Application of ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of porous membrane packed liquid samples for polyphenols determination in wine samples - Publikacja - MOST Wiedzy


Application of ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of porous membrane packed liquid samples for polyphenols determination in wine samples


Polyphenols play a crucial role in a proper human health maintenance as well as their presence very often correspond to the quality assessment of producs like wine. Thus, their monitoring is of high interest. However, as they occur in a complex matrices their extraction is very often necessary prior the analysis. Herein, a new ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of porous membrane packed liquid sample technique has been optimized for the determination of polyphenols in wine samples as an alternative for existing methods used prior gas chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis. Achieved accuracy is in the range of 100.7 – 108.3 while recovery between 97 – 110% from spiked samples at 5 to 10 ppm concentration range. LOD ranges between 0.174-1.99 µg/mL while LOQ 0.522-5.97 µg/mL.

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Copyright (2021 Charles University, Faculty of Science)

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Opis bibliograficzny:
Fabjanowicz M., Robles A., Płotka-Wasylka J.: Application of ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of porous membrane packed liquid samples for polyphenols determination in wine samples// / : , 2021,
Politechnika Gdańska

wyświetlono 144 razy

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