mgr inż. Adam Kupryjanow
total: 32
Catalog Publications
Year 2015
Knowledge representation of motor activity of patients with Parkinson’s disease
PublicationAn approach to the knowledge representation extraction from biomedical signals analysis concerning motor activity of Parkinson disease patients is proposed in this paper. This is done utilizing accelerometers attached to their body as well as exploiting video image of their hand movements. Experiments are carried out employing artificial neural networks and support vector machine to the recognition of characteristic motor activity...
Year 2014
Further Developments of the Online Sound Restoration System for Digital Library Applications
PublicationNew signal processing algorithms were introduced to the online service for audio restoration available at the web address: www.youarchive.net. Missing or distorted audio samples are estimated using a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method. The algorithm is based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative complementation of signal samples. Since the interpolation algorithm is computationally...
Year 2013
Auditory-visual attention stimulator
PublicationNew approach to lateralization irregularities formation was proposed. The emphasis is put on the relationship between visual and auditory attention stimulation. In this approach hearing is stimulated using time scale modified speech and sight is stimulated by rendering the text of the currently heard speech. Moreover, displayed text is modified using several techniques i.e. zooming, highlighting etc. In the experimental part of...
Metoda i algorytmy modyfikacji sygnału do celu wspomagania rozumienia mowy przez osoby z pogorszoną rozdzielczością czasową słuchu
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań przeprowadzonych w ramach rozprawy są metody modyfikacji czasu trwania sygnału (ang. Time Scale Modification –TSM) mowy operujące w czasie rzeczywistym oraz ocena ich wpływu na rozumienie wypowiedzi przez osoby z pogorszoną rozdzielczością czasową słuchu. Pogorszona rozdzielczość słuchu jest jednym z symptomów związanych z ośrodkowymi zaburzeniami słuchu (ang. Cetnral Auditory Processing Disorder – CAPD). W odróżnieniu...
Multimodal English corpus for automatic speech recognition
PublicationA multimodal corpus developed for research of speech recognition based on audio-visual data is presented. Besides usual video and sound excerpts, the prepared database contains also thermovision images and depth maps. All streams were recorded simultaneously, therefore the corpus enables to examine the importance of the information provided by different modalities. Based on the recordings, it is also possible to develop a speech...
Multimodal human-computer interfaces based on advanced video and audio analysis
PublicationMultimodal interfaces development history is reviewed briefly in the introduction. Examples of applications of multimodal interfaces to education software and for the disabled people are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with mouth gestures and the audio interface for speech stretching for hearing impaired and stuttering people. The Smart...
Online sound restoration system for digital library applications.
PublicationAudio signal processing algorithms were introduced to the new online non-commercial service for audio restoration intended to enhance the content of digitized audio repositories. Missing or distorted audio samples are predicted using neural networks and a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative restoring of missing signal samples. Since the distortion...
PublicationChoroba Parkinsona (ang. PD - Parkinson Disease) zaliczana jest do grupy chorób neurodegeneracyjnych. Jest to powoli postępująca choroba zwyrodnieniowa ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. Jej powstawanie związane jest z zaburzeniem produkcji dopaminy przez komórki nerwowe mózgu. Choroba manifestuje się zaburzeniami ruchowymi. Przyczyna występowania tego typu zaburzeń nie została do końca wyjaśniona. Leczenie osób dotkniętych PD oparte...
Year 2012
A Method of Real-Time Non-uniform Speech Stretching
PublicationDeveloped method of real-time non-uniform speech stretching is presented.The proposed solution is based on the well-known SOLA algorithm(Synchronous Overlap and Add). Non-uniform time-scale modification isachieved by the adjustment of time scaling factor values in accordance with thesignal content. Dependently on the speech unit (vowels/consonants), instantaneousrate of speech (ROS), and speech signal presence, values of the scalingfactor...
Improved method for real-time speech stretching
Publicationn algorithm for real-time speech stretching is presented. It was designed to modify input signal dependently on its content and on its relation with the historical input data. The proposed algorithm is a combination of speech signal analysis algorithms, i.e. voice, vowels/consonants, stuttering detection and SOLA (Synchronous-Overlap-and-Add) based speech stretching algorithm. This approach enables stretching input speech signal...
Methods of Improving Speech Intelligibility for Listeners with Hearing Resolution Deficit
PublicationMethods developed for real-time time scale modification (TSM) of speech signal are presented. They are based onthe non-uniform, speech rate depended SOLA algorithm (Synchronous Overlap and Add). Influence of theproposed method on the intelligibility of speech was investigated for two separate groups of listeners, i.e. hearingimpaired children and elderly listeners. It was shown that for the speech with average rate equal to or...
Online Sound Restoration for Digital Library Applications
PublicationA system for sound restoration was conceived and engineered having the following features: no special sound restoration software is needed to perform audio restoration by the user, the process of restoration employs automatic reduction of noise, wow and impulse distortions performed in the online mode, no skills in digital signal processing from the user are needed. The principles of the created system and its features as well...
System Supporting Speech Perception in Special Educational Needs Schoolchildren
PublicationThe system supporting speech perception during the classes is presented in the paper. The system is a combination of portable device, which enables real-time speech stretching, with the workstation designed in order to perform hearing tests. System was designed to help children suffering from Central Auditory Processing Disorders.
Typoszereg komputerowych interfejsów multimodalnych
PublicationW referacie opisano opracowywane w ramach realizowanego projektu, multimodalne interfejsymultimodalne, ułatwiające użytkowanie urządzeń komputerowych, w tym również terminali mobilnych.Przedstawiono zasady działania poszczególnych interfejsów oraz dotychczasowo uzyskane rezultaty.Wyniki uzyskane zostały drogą prób i eksperymentów z udziałem grup użytkowników docelowych,obejmujących zarówno użytkowników standardowych, jak również...
Year 2011
A non-uniform real-time speech time-scale stretching method
PublicationAn algorithm for non-uniform real-time speech stretching is presented. It provides a combination of typical SOLA algorithm (Synchronous Overlap and Add ) with the vowels, consonants and silence detectors. Based on the information about the content and the estimated value of the rate of speech (ROS), the algorithm adapts the scaling factor value. The ability of real-time speech stretching and the resultant quality of voice were...
Comparison of various speech time-scale modificartion methods
PublicationThe objective of this work is to investigate the influence of the different time-scale modification (TSM) methods on the quality of the speech stretched up using the designed non-uniform real-time speech time-scale modification algorithm (NU-RTSM). The algorithm provides a combination of the typical TSM algorithm with the vowels, consonants, stutter, transients and silence detectors. Based on the information about the content and...
Report of the ISMIS 2011 Contest : Music Information Retrieval
PublicationThis report presents an overview of the data mining contestorganized in conjunction with the 19th International Symposiumon Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2011), in days betweenJan 10 and Mar 21, 2011, on TunedIT competition platform. The contestconsisted of two independent tasks, both related to music information retrieval:recognition of music genres and recognition of instruments, for agiven music sample represented...
Year 2010
Influence of accelerometer signal pre-processing and classification method on human activity recognition
PublicationA study of data pre-processing influence on accelerometer-based human activity recognition algorithms is presented. The frequency band used to filter-out the accelerometer signals and the number of accelerometers involved were considered in terms of their influence on the recognition accuracy. In the test four methods of classification were used: support vector machine, decision trees, neural network, k-nearest neighbor.
Real-time speech streching for supporting hearing impaired schoolchildren
PublicationA study of time scale modification algorithms applied to support hearing impaired schoolchildren is presented. Variety of algorithms are considered, namely: overlap-and add, two variations of synchronous overlapand- add, and the phase vocoder. Their effectiveness as well as real-time processing capabilities are examined.
Real-time speech-rate modification experiments
PublicationAn algorithm designed for real-time speech time scale modification (stretching) is proposed, providing a combination of typical synchronous overlap and add based time scale modification algorithm and signal redundancy detection algorithms that allow to remove parts of the speech signal and replace them with the stretched speech signal fragments. Effectiveness of signal processing algorithms are examined experimentally together...
Reduction of parasitic pitch variations in archival musical recordings
PublicationA new method for reducing parasitic pitch variations in archival audio recordings is presented. The method is intended for analyzing movie soundtracks recorded in optical films. It utilizes image processing for calculating and reducing effects of tape shrinkage being one of the main reasons for parasitic pitch variations in audio accompanying moving images. As long as the film tape characteristics are known the new method can be...
Rozpoznawanie ruchu rąk oraz chodu pacjentów na podstawie analizy sygnałów pochodzących z trójosiowych czujników przyspieszenia
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono eksperymenty związane z automatyczną klasyfikacją i rozpoznawaniem aktywności pacjentów z chorobą Parkinsona. W szczególności opisano algorytmy, mające na celu rozpoznawanie dwóch kategorii ruchu: ruchu rąk oraz chodu. Aktywności te wykrywane są na podstawie analizy sygnałów pochodzących z trójosiowych akcelerometrów umieszczonych na ciele osoby badanej.
UPDRS tests for diagnosis of Parkinson's disease employing virtual-touchpad
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to diagnosing Parkinson's disease. The progression of the disease can be measured by the UPDRS (Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale) scale which is used to evaluate motor and behavioral symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Hitherto the evaluation of the advancement of the disease in the UPDRS scale was made by a specialist through medical observation. The authors suggest a partial automation of...
Virtual touchpad - video-based multimodal interface
PublicationA new computer interface named Virtual-Touchpad (VTP) is presented. The Virtual-Touchpad provides a multimodal interface which enables controlling computer applications by hand gestures captured with a typical webcam. The video stream is processed in the software layer of the interface. Hitherto existing video-based interfaces analyzing frames of hand gestures are presented. Then, the hardware configuration and software features...
Year 2009
Accelerometer signal pre-processing influence on human activity recognition
PublicationA study of data pre-processing influence on accelerometer-based human activity recognition algorithms is presented. The frequency band used to filter-out the accelerometer signals and the number of accelerometers involved were considered in terms of their influence on the recognition accuracy.
Rozpoznawanie kategorii ruchu ludzkiego na podstawie analizy sygnałów pochodzących z trójosiowych czujników przyspieszenia
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono procedurę rejestracjisygnałów przyspieszenia pochodzących z czujnikówbiomedycznych Shimmer, sposób ich rozmieszczenia na ciele orazopisano klasyfikator pozwalający na rozpoznawanie wybranychkategorii ruchu ludzkiego. W części eksperymentalnej artykułuzbadano wpływ filtracji dolnoprzepustowej sygnałów naskuteczność rozpoznawania typu aktywności ruchowej.
Time-scale modification of speech signals for supporting hearing impaired schoolchildren
PublicationA study of time scale modification algorithmsapplied to hearing impaired schoolchildren supporting ispresented. Variety of algorithms are considered, namely:overlap and add, two variations of synchronized overlapand add, and the phase vocoder. Their effectiveness as wellas real-time processing capabilities are examined.
Zastosowanie spowalniania wypowiedzi w celu poprawy rozumienia mowy przez dzieci w szkole
PublicationThis paper presents a time-scale modification algorithms that could be used for hearing impairment therapy supported by real-time speech stretching. In this paper the OLA based algorithms and Phase Vocoder were described. In the experimental part usability of those algorithms for real-time speech stretching was discussed
Year 2008
Automatic system for audio-video material reconstruction and archiving
PublicationReferat przedstawia propozycję modelu systemu automatycznej archiwizacji i rekonstrukcji nagrań audio-wideo. Założeniem tego rozwiązania jest uczynienie procesu rekonstrukcji nagrań bardziej niezależnym od człowieka. Ma to na celu redukcję kosztów rekonstrukcji przetwarzanych nagrań. Z powodu dużej liczby archiwalnych nagrań audio-wideo istnieje potrzeba stworzenia systemu który umożliwi automatyczną indeksację ich treści. Pomoże...
Drift, wow and flutter measurement and reduction in shrunken movie soundtracks
PublicationReferat przedstawia metodę i algorytmy do oceny i redukcji dryfu, kołysania i drżenia w skurczonych taśmach filmowych. Przedstawione algorytmy działają w oparciu o przetwarzaniu obrazu taśmy filmowej w celu wyznaczenia jej lokalnego skurczu, który jest jednym z powodów powstawania dryfu, kołysania i drżenia. Lokalny skurcz taśmy można wyznaczyć dzięki analizie wysokości: ramki obrazu, perforacji, lub innego, standaryzowanego elementu...
Metody korekcji zniekształceń dźwięku i obrazu opracowane w ramach europejskiego projektu PrestoSpace
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono przegląd prac badawczo-wdrożeniowych wykonanych przez autorów w ramach projektu PrestoSpace w 6. Programie Ramowym Unii Europejskiej. Opisano metody i algorytmy korekcji zniekształceń fonicznych, takich jak szum szerokopasmowy oraz kołysanie i drżenie dźwięku, a także korekcji zniekształceń obrazu spowodowanych skurczem taśm filmowych. Wdrożone algorytmy zostały pozytywnie ocenione przez archiwistów stosujących...
Metody korekcji zniekształceń dźwięku i obrazu opracowane w ramach europejskiego projektu PrestoSpace
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono przegląd prac badawczo-wdrożeniowych wykonanych przez autorów w ramach projektu PrestoSpace w 6. Programie Ramowym Unii Europejskiej. Opisano metody i algorytmy korekcji zniekształceń fonicznych, takich jak szum szerokopasmowy oraz kołysanie i drżenie dźwięku, a także korekcji zniekształceń obrazu spowodowanych skurczem taśm filmowych. Wdrożone algorytmy zostały pozytywnie ocenione przez archiwistów stosujących...
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