Katedra Ekonomii - Jednostki Administracyjne - MOST Wiedzy


Katedra Ekonomii


wszystkich: 409

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Katalog Publikacji

Rok 2011
Rok 2010
Rok 2009
  • Bariery rozwoju MSP w świetle badań Pomorskiego Obserwatorium Gospodarczego

    Artytykuł przedstawia fragment badań prowadzonych w ramach Pomorskiego Obserwatorium Gospodarczego II i dotyczy barier rozwoju MSP. Badanie było prowadzone jako kontunuacja badania zapoczątkowanego w 2006 roku (POG I). Badanie przeprowadzono na próbie 772 firm. Warto podkreślić, iż badanie na tak dużej próbie nie byłon wcześniej prowadzone w Polsce.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Changes in Manufacturing Industries- an Empirical Verifiction of the Kaldor-Verdoorn Laws

    - Rok 2009

    This paper focus on showing the importance of manufacturing industry for the growth of selected european countries from a kaldorian perspective. the author discusses and testes two (the first and the second) kaldor-verdoorn laws, which state that manufacturing is the engine of growth (the first law) and that exist positive relation between labour productivity and output in manufacturing industries because of increasing returns...

  • Development Divide vs Digital Divide - cross country study

    - Rok 2009

    W treści artykułu poddano analizie statystycznej zależności pomiędzy luką cyfrową z luką rozwojową. Wykorzystano metodę taksonomii numerycznej. Analizę przeprowadzono dla wszystkich krajów świata.

  • Do new EU members have any chance of earning as much as Westerns do?

    This article examines the wage dispersion in the European Union in the last ten years (1996-2006). The research is motivated by the fact that New Members States (NMS) expected that wage convergence would occurred after their accession to the EU. At the same time Old Member States (OMS) have been increasingly concerned with the possibility that the EU enlargement could influence their local labor markets and wages through new channels...

  • Does migration lead to economic convergence in an enlarged European market?

    This paper examines the relationship between migration and convergence for the enlarged internal market of the European Union (EU27) for the period 1990-2007. The impact of migration on growth is estimated in two ways: by including the migration rate in a growth regression and examining its impact on the convergence coefficient; and from the actual coefficient on migration, which can be interpreted as the effect of migration on...

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  • Economic growth, structural change and quality upgrading in New Member States

    - Rok 2009

    The purpose of this research is to present the recent developments concerning structural change and productivity growth in New Member States and the role played in such process by country specific factors. We focus on ten countries (NMS-10) which joined the EU in 2004 and analyze productivity dynamics of their labor structures between the years 1995 and 2005 in a comparative setting versus EU-15 economies. NMS-10 have gone through...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Empirical investigation on labour market interactions in an enlarged Europe

    - Bank i Kredyt - Rok 2009

    This paper proposes an empirical assessment of economic interactions between the labour markets ofthe integrating EU over the period of time 1995-2005. Drawing on recently made available industrystatistics, we provide a sector level study (13 tradable sectors, including manufacturing and services),analysing the contemporary evolution of domestic and trade partners' employment levels. Given theintensification of trade relations...

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  • Employment Specialization in the Enlarged European Union

    This paper presents the evolution of absolute employment specialization along the course of economic growth of 25 EU countries. We focus on the degree to which EU economies concentrate labor force in a few sectors/industries. Using disaggregated statistics classified according to NACE Rev. 1 division (71 sectors) we calculate various synthetic indices measuring the degree of diversification typical for the employment structures...

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  • Gospodarka globalna - stan i perspektywy rozwoju

    - Rok 2009

    Artykuł obejmuje analizę gospodarki globalnej i perspektywy jej rozwoju. autorka starała się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jak wszechobecne procesy globalizacyjne zmieniły gospodarkę światową w ciągu ostatnich kilku dekad. na tym tle omówione zostały cechy współczesnej gospodarki globalnej oraz scenariusze jej rozwoju. ponadto w artykule omówiono miejsce światowej i europejskiej gospodarki morskiej w globalnym otoczeniu.