Search results for: AGRICULTURE
Andrzej Piotr Gawlik dr inż.
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Anna Krystyna Jaroszewska dr hab. inż.
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Małgorzata Hawrot-Paw dr hab.
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Cezary Stanisław Podsiadło prof. dr hab. inż.
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Marta Kościńska dr inż. arch.
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Renata Helena Matuszak-Slamani dr inż.
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Magdalena Sobolewska dr inż.
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Adam Dariusz Koniuszy dr hab. inż.
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Marek Jerzy Rynkiewicz dr hab. inż.
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Marek Śnieg dr hab. inż.
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Jacek Grzegorz Wróbel dr hab. inż.
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Agnieszka Katarzyna Zawadzińska dr hab. inż.
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Anna Małgorzata Kiepas-Kokot dr hab. inż.
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Katarzyna Monika Malinowska dr hab. inż.
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Paweł Krzysztof Milczarski dr hab. inż.
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Stefan Andrzej Stojałowski prof. dr hab. inż.
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Krystyna Cybulska prof. dr hab. inż.
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Tomasz Stawicki dr hab. inż.
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Paweł Robert Pieńkowski dr hab. inż.
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Eliza Alicja Sochacka dr inż. arch.
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Romualda Janina Bejger dr inż.
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Marek Grzegorz Podlasiński dr hab.
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Joanna Krystyna Podlasińska dr hab. inż.
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Viktar Taustyka dr inż.
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Małgorzata Gałczyńska dr hab. inż.
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Lilla Agnieszka Mielnik dr hab.
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Piotr Robert Żurawik dr hab. inż.
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Grzegorz Jarnuszewski dr inż.
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Agricultural land per capita in selected countries, 1993–2021
Open Research DataThe table presents agricultural land per capita in a given country. It is the sum of arable land and land used as pastures for grazing livestock. The data concerns Poland, the world and Poland's neighbors and covers the period from 1993 to 2021.
Agnieszka Jeske-Kaczanowska Dr inż
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Hanna Siwek dr hab. inż.
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Forest management
e-Learning CoursesThe last ice age ended in Scandinavia about 15 000 years ago. The land was gradually occupied by present tree species. Human settlement followed the vegetation. The first forest uses were hunting and gathering. Animal husbandry and forest grazing came later. Shifting cultivation was a wide spread form of agriculture, especially in Sweden and Finland. Wood was first used for domestic purposes and for construction, In the 18th century,...
Dorota Stanisława Jadczak prof. dr hab. inż.
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Piotr Dominik Salachna dr hab. inż.
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Sridhar Gutam PhD
PeopleWorking as Senior Scientist (Plant Physiology) in the Agricultural Research Service of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). Currently posted at ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bengaluru in the division of ICAR-All India Coordinated Research Project on Fruits.. Apart from interests in Plant Physiology and Plant Phenology of fruit trees, I have interests in Open Science and Open Access to public...
FOODINTEGRITY Ensuring the Integrity of the European food chain
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Colloid and Lipid Science according to 613688 agreement from 2016-03-27