Monika Klimowicz - Biogram - MOST Wiedzy


Zdjęcie profilowe: dr hab. Monika Klimowicz

dr hab. Monika Klimowicz


  • 2018 - present professor w Chair of European studies
  • 2012 - 2018 assistant professor w Chair of European Studies
  • 2005 - 2012 assistant professor w Institute of Political Science


I am a political scientist and economist. My professional passion is to plan and effectively implement scientific projects that revolve around the socio-economic aspects of European integration. I have carried out research projects, within national and international research teams, funded by the Polish National Science Centre and the European Commission. The main areas of my studies have been so far innovation in regional development, social investment, and social economy. I have also implemented projects commissioned by public institutions and private companies. I have great experience in education. I introduce innovative teaching methods on academic courses dedicated to the labor market and European integration. I provide online courses in Polish and English. I regularly work with the public and private sectors in the field of academic education in order to make the students acquainted with the specific requirements of the job market. Furthermore, I was the Director of Postgraduate Studies “Management of social economy entities” at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Wroclaw for 8 years (2010-2018). I love cycling and gardening. It boosts my energy and gives me the willingness to achieve my goals.

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