prof. dr hab. inż. Waldemar Kamiński
wszystkich: 32
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2022
Determination of vertical displacements by using the hydrostatic levelling systems with the variable location of the reference sensor,
PublikacjaAbstract: In this paper, the author proposed a new method for determination of vertical displacements with the use of hydrostatic levelling systems. The traditional method of hydrostatic levelling uses a rule in which a position of reference sensor is stable. This assumption was not adapted in the proposed method. Regarding the issue mentioned above, the reference sensor is treated in the same way as the others sensors that measure...
Geodezyjne wyznaczanie przemieszczeń pionowych obiektów inżynierskich z pomiarów uzyskanych metodą niwelacji hydrostatycznej
PublikacjaNiwelacja hydrostatyczna (NH) jest obecnie często stosowaną metodą wyznaczenia przemieszczeń pionowych obiektów inżynierskich takich jak: mosty, wiadukty, estakady, tunele, wysokie budynki, obiekty zabytkowe, specjalistyczne obiekty inżynierskie (np. synchrotron), hale sportowe, widowiskowe, itp. Zastosowane w systemach niwelacji hydrostatycznej (SNH) sensory (czujniki) pomiarowe obejmują sensor referencyjny (RS) oraz czujniki...
Rok 2021
KAMIŃSKI W.: Modelowanie przemieszczeń pionowych mieszaną, ortogonalną metodą najmniejszych kwadratów (Mixed Total Least Squares)
PublikacjaProblematyka modelowania przemieszczeń pionowych standardową metodą najmniejszych kwadratów i mieszaną ortogonalną metodą najmniejszych kwadratów. Przykłady praktycznych obliczeń na rzeczywistych i symulowanych wynikach obserwacji.
The Concept of Accuracy Analysis of the Vertical Displacements Gained from the Hydrostatic Levelling Systems’ Measurements
PublikacjaAbstract: Nowadays, hydrostatic levelling is a widely used method for the vertical displacements’ determinations of objects such as bridges, viaducts, wharfs, tunnels, high buildings, historical buildings, special engineering objects (e.g., synchrotron), sports and entertainment halls. The measurements’ sensors implemented in the hydrostatic levelling systems (HLSs) consist of the reference sensor (RS) and sensors located on the...
Zdalne rozpoznawanie twarzy w poprawie bezpieczeństwa osobistego interweniującego funkcjonariusza Policji
PublikacjaStreszczenie: W 2017 r. ruszył w Polsce pilotażowy program zakładania kamer cyfrowych na mundurach policyjnych. Z perspektywy dnia dzisiejszego wiadomo, że kamery będące indywidualnym wyposażeniem policjanta, rejestrując czas, datę i przebieg interwencji, niejednokrotnie stanowią istotny dowód w sprawach spornych, zwłaszcza w sytuacjach pomawiania policjantów o przekroczenie uprawnień podczas interwencji. W dobie nieustannie...
Rok 2020
PublikacjaThe problem of determining displacements of objects is an important and current issue, in particular in terms of operational safety. This is a requirement that covers geodetic, periodic control measurements in order to determine horizontal and vertical displacements. The paper is focused on the analysis of vertical displacements. Geodetic measurements and their interpretation allow to reduce the risk of possible structural catastrophes....
Estimation and Prediction of Vertical Deformations of Random Surfaces, Applying the Total Least Squares Collocation Method
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a method for determining the vertical deformations treated as random fields. It is assumed that the monitored surfaces are subject not only to deterministic deformations, but also to random fluctuations. Furthermore, the existence of random noise coming from surface’s vibrations is also assumed. Such noise disturbs the deformation’s functional models. Surface monitoring with the use of the geodetic levelling...
Rok 2019
A New Geodetic Method of Examination of Geometrical Conditions of a Crane Bridge
PublikacjaSafety is one of the key aspects related to crane-based material transport. In order to ensure safe crane operation and material transport, it is necessary to meet certain geometrical conditions. The authors addressed the geometrical conditions of a crane bridge, a substantial crane component. The paper presents the method to compute displacement components of points on the top of a bridge crane relative to their design position....
The Concept of Geodetic Analyses of the Measurement Results Obtained by Hydrostatic Leveling
PublikacjaThe article discusses the issue of hydrostatic leveling. Its application is presented in structural health monitoring systems in order to determine vertical displacements of controlled points. Moreover, the article includes a complete computation scheme that utilizes the estimation from observation differences, allowing the elimination of the influence of individual sensors’ systematic errors. The authors suggest two concepts of...
Rok 2018
Assessing the Significance of Displacements Using Local Coefficients of Variance as an Alternative to the Classical Approach
PublikacjaThe safety of use of civil engineering structures remains an important issue that is approached by various sciences. Due to this fact, geodetic control measurements are conducted with the purpose of identifying threats connected with the potential displacement of structural elements. In this context, the authors discuss issues connected with determining the displacements of controlled points located in the studied object in a three-dimensional...
The concept of estimation of elevator shaft control measurement results in the local 3D coordinate system.
PublikacjaGeodetic control measurements play an important part because they provide information about the current state of repair of the construction, which has a direct impact on the safety assessment of its exploitation. Authors in this paper have focused on control measurements of the elevator shaft. The article discusses the problem of determining the deviation of elevator shaft walls from the vertical plane in the local 3D coordinate...
Rok 2016
Metoda Hendersona w ocenie dokładności geodezyjnego pomiaru osiadania słupów wielonawowej hali przemysłowej
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje geodezyjne pomiary przemieszczeń i wykorzystanie metody Hendersona do oceny dokładności tych pomiarów na przykładzie wielonawowej hali przemysłowej
PublikacjaAs the devices designed to transport materials, the overhead cranes should meet certain geometric requirements for their operation to be safe. The presently available geodetic equipment, in particular total stations, provides opportunities for precise 3D measurements of coordinates of the controlled points. These coordinates make a basis for correcting the height of crane runway axes. The paper presents a method to calculate position...
The geodetic monitoring of the engineering structure – a practical solution of the problem in 3D space
PublikacjaThe study raises the issues concerning the automatic system designed for the monitoring of movement of controlled points, located on the roof covering of the Forest Opera in Sopot. It presents the calculation algorithm proposed by authors. It takes into account the specific design and location of the test object. High forest stand makes it difficult to use distant reference points. Hence the reference points used to study the stability...
The Use of Free Adjustment and Msplit-Estimation for Determination of the Vertical Displacements in Unstable Reference System
PublikacjaThe problem of the determining of the displacements of engineering objects and their surroundings is the current and important issue in the field of engineering geodesy. Most control measurements are made in relation to reference points (stable points). On the other hand, sometimes it happens that it is not possible perform the measurements with reference to the stable points or identification of stable points is difficult. Therefore,...
Wykorzystanie lokalnych współczynników wariancji w ocenie istotności przemieszczeń obiektów inżynierskich
PublikacjaW monografii przedstawiono wykorzystanie lokalnych współczynników wariancji do oceny istotności przemieszczeń. Lokalne współczynniki wariancji i obliczone na ich podstawie macierze kowariancji pozwalają określić prawidłowość przejętych a priori błędów średnich każdej z grup obserwacji, jak również oszacować wartości średnich błędów pomiaru a posteriori w bardziej wiarygodny sposób niż ich szacowanie na podstawie jednego globalnego...
Rok 2015
Accuracy Analysis of Determination the Vertical Displacements in Unstable Reference System
PublikacjaMeasurements of horizontal and vertical displacements are carried out mostly based on reference points identified as fixed. In surveying practice there may be some situations in which there is not possible to perform the measurements with reference to stable points or the difficulties in identification of points’ stability may arise. Accuracy analysis based on the covariance matrices have a special role in this process. In presented...
Application of Msplit method for filtering airborne laser scanning data sets to estimate digital terrain models
PublikacjaALS point cloud filtering involves the separation of observations representing the physical terrain surface from those representing terrain details. A digital terrain model (DTM) is created from a subset of points representing the ground surface. The accuracy of the generated DTM is influenced by several factors, including the survey method used, the accuracy of the source data, the applied DTM generation algorithm, and the survey...
Application of the Msplitmethod for filtering airborne laser scanning data-sets to estimate digital terrain models
PublikacjaALS point cloud filtering involves the separation of observations representing the physical terrain surface from those representing terrain details. A digital terrain model (DTM) is created from a subset of points representing the ground surface. The accuracy of the generated DTM is influenced by several factors, including the survey method used, the accuracy of the source data, the applied DTM generation algorithm, and the survey...
Modern remote sensing and the challenges facing education systems in terms of its teaching
PublikacjaCurrently the fastest growing area of geodesy is undoubtedly remote sensing. The importance that it has recently conducted on the effectiveness of worldwide research determines its huge success. Examination of the specific characteristics of objects without direct contact with them is a key feature has opened the way to the new very interesting areas of contemporary research. In this light, it seems reasonable to say that there...
System of monitoring of the Forest Opera in Sopot structure and roofing
PublikacjaThe authors present a solution realized in Forest Opera (name in Polish: Opera Leśna) in Sopot (Poland) in connection with the modernization and construction of a new roof. The complicated structure of the roof of the facility and the used covering in form of membrane made of technical fabric required (for security reasons) to install the unit of devices allowing for the continuous geodetic monitoring of the facility. Monitoring...
PublikacjaThe authors present the experience and results of field studies carried out at the technical acceptance of Forest Opera (name in Polish: Opera Leśna) in Sopot (Poland). An unusual design of covering made in the form of “Sheerfill I” technical fabric membrane required spanned in the form of sails, required the use of terrestrial laser scanning. Such approach allowed for the fast and accurate record of the surface of individual panels...
Rok 2014
Determination of rectification corrections for semi gantry crane rail axes in the local 3D coordinate system
PublikacjaElectronic tacheometers are currently the standard instruments used in geodetic work, including also geodetic engineering measurements. The main advantage connected with this equipment is among others high accuracy of the measurement and thus high accuracy of the final determinations represented for example by the points’ coordinates. One of many applications of the tacheometers is the measurement of crane rail axes. This measurement...
Robust estimation of deformation from observation differences for free control networks
PublikacjaDeformation measurements have a repeatable nature. This means that deformation measurements are performed often with the same equipment, methods, geometric conditions and in a similar environment in epochs 1 and 2 (e.g., a fully automated, continuous control measurements). It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that the results of deformation measurements can be distorted by both random errors and by some non-random errors, which...
Rok 2013
Local variance factors in deformation analysis of non-homogenous monitoring networks
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a modification of the classical deformation analysis algorithm for non-homogeneous (e.g. linear-angular) monitoring networks. The basis for the proposed solution is the idea of local variance factors. The theoretical discussion was complemented with an example of its application on a simulated horizontal monitoring network. The obtained results confirm the usefulness of the proposed solution.
New Method for Determination of Adjustment Corrections for Crane Rail Axes
PublikacjaElectronic tacheometers are currently a standard instrument used in geodetic work, including also geodetic engineering measurements. One of the many applications of tacheometers in engineering geodesy are 3D control measurements of crane rail axes. This paper proposes a new method of computing adjustment corrections for crane rail axes based on 3D polar measurements performed with an electronic tacheometer. The intermediary method...
Statistical significance of displacements in heterogeneous control networks
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a modification of the classical process for evaluating the statistical significance of displacements in the case of heterogeneous (e.g. linear-angular) control networks established to deformation measurements and analysis. The basis for the proposed solution is the idea of local variance factors. The theoretical discussion was complemented with an example of its application on a simulated horizontal control...
Rok 2011
ALS Data Filtration with Fuzzy Logic
PublikacjaEkstrakcji DTM pozyskanego z użyciem ALS (Airborne Laser Scanning) z chmury punktów, jest złożonym zadaniem, które wymaga wielu algorytmów i procedur numerycznych. Jednym z pierwszych kroków jest filtracja danych. Istnieje wiele różnych metod filtrowania i algorytmów. W tym artykule autorzy proponują metodę filtracji w oparciu o logikę rozmytą. Prezentują podstawowe informacje dotyczące logiki rozmytej, projekt reguł rozmytych...
DiSTFAG method robust to gross errors in monitoring displacements and strains in unstable reference systems
PublikacjaThe DiSTFA method (Displacements and Strains using Transformation and Free Adjustment) was presented in Kamiński (2009). The method has been developed for the determination of displacements and strains of engineering objects in unstable reference systems, as well as for examining the stability of reference points. The DiSTFAG (Gross errors) method presented in the paper is the extension of the DiSTFA method making it robust to...
Optimization algorithm and filtration using the adaptive TIN model at the stage of initial processing of the ALS point cloud
PublikacjaAirborne laser scanning (ALS) provides survey results in the form of a point cloud. The ALS point cloud is a source of data used primarily for constructing a digital terrain model (DTM). To generate a DTM, the set of ALS observations must be first subjected to the point cloud processing methodology. A standard methodology is composed of the following stages: acquisition of the ALS data, initial processing (including filtration),...
Rok 2010
Opracowanie wyników obserwacji wykonanych w niestabilnych układach odniesienia metodą Distfa
PublikacjaAutor rozdziału prezentuje nową metodę umożliwiającą wyznaczanie przemieszczeń i odkształceń w oparciu o rezultaty pomiaru wykonane w niestabilnych układach odniesienia. Rozważania teoretyczne uzupełniono przykładem praktycznego zastosowania na symulowanej osnowie geodezyjnej.
Proposition of aerial laser survey point cloud methodology modification
PublikacjaW rozdziale monografii autorzy sugerują nowe rozwiązanie - modyfikację metodologii analizy chmury punktów pozyskanej ze skaningu lotniczego w technologii LIDAR. Modyfikacja polega na poprzedzeniu procesu filtracji realizowanego w ETAPIE PRZETWARZANIA WSTĘPNEGO, algorytmem optymalizacji [Błaszczak 2006, Błaszczak, Kamiński 2007]. Głównym celem badań była kontrola wiarygodności i efektywności metodologii opracowania chmury punktów...
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