Search results for: RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: RESOURCE MANAGEMENT

Search results for: RESOURCE MANAGEMENT

  • Evolution of Edges and Porosity of Urban Blue Spaces: A Case Study of Gdańsk


    Current waterfront studies focus mainly on a land-based perspective, failing to include the water side. Water is, however, not just a resource for port and industrial purposes and an edge to the waterfront; it is also a feature of the waterfront and the complex relation between water and city. Thus, the article suggests that water-land edges need to be re-contextualised, taking into consideration also their shape, functionality,...

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  • Macro-nutrients recovery from liquid waste as a sustainable resource for production of recovered mineral fertilizer: Uncovering alternative options to sustain global food security cost-effectively



    Global food security, which has emerged as one of the sustainability challenges, impacts every country. As food cannot be generated without involving nutrients, research has intensified recently to recover unused nutrients from waste streams. As a finite resource, phosphorus (P) is largely wasted. This work critically reviews the technical applicability of various water technologies to recover macro-nutrients such as P, N, and...

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  • Ontology-based text convolution neural network (TextCNN) for prediction of construction accidents

    • S. Donghui
    • L. Zhigang
    • J. Zurada
    • A. Manikas
    • J. Guan
    • P. Weichbroth


    The construction industry suffers from workplace accidents, including injuries and fatalities, which represent a significant economic and social burden for employers, workers, and society as a whole.The existing research on construction accidents heavily relies on expert evaluations,which often suffer from issues such as low efficiency, insufficient intelligence, and subjectivity.However, expert opinions provided in construction...

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  • Potentials of Water Usage in urban Neighbourhood Structures


    - Year 2014

    This paper will treat about water influence and possibility of its usage in the urban neighborhood structures (e.g. districts, real estate properties, town parts) in the context of actual regional environmental problems and according to directories determined by European targets. It is not rare yet in the basic stage of urban design that water is treated as a threat, not a chance. In result planned structures are often built,...

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  • cDNA fingerprint from the hepatopancreatic glands of pond snails (Lymnaea stagnalis) exposed to benzo[a]pyrene

    • M. Woźny
    • P. Kowal
    • S. Ciesielski
    • F. Maciej
    • R. Wiśniewski
    • E. Malicka
    • P. Brzuzan

    - Environmental Biotechnology - Year 2014

    Identification of differentially expressed genes that could be potentially used as biomarkers of PAH exposure of common invertebrate animal (like freshwater snail) would be a valuable resource for investigators interested in toxicology and biomonitoring of aquatic environments. Therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate effects of waterborne benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) exposure on mRNA expression in the pond snail’s (Lymnaea...

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  • Energy policy and the role of bioenergy in Poland


    - ENERGY POLICY - Year 2006

    Przedstawiono sytuacje energetyczną kraju. Omówiono poszczególne sektory wytwarzania energii oraz zapotrzebowania na energię i paliwa. Omówiono przekształcenia sektorów energetycznych w Polsce na przestrzeni lat 1990-2002. Na tym tle przedstawiono techniczne, ekonomiczne, społeczne i prawne aspekty rozwoju energetyki źródeł odnawialnych a w szczególności opartych o bioenergię. Przedstawiono wnioski dla Polski płynące z dotychczasowych...

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  • Efficiency of the Use of LTE System Radio Resources in Highway Transport Enironment

    The paper describes the problem of analysis of throughput-coverage characteristics of the LTE system. Simulation results of the efficiency of the use of LTE radio resources are presented. Simulation studies on the basis of original model of the LTE network simulator were carried out. In addition, the evaluation of throughput for a single connection, and available capacity were evaluated in the context of the use of the same...

  • Minimalizacja wpływu interferencji na charakterystyki przepływnościowo-zasięgowe systemu LTE

    w referacie opisano ważne metody minimalizacji wpływu interferencji międzykomórkowych na charakterystyki przepływnościowe i zasięgowe w systemie LTE. Przedyskutowano metodę tzw. koordynacji i randomizacji przydziału podnośnych. Jednocześnie zaproponowano efektywny sposób zarządzania zasobami fizycznymi, umożliwiający zwiększenie dostępnej przepływości i/lub zasięgu sieci komórkowej

  • Service-based Resilience for Embedded IoT Networks


    - Year 2020

    Embedded IoT networks are the backbone of safety-critical systems like smart factories, autonomous vehicles, and airplanes. Therefore, resilience against failures and attacks should be a prior concern already in their design stage. In this study, we introduce a service-based network model as an MILP optimization problem for the efficient deployment of a service overlay to the embedded network by meeting QoS and resilience requirements....

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  • Doskonalenie strumienia wartości


    - Year 2009

    Książka ta ma na celu praktyczne ujęcie problemu optymalizacji przedsiębiorstwa opartej na koncepcji Lean (z ang. Lean – szczupły) i jej narzędziu Mapowania Strumienia Wartości. ---- Tu pobierzesz jej pełną treść w wersji elektronicznej: ---- Prezentowane...

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