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Punkty Ministerialne: Pomoc
Rok | Punkty | Lista |
Rok 2025 | 200 | Ministerialna lista czasopism punktowanych 2024 |
Rok | Punkty | Lista |
2025 | 200 | Ministerialna lista czasopism punktowanych 2024 |
2024 | 200 | Ministerialna lista czasopism punktowanych 2024 |
2023 | 200 | Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych 2023 |
2022 | 200 | Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022) |
2021 | 200 | Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022) |
2020 | 200 | Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022) |
2019 | 200 | Lista ministerialna czasopism punktowanych (2019-2022) |
2018 | 40 | A |
2017 | 40 | A |
2016 | 40 | A |
2015 | 40 | A |
2014 | 40 | A |
2013 | 40 | A |
2012 | 40 | A |
2011 | 40 | A |
2010 | 32 | A |
Model czasopisma:
Punkty CiteScore:
Rok | Punkty |
Rok 2023 | 10.3 |
Rok | Punkty |
2023 | 10.3 |
2022 | 10.7 |
2021 | 10.5 |
2020 | 9.6 |
2019 | 8.2 |
2018 | 7 |
2017 | 6.3 |
2016 | 5.7 |
2015 | 4.7 |
2014 | 4.5 |
2013 | 4.5 |
2012 | 4.4 |
2011 | 4.4 |
Impact Factor:
Sherpa Romeo:
Prace opublikowane w tym czasopiśmie
wszystkich: 31
Katalog Czasopism
Rok 2024
Experimental and numerical study of thermal and electrical potential of BIPV/T collector in the form of air-cooled photovoltaic roof tile
PublikacjaAmong renewable energy sources, Building-Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) systems are gaining increasing interest. To improve their economic competitiveness, technologies that increase their efficiency are searched for. The paper is devoted to evaluating the impact of various air-cooling configurations on the thermal and electrical performance of a photovoltaic roof tile. A numerical model of the own experimental system...
Rok 2023
A novel concept of enhanced direct-contact condensation of vapour- inert gas mixture in a spray ejector condenser
PublikacjaAn analytical model of direct steam condensation (DCC) in the novel idea of spray ejector condenser (SEC) in the presence of inert gas has been developed. It is based on continuity, momentum and energy equations for the steam-carbon dioxide mixture and direct contact condensation mechanisms due to heat transfer and concentration. Crucial in the process of DCC is atomisation of the motive fluid in the ejector. The effect of atomised...
Experimental study of flow boiling pressure drop and heat transfer of R1233zd(E) at moderate and high saturation temperatures
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of experimental study of flow boiling of R1233zd(E) in minichannel at moderate and high saturation temperatures. The heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop were measured for flow boiling in a stainless steel tube with 2 mm inside diameter and a length of 300 mm. Experiment has been conducted for saturation temperatures ranging from 83 to 145 °C which corresponds to values of reduced pressures...
Jeffreys heat conduction in coupled semispaces subjected to interfacial heating
PublikacjaA Jeffreys heat conduction problem for coupled semispaces subjected to the action of an interfacial heat source was defined. An analytical solution of the problem was derived for a polynomial specific power of the heat source using the Laplace transform approach. The asymptotic and parametric analysis was performed for different ratios of thermal conductivities , thermal diffusivities , thermal relaxation times and coefficients...
Rok 2022
Method of reconstructing two-dimensional velocity fields on the basis of temperature field values measured with a thermal imaging camera
PublikacjaThis paper describes a novel numerical reconstruction procedure (NRP) of the velocity field during natural convective heat transfer from a two-sided, isothermal, heated vertical plate based only on the known temperature field obtained, e.g. with a thermal imaging camera. It has been demonstrated that with a knowledge of temperature distributions, the NRP enables the reconstruction of velocity fields by solving the Navier-Stokes...
Verification of the method of reconstructing convective velocity fields on the basis of temperature fields in vertical, differential and equally heated, open and closed channels
PublikacjaThis paper describes a method of reconstructing velocity fields, i.e. a numerical reconstruction procedure (NRP) that involves the numerical processing of experimentally measured temperature distributions in free convection heat transfer. The NRP consists in solving only the continuity and Navier–Stokes equations with an additional source term. This term is proportional to a known temperature (e.g. from a thermal imaging camera)...
Rok 2021
Evaluating the influence of radiative heat flux on convective heat transfer from a vertical plate in air using an improved heating plate
PublikacjaThis article examines the influence of radiative heat flux on the accuracy of the results of free convective heat transfer in air. In order to carry out these tests, based on the experience gained during the operation of a plate heated on one side, compensated by a reverse heat loss flux counter-heater, a unique double-sided heating sandwich plate was designed and built, consisting of three thin epoxy resin plates reinforced with...
Perfect thermal contact of hyperbolic conduction semispaces with an interfacial heat source
PublikacjaThe problem of thermal contact between two bodies with a heat source at their interface presents great scientific and practical interest. On the time scale of a nanosecond or shorter, heat propagation should be considered in the form of thermal waves of finite speeds. This study investigated the thermal behaviour of hyperbolic conduction semispaces in perfect thermal contact subjected to the action of an interfacial heat source....
The use of thermal imaging camera to estimate velocity profiles based on temperature distribution in a free convection boundary layer
PublikacjaThis work describes an attempt to assess whether the temperature field from a thermal imaging camera can be converted into a velocity field with an accuracy sufficient for qualitative conducting or describing the phenomenon, i.e. when the Navier-Stokes, Fourier-Kirchhoff and continuity equations are mutually coupled. The consequence of this link between temperature fields and velocity is the possibility to formulate the hypothesis...
Rok 2019
Experimental study and comparison with predictive methods for flow boiling heat transfer coefficient of HFE7000
PublikacjaThis article describes an experimental study of flow boiling of HFE7000 inside a smooth vertical channel. The investigation has been carried out in a circular stainless-steel tube with an inner diameter of 2.3 mm. The data have been collected for the applied heat fluxes q ranging from 61 to 205 kW/m2, the mass flux G ranging from 214 to 1006 kg/(m2 s), the saturation temperature Tsat ranging from 30 to 54 °C and the full range...
Rok 2018
A simplified energy dissipation based model of heat transfer for post-dryout flow boiling
Publikacjamodel for post dryout mist flow heat transfer is presented based on considerations of energy dissipation in the flow. The model is an extension of authors own model developed earlier for saturated and subcooled flow boiling. In the former version of the model the heat transfer coefficient for the liquid singlephase convection as a reference was used, due to the lack of the appropriate model for heat transfer coefficient for the...
Thermal boundary conditions to simulate friction layers and coatings at sliding contacts
PublikacjaA brief review of the thermal boundary conditions specified at sliding interfaces was performed. New thermal boundary conditions were derived aimed at solving problems of sliding with account of surface layers representing friction layers and tribological coatings. Based on the assumption of linear temperature distributions in the surface layers, the proposed conditions enable one to simplify simulations by eliminating the surface...
Rok 2017
A simplified energy dissipation based model of heat transfer for subcooled flow boiling
PublikacjaIn the paper a model is presented based on energetic considerations for subcooled flow boiling heat transfer. The model is the extension of authors own model developed earlier for saturated flow boiling and condensation. In the former version of the model we used the heat transfer coefficient for the liquid single-phase as a reference level, due to the lack of the appropriate model for heat transfer coefficient for the subcooled...
Infrared techniques for natural convection investigations in channels between two vertical, parallel, isothermal and symmetrically heated plates
PublikacjaThe effect of the gap width between two symmetrically heated vertical, parallel, isothermal plates on intensity of natural convective heat transfer in a gas (Pr = 0.71) was experimentally studied using the balance and gradient methods. In the former method heat fluxes were determined based on measurements of the voltage and electric current supplying the heaters placed inside the walls. In the latter, heat fluxes were calculated...
Theoretical consideration of free convective heat transfer from a round isothermal plate slightly inclined from the vertical
PublikacjaA semi-analytical solution of simplified Navier-Stokes and Fourier-Kirchhoff equations describing free convective heat transfer from a round isothermal surface slightly inclined from the vertical is presented. The solution is based on the assumption, typical for natural convection, that the velocity component normal to the surface is negligibly small in comparison to the tangential one. Next we neglect the nonlinear inertia force...
Rok 2016
Analytical solution of non-stationary heat conduction problem for two sliding layers with time-dependent friction conditions
PublikacjaIn this article we conduct an overview of various types of thermal contact conditions at the sliding interface. We formulate a problem of non-stationary heat conduction in two sliding layers with generalized thermal contact conditions allowing for dependence of the heat-generation coefficient and contact heat transfer coefficient on time. We then derive an analytical solution of the problem by constructing a special coordinate...
Rok 2014
Possibility of thermal imaging use in studies of natural convection heat transfer on the example of an isothermal vertical plate
Publikacja -
Possibility of thermal imaging use in studies of natural convection heat transfer on the example of an isothermal vertical plate.
PublikacjaA new method of infrared (IR) camera use in convective heat transfer studies has been presented. Until now, IR cameras were utilized for temperature field visualizations of flat heated surfaces of solid objects only. Because liquids and gasses do not emit radiation in the infrared range of wave lengths, detection of temperature field in the air was conducted with the use of plastic mesh, which, after heating by hot air, emits infrared...
Rok 2013
Numerical model for thin liquid film with evaporation and condensation on solid surfaces in systems with conjugated heat transfer
PublikacjaCondensation and evaporation processes from wetted surfaces are of utmost importance in many technological or industrial applications. In many devices such as home-appliances and air conditioning systems just to name a few, condensation and evaporation processes greatly impact their performance and energy efficiency; The physics of these processes is quite complex, involving conjugate heat transfer among solid–liquid film-gaseous...
Partition of friction heat between sliding semispaces due to adhesion-deformational heat generation
PublikacjaAnalytical expressions of heat-partition coefficient and contact temperatures for two sliding semispaces with account for adhesion-deformational heat generation and contact heat exchange have been obtained. The rate of deformational heat generation is assumed to decay exponentially with increase of distance from the interface. It has been shown that heat-generation configuration and the intensity of contact heat exchange have impact...
Rok 2012
Heat transfer and pressure drop during flow boiling of pure efrigerants and refrigerant/oil mixtures in tube with porous coating
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wpływ powłoki porowatej na średni współczynnik przejmowania ciepła oraz opory przepływu podczas wrzenia wybranych czynników chłodniczych wewnątrz poziomych rurek. Badania przeprowadzono dla techniczne czystych czynników chłodniczychR22, R134a i R407C oraz ich mieszanin z olejem poliestrowym 1% i 5% wrzących w rurkach wykonanych ze stali nierdzewnej, o wewnętrznej powierzchni gładkiej oraz z metaliczną powłoką...
Rok 2011
Modeling of natural convection with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: Non-Boussinesq formulation
Rok 2010
A model of liquid film breakdown formed due to impingement of a two-phase jet on a horizontal surface
PublikacjaThe present work aims to provide an explanation to the phenomenon of breakdown of the thin liquid film created by impinging two-phase, liquid-gas jet. Existing in the literature models describe merely thebreakdown of single phase liquid films. The model presented here is based on examination of mass and energy equations under the applied criterion of the minimum of total energy. That allows to determinethe minimum thickness of...
The new concept of capillary forces aided evaporator for application in domestic organic rankine cycle
PublikacjaThis paper presents studies on the possibility of applying capillary forces induced in the porous structure to a modern design of evaporator. The potential application of such heat exchanger is for example an evaporator of the domestic micro combined heat and power (CHP) unit. One of the problems in the micro-CHP is excessive demand for pumping power. The proposed design helps in overcoming that issue. In the evaporator outlined...
Rok 2008
A simple model of circular hydraulic pump
PublikacjaRozpatrzono warunki powstawania osiowosymetrycznego uskoku hydraulicznego. Przedstawiono model, w którym rozpatrzono obecność dodatkowych strat w równaniu Bernoulliego. Przyczyniają się one do powstawania dodatkowego wiru w miejscu uskoku. Porównanie z wynikami badań eksperymentalnych potwierdza słuszność przyjętych tez.
Rok 2007
Improved semi-empirical method for determination of heat transfer coefficient in flow boiling in conventional and small diameter tubes
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy przedstawienia poprawionego modelu umożliwiającego wyznaczanie współczynnika przejmowania ciepła w kanałach o małych średnicach jaj i tych tradycyjnych. Model zweryfikowano na 6 czynnikach chłodnuiczych uzyskując bardzo zadowalającą zgodność.
Rok 2003
Natural convective heat transfer from isothermal cuboids
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of theoretical and experimental investigations of the convective heat transfer from isothermal cuboid. The analytical solution was performed taking into account complete boundary layer length and the manner of its propagation around isothermal cuboid. It arises at horizontal bottom surface and grows on vertical lateral surface of the block. After changing its direction, the boundary layer occurs above...
Study of free convective heat transfer from horizontal conic.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono teoretyczne rozważania i badania eksperymentalne konwekcji swobodnej od izotermicznej powierzchni poziomego stożka w przestrzeni nieograniczonej. Rozwiązanie przeprowadzono dla wprowadzonego krzywoliniowego układu współrzędnych, opartego na krzywej linii prądu wokół powierzchni stożkowej.
Rok 2002
Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in bubbly flow in the turbulent boundarylayer
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono oryginalne podejście do modelowania przepływu pęcherzykowego w warstwie przyściennej i w kanale. Podejście oparte jest na sumowaniu energii dyssypacji pochodzącej od przepływu ścinającego w kanale oraz dyssypacji pochodzącej od obecności pęcherzyków. W wyniku otrzymuje się naprężenia styczne ekwiwalentnego przepływu jednofazowego. Zaproponowano własne podejście do modelowania stopnia zapełnienia opisane równaniem...
Temperature, velocity and mean turbulence structure in strongly heated internal gas flows. Comparison of numerical predictions with data
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono symulacje numeryczne przy użyciu szeregu modeli turbulencji celem analizy silnie ogrzewanego przepływu powietrza w pionowych rurach. Obliczenia porównano z danymi eksperymentalnymi. Analizowano modyfikacje pola prędkości, temperatury i turbulencji. W rozpatrywanych warunkach odnotowano silną wrażliwość obliczeń na silnie zmieniające się pole temperatury. Stwierdzono, że analizowane przypadki najlepiej odzwierciedla...
Rok 1999
Natural convective heat transfer from isothermalconic
PublikacjaTheoretical considerations on convective heat transfer from isothermal upward conicalsurfaces have been presented. The physical model of this phenomenon consists of an isothermalcone of inclination angle (φ) between the cone generating line (X) and the radius (R) of the cone base. The angle is a parameter of conical surface which varied from (φ = 0−circular horizontal plate) to (φ = π/2—vertical cylinder) . Onthe basis of Navier–Stokes...
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