dr hab. inż. Aleksandra Parteka
- Associate professor at Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Economics
total: 69
Catalog Publications
Year 2011
Systems of Public Higher Education in Poland and Germany. Evidence from Institution Level Data
PublicationThe chapter presents a comparative analysis of public higher education systems (HES) in Germany and Poland. Instead of limiting our study to macro indicators such as gross expenditure on higher education or R&D as per cent of GDP, we draw on the evidence based on micro data especially collected for this study and concerning individual higher education institutions (HEIs). Comparative analysis is based on a sample of 71 public...
The demand for skills and labour cost in partner countries. Evidence from the enlarged EU
PublicationWe analyse the consequences of trade integration in Europe (1995-2005) detecting how the labour costs in partner countries affect the domestic demand for high- and low-skilled labour in 'Old' (EU-15) and five 'New' EU member states. In general, independently of the skill level of workers, the results suggest complementarity between domestic and foreign labour. However, when we take into account the typology of sectors, the demand...
The demand for skills and labour costs in partner countries
Year 2010
Employment and export specialisation along the development path: some robust evidence
PublicationThis paper contributes to the literature on the evolution of overall specialisation along the process of economic development by simultaneously estimating 'specialisation curves' emerging from fully comparable employment and export statistics in a sample of 32 economies (1980-2000). We apply semiparametric estimation methods, which allow us to combine the flexibility of the estimation with the inclusion of country-specific effects,...
EU enlargement and labour demand in the new member states
Publication -
EU Enlargement and Labour Demand in the New Member States
PublicationResearch to date on labour market responses to EU integration has tended to concentrate on the labour markets of the 'old' EU members. But what effects has the integration of trade had on wages in the new member states? The following article attempts to answer this question using and empirical model of conditional labour demand.
Konwergencja płac w Unii Europejskiej (1995-2005)
PublicationArtykuł jest próbą oceny procesów konwergencji płac w kontekście postępującej integracji europejskiej. W szczególności, analizujemy tendencjach dotyczące relatywnych stawek płac obserwowalnych w 20 krajach UE (UE-15 oraz pięć krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej) oraz 12 sektorach przemysłu przetwórczego w latach 1995-2005. Analiza konwergencji typu sigma wskazuje, że we wszystkich analizowanych sektorach zróżnicowanie płac jest najwyższe...
The demand for skills and the labor cost in partner countries: evidence from the enlarged EU
PublicationWe analyse the consequences of trade integration in Europe (1995-2005) detecting how thelabor costs in partner countries affects the demand for domestic high- and low-skilled labor inthe EU-15 (Old) and five New member states. In general, independently on the skill level, the resultshint at complementarity between domestic and foreign labor. However, the demand for thehigh skilled in New EU members' low skill intensive sectors...
Year 2009
Economic growth, structural change and quality upgrading in New Member States
PublicationThe purpose of this research is to present the recent developments concerning structural change and productivity growth in New Member States and the role played in such process by country specific factors. We focus on ten countries (NMS-10) which joined the EU in 2004 and analyze productivity dynamics of their labor structures between the years 1995 and 2005 in a comparative setting versus EU-15 economies. NMS-10 have gone through...
Empirical investigation on labour market interactions in an enlarged Europe
PublicationThis paper proposes an empirical assessment of economic interactions between the labour markets ofthe integrating EU over the period of time 1995-2005. Drawing on recently made available industrystatistics, we provide a sector level study (13 tradable sectors, including manufacturing and services),analysing the contemporary evolution of domestic and trade partners' employment levels. Given theintensification of trade relations...
Employment Specialization in the Enlarged European Union
PublicationThis paper presents the evolution of absolute employment specialization along the course of economic growth of 25 EU countries. We focus on the degree to which EU economies concentrate labor force in a few sectors/industries. Using disaggregated statistics classified according to NACE Rev. 1 division (71 sectors) we calculate various synthetic indices measuring the degree of diversification typical for the employment structures...
Handel międzynarodowy - główne trendy i kierunki rozwoju
PublicationPrzeprowadzona analiza ma na celu ukazanie głównych kierunów zmian w światowym handlu. Opisano wzrost wymiany handlowej na skutek procesów integracyjnych oraz liberalizacji handlu w ramach WTO; zmiany w strukturze towarowej handlu, nowych graczy na światowej scenie hndlowej oraz wzrost znaczenia praktyk związanych z międzynarodowym outsoursingiem.
Paterns of employment quality upgrading in the European Union
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia zmiany jakościowe w strukturze zatrudnienia krajów UE w latach 1970-2005 (goapodarki UE15) oraz 1995-2005 (Nowe Kraje Członkowskie). Analizę oparto o klasyfikację sektorów ze względu na ich poziom technologiczny oraz intensywność wykorzystania umiejętności siły roboczej.
Qualitative changes in CEECs trade specialization (1995-2005) - the implications for economic growth process
PublicationCelem opracowania jest przedstawienie zmian jakościowych w strukturze eksportu w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w latach 1995-2005. Jako miernik jakościowy eksportu wykorzystano indeks Hausmann et al (2007). Wyniki badań wskazują, różnice w relatywnych poziomach PKB per capita względem krajów UE-15 są znacznie większe niz różnice w jakościowej strukturze eksportu pomiędzy Nowymi Krajami Członkowskimi a krajami ''Pięnastki''....
The EU enlargement and domestic employment
PublicationThe study focuses on the interactions between EU member states' labor markets (manufacturing and tradable business services) over the period 1995-2005. We use recently released detailed sector level employment statistics, considering the effects of trade integration on the creation of links between labor force in ''Old'' and ''New'' partners in the enlarged EU. Empirical estimations show that the domestic demand for labor in the...
Year 2008
Determinants of export diversification: an empirical investigation
PublicationEmpirical findings confirm that relatively high specialisation of economic structures tends to be associated with low levels of income per capita, but countries diversify their export structures along their path of growth. However, usually only per capita income, and eventually, country-specific fixed effects are the sole explanatory variables taken into consideration in the estimation of specialisation curves. We extend the analysis...
Specialization and inequality along the development path: an interindustry analysis.
PublicationCelem niniejszej rozprawy doktorskiej jest przeprowadzenie empirycznej analizy procesów zwišzanych ze zmianami w strukturze specjalizacyjnej państw w procesie rozwoju ekonpmicznego oraz zwišzanych z nimi efektami dystrybucyjnymi dotyczšcymi rozkładu płac i dochodu. Rozprawa składa się z czterech częci: I. Employment and export specialization patterns versus GDP per capita performance - unifying approach; II.Determinants of export...
Year 2007
Employment and export specialization patterns versus GDP per capita performance - unifying approach
PublicationThis paper analyses the evolution of specialization patterns along the process of economic development. The scope of the paper is twofold: first of all, it aims at understanding if the evolution of employment specialization is reflected in the same manner in trade specialisation patterns. Secondly, it explores the link between the degree of specialization on one side and cross country GDP per capita performance on the other. We...
Sources of macroeconomic competitiveness in Central and East European Countries
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to assess empirially economic growth and productivity patterns in Central and East European Countries (CEECs), and to provide a thorough insight into the factors influencing macroeconomic competitiveness in the CEE region. The study goes back to early 1990s and describes macroeconomic developments in eight countries which joined the EU in 2004 (namely: the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,...
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