Design

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Mazur
    • R. Gawarkiewicz
    • M. Wasilczuk
    • G. Rotta

    The course is meant to show the students how to build calculation models in machine design

  • Modeling the labor market

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Nikulin

  • Mathematical Modeling and Optimization

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Kniat
    • P. Chodnicki

    Celem przedmiotu jest zastosowanie modelowania matematycznego do rozwiązywania zagadnień fizycznych. W szczególności przedmiot obejmuje metody numeryczne oraz doskonalenie umiejętności tworzenia algorytmów / programów komputerowych, jak również korzystania z gotowych narzędzi do symulacji, stosowanych w okrętownictwie.


    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Paradowski

    Effectively uses in-depth knowledge of economic time series analysis methods, applying the results of analyzes to formulate forecasts. Subject contents: 1. Classical time series analysis (trend, cyclical fluctuations) 2. Exponential smoothing models 3. Holt and Winters model 4. Stochastic processes and time series 5. Characteristics of stochastic processes 6. Process spectrum autocorrelation functions 7. Study of the stationarity...


    e-Learning Courses
    • M. B. Pietrzak

    prowadzący: assoc. prof. Ján Dvorský, PhD

  • CAD. 3D Modeling (2024/25)

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Cyparski

    Subject objectives: The course aim is to demonstrate the application of Computer Aided Design in preparation of architectural 3D models and project presentations. No previous CAD experience is necessary. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create project presentations using 3D models created in e.g.: AutoDesk AutoCAD and SketchUp programs.

  • Modeling the Networks - ed. 2021/2022

    e-Learning Courses

    The goal of this course is to present optimization problems for road networks, where the road network is a set of n distinct lines, or n distinct (open or closed) line segments, in the plane, such that their union is a connected region.

  • Modeling Methodologies for Environment 22/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Mąkinia
    • P. Zima

    Zrozumienie procesów które mają wpływ na migrację i przemiany zanieczyszczeń w środowisku (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wód powierzchniowych). Zajęcia dotyczą podstaw i zasad budowy modeli jakości wody oraz służą pokazaniu jak te modele mogą być wykorzystywane do rozwiązywania problemów w inżynierii środowiska.

  • Systems Modeling and Simulation [WIMiO][2023/24]

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Armiński
    • T. Zubowicz
    • B. Puchalski

  • Modeling Methodologies for the Environment EE Msc sem. II r.a. 23/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Mąkinia
    • P. Zima

    Zrozumienie procesów które mają wpływ na migrację i przemiany zanieczyszczeń w środowisku (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wód powierzchniowych). Zajęcia dotyczą podstaw i zasad budowy modeli jakości wody oraz służą pokazaniu jak te modele mogą być wykorzystywane do rozwiązywania problemów w inżynierii środowiska.

  • Modeling Methodologies for the Environment EE Msc sem. II r.a. 24/25

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Mąkinia
    • P. Zima
    • P. Wielgat

    Zrozumienie procesów które mają wpływ na migrację i przemiany zanieczyszczeń w środowisku (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wód powierzchniowych). Zajęcia dotyczą podstaw i zasad budowy modeli jakości wody oraz służą pokazaniu jak te modele mogą być wykorzystywane do rozwiązywania problemów w inżynierii środowiska.


    e-Learning Courses
    • I. E. Kłosowska-Chomiczewska
    • E. Piłat
    • P. Szumała
    • R. Piątek
    • P. Gnatowski
    • J. Kucińska-Lipka
    • P. Szarlej
    • A. Brillowska-Dąbrowska
    • Ł. Zedler
    • M. Włoch... and 2 others

    The online repository will be used to teach students by presenting them lectures about variable aspects of microscopy techniques used in environmental monitoring. 

  • 2024 Microscopy in Environmental Monitoring

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Kosmela
    • I. E. Kłosowska-Chomiczewska
    • E. Piłat
    • E. Głowińska
    • P. Szumała
    • M. Strankowski
    • J. Kucińska-Lipka
    • A. Brillowska-Dąbrowska
    • M. Włoch
    • A. Macierzanka

    The online repository will be used to teach students by presenting them lectures about variable aspects of microscopy techniques used in environmental monitoring. 

  • Materials science. Quantum particle approach. 2022.

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Bobrowski

    quantum methods for materials and molecular modeling.

  • Material Science Quantum Particle Approach 2021

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Bobrowski

    quantum methods for materials and molecular modeling.

  • Business process modelling 2025

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Grzesiak

    Welcome to the Business Process Modeling course! We will travel together among the business processes world and its modeling with the BPMN ;) I hope it will be valuable for your future. See you soon, Marzena Grzesiak

  • Business process modelling

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Grzesiak

    Welcome to the Business Process Modeling course! We will travel together among the business processes world and its modeling with the BPMN ;) I hope it will be valuable for your future. See you soon, Marzena Grzesiak

  • Business process modelling 2026

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Grzesiak

    Welcome to the Business Process Modeling course! We will travel together among the business processes world and its modeling with the BPMN ;) I hope it will be valuable for your future. See you soon, Marzena Grzesiak

  • Numerical methods in heat and fluid flow

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. S. Khaja

    This course introduces numerical methods for solving complex problems in heat and fluid flow using computational tools such as ANSYS Fluent. Topics include geometry creation, meshing, steady and transient flow simulations, heat transfer, and turbulence modeling. The course emphasizes practical applications through exercises like laminar and turbulent flow, conjugate heat transfer, and combustion modeling, culminating in a final...

  • Materials Science - classical particle approach 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • S. Winczewski
    • F. Oseko

    Computer modeling and design of materials, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Mathematics for new materials design, II stopień, semestr 3

  • Materials Science - Classical Particle Approach 2024/2025

    e-Learning Courses
    • S. Winczewski
    • F. Oseko

    Computer modeling and design of materials, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Mathematics for new materials design, II stopień, semestr 3

  • 2024/2025 Powertrain and Control Systems of Autonomous Vehicles

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Gańcza
    • A. Schmidt

    Powertrain and Control Systems of Autonomous Vehicles In this class, you will learn the operating principles of key components in autonomous vehicles, including the powertrain, engine, and batteries. We will explore modeling and control techniques used in these systems, demonstrating the practical applications of the algorithms you have studied so far.

  • Team Strategies - sem. 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • T. Białaszewski

    The main aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic problems in team strategies, such as: the use of the particle swarm optimization algorithms, the ant colony optimization, stochastic distributed searches, algorithms for team strategy, multi-agent systems, modeling intelligent cooperation, simulations of social behavior. The form of passing the course is passing the exam and completing a project task

  • Team Strategies - sem. 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • T. Białaszewski

    The main aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic problems in team strategies, such as: the use of the particle swarm optimization algorithms, the ant colony optimization, stochastic distributed searches, algorithms for team strategy, multi-agent systems, modeling intelligent cooperation, simulations of social behavior. The form of passing the course is passing the exam and completing a project task

  • Team Strategies - sem. 2024/25

    e-Learning Courses
    • T. Białaszewski

    The main aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic problems in team strategies, such as: the use of the particle swarm optimization algorithms, the ant colony optimization, stochastic distributed searches, algorithms for team strategy, multi-agent systems, modeling intelligent cooperation, simulations of social behavior. The form of passing the course is passing the exam and completing a project task

  • Numerical Methods

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Sypek
    • M. Rewieński

    Numerical Methods: for Electronics and Telecommunications students, Master's level, semester 1 Instructor: Michał Rewieński, Piotr Sypek Course description: This course provides an introduction to computational techniques for the simulation and modeling of a broad range of engineering and physical systems. Concepts and methods discussed are widely illustrated by various applications including modeling of integrated circuits,...

  • Computer Controlled Systems Lab - 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Raczyński

    Computer Controlled Systems Lab The course includes 5 individual projects and their laboratory implementation. The topics:- Job analysis and tuning digital servo- Usage of a PC computer and MatLab package for controlling the dynamic object as a model of the tethered helicopter- Use of C language and the PC to control the plant in real time- Use of assembly language, and a microcontroller to control the plant in real time- Use...

  • Computer Controlled Systems Lab - Nowy - Nowy

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Raczyński
    • M. Niedźwiecki

    Computer Controlled Systems Lab The course includes 5 individual projects and their laboratory implementation. The topics:- Job analysis and tuning digital servo- Usage of a PC computer and MatLab package for controlling the dynamic object as a model of the tethered helicopter- Use of C language and the PC to control the plant in real time- Use of assembly language, and a microcontroller to control the plant in real time- Use...

  • Projekt Fakultatywny II/ Elective Design II 2020/2021 S.Hudnik+K.Życzkowska

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Życzkowska

    SUPERSURFACE – an alternative model for life The studio will explore an alternative architectural models for contemporary society in the context of different political, cultural, economic and environmental contexts. Temporal living and technology links the general fashion principles with architecture. The projects will investigate the visionary scenarios through Superstudio movies Fundamental Acts and various concepts and structures...

  • CAD. Integrated Architectural Design MScArch (2024-25)

    e-Learning Courses

    Detailed understanding of optimizing the design process using parametric BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the Autodesk Revit Architecture program. Practical design exercises included familiarize students with methods of integrating parametric design and exchanging data with other CAD/BIM programs, modifying parametric objects and generating automatic 2D/3D architectural documentation. The lesson plan introduces students to...

  • CAD. Integrated Architectural Design, MSc Arch (2023/24)

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Cyparski

    Detailed understanding of optimizing the design process using parametric BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the Autodesk Revit Architecture program. Practical design exercises included familiarize students with methods of integrating parametric design and exchanging data with other CAD/BIM programs, modifying parametric objects and generating automatic 2D/3D architectural documentation. The lesson plan introduces students to...

  • Mathematical and numerical modelling,W,IDE-EMSS,IIst,sem.01,lato,2023/24 (PG_00057379)

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. J. Kaliński

    Modelling of controlled mechanical systems by the mixed method of rigid and flexible finite elements: The finite element volume problems. Dynamics of multibody systems. Modelling of stationary closed loop systems. Modelling of systems whose configuration changes with time. Modelling of nonlinear controlled systems. Optimal control at energy performance index: Control of continuous nonstationary systems in domain of generalised...

  • Mathematical and Numerical Modelling, L, IDE IInd, sem.01, summer, 2022/23(00057379)

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. J. Kaliński

    Modelling of controlled mechanical systems by the mixed method of rigid and flexible finite elements: The finite element volume problems. Dynamics of multibody systems. Modelling of stationary closed loop systems. Modelling of systems whose configuration changes with time. Modelling of nonlinear controlled systems. Optimal control at energy performance index: Control of continuous nonstationary systems in domain of generalised...