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Search results for: cyanobacteria
Cyanobacterial occurence in the Kociewskie lakes (2004)
Open Research DataThis dataset includes information about the cyanobacterial occurrence in 3 lakes in the region Kociewie (northern Poland), in 2004. Presented data concern basic physicochemical and biological parameters of sampled waters (temperature, pH, Chl a), the occurence of potentially toxic cyanobacterial species, and the type and concentration of toxins (microcystin)...
Cyanobacterial occurence in the Gulf of Gdańsk (2008-2009)
Open Research DataEN: This dataset includes information about cyanobacterial occurrence in the Gulf of Gdansk (Southern Baltic) in 2008 and 2009. The presented data concern the basic physicochemical and biological parameters of the sampled waters (temperature, PSU, Chla), occurrence of diazotrophic cyanobacterial species from Nodularia, Aphanizomenon and Dolichospermum...
Cyanobacterial blooms in the Gulf of Gdańsk - photo archvive
Open Research DataCyanobacterial blooms are recorded in the Gulf of Gdańsk every summer. The dataset contains 20 photographs of the blooms of these microorganisms taken between 2004 and 2012. In addition to the photos, the dataset also contains a file with supporting information, such as the coordinates of the point where the photo was taken, the salinity and temperature...
Cyanobacterial occurrence in 6 lakes in the Pomorskie Province (2005-2006)
Open Research DataEN: This dataset includes information about cyanobacterial occurrence in 6 lakes in the Pomorskie Province (northern Poland) in 2005 and 2006. Presented data concern basic physicochemical and biological parameters of sampled waters (temperature, pH, Chl a), occurence of potentially toxic cyanobacterial species and the type and concentration of toxins...
Extraction, separation, and specification of cyanobacterial photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments by easily available techniques
Open Research DataFiles contain raw spectrophotometric specta of cyanobacterial pigments - water soluble phycobilins and lipophilic pigments. The UV-Vis spectra were recorded also for raw cultures of cyanobacteria isolated from Baltic Sea (Synechocystis salina, Microcystis aeruginosa, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Nodularia spumigena, and Anabaena cylindrica). During the...
Phytoplankton in the Kashubian Lakes – microscopic photo archive
Open Research DataPhytoplankton is a group of microscopic plant organisms passively floating in water. The organisms included in the phytoplankton of lakes include the following main taxonomic groups: cyanobacteria (Cyanobacteria), green algae (Chlorophyta), dinoflagellates (Dinophyta), diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), cryptophytes (Cryptophyta), chrysophytes (Chrysophyceae)...
Characteristics of selected Anabaena isolates from CCNP Collection
Open Research DataEN: This dataset includes information about Anabaena strains (cyanobacteria) deposited in the Culture Collection of Northern Poland (CCNP), at the Division of Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, Poland. Presented data concern Anabaena strains their (1) isolation and culture conditions, (2) taxonomic position, (3) morphology...
Characteristics of selected Nodularia spumigena isolates from CCNP Collection
Open Research DataEN: This dataset includes information about Nodularia spumigena strains (Cyanobacteria) deposited in the Culture Collection of Northern Poland (CCNP), at the Division of Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, Poland. Presented data concern Nodularia spumigena strains, their (1) isolation and culture conditions, (2) taxonomic...
Phytoplankton in the Gulf of Gdańsk– microscope photos archive
Open Research DataHarmful blooms of cyanobacteria an dinoflagellates are recorded every year in various areas of the Baltic Sea. The data set contains photos of potentially toxic phytoplankton species found in the Gulf of Gdańsk and Puck Bay. These photos show potentialy toxic cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates observed in the surface water samples collected between 2010-2020....