Arkadiusz Lewicki - Publications - Bridge of Knowledge



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Catalog Publications

Year 2024
Year 2023
Year 2022
  • Hybridized Space-Vector Pulsewidth Modulation for Multiphase Two-Level Voltage Source Inverter

    In space vector pulsewidth modulation (SVPWM) algorithms for multiphase two-level voltage source inverters (VSI), the components of active vectors in all orthogonal spaces have to be calculated within the processor and stored in its memory. These necessitate intensive computational efforts of the processor and large memory space. This article presents a hybridized SVPWM for multiphase two-level VSI. In this algorithm, elements...

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  • Integrated Three-Level Dual-Phase Inverter

    - ENERGIES - Year 2022

    In view of reducing the number of inverter legs that provide dual-phase, three-level output voltages (as may be needed in an uninterruptible power supply), and that also provide a wide range of output frequencies (as needed in an advanced motor drive system with wide speed ranges), a three-level, dual-phase inverter topology is presented in this paper. Its three-level attribute was based on the F-type inverter topological concept,...

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  • Non-Adaptive Speed and Position Observer of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator

    The non-adaptive speed and position estimation of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is presented in this paper. The speed observer is based on the mathematical model of DFIG and to stabilize the structure the Lyapunov method is used. The classic stator field-oriented control to active and reactive power control is used in the sensorless control system. The performance of the proposed algorithm of a speed observer is validated...

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  • Single-phase, Five-level Inverter with SPWM-Based Neutral Point Voltage Balancing Scheme

    Multilevel inverter topologies provide several advantages over two-level inverter configuration. These benefits are the reason for the growing interest in multilevel topologies among research society. One of the most popular topological concepts (diode and active switch clamping) requires neutral-point potential balancing due to series-connected capacitor banks across the input dc link in such derived inverter configurations. This...

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Year 2021
  • A Single-Carrier-Based Pulse-Width Modulation Template for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverters

    - IEEE Access - Year 2021

    Multiplicity of the triangular carrier signals is a criterion for the extension of sinusoidal pulsewidth modulation, SPWM, to a number of output voltage levels per phase-leg in cascaded H-bridge (CHB) multilevel inverter (MLI). Considering medium and high voltage applications where appreciable number of output voltage levels from CHB MLI is needed, commensurate high number of carrier signals in either classical level- or phase-shifted...

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  • Current Source Inverter Fed Drive

    - Year 2021

    This book covers three-phase and multiphase (more than three-phase) motor drives including their control and practical problems faced in the field (e.g., adding LC filters in the output of a feeding converter), are considered. The new edition contains links to Matlab®/Simulink models and PowerPoint slides ideal for teaching and understanding the material contained within the book. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A...

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  • Modified SPWM Technique with Zero-Sequence Voltage Injection for a Five-Phase, Three-Level NPC Inverter

    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    This article presents a modified sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM) scheme for a five-phase, three-level neutral-point-clamped inverter. The modulation scheme deploys a modified min–max function to inject the zero-sequence components into the reference modulating signals; hence enabling the effective utilization of the DC-link voltage. Balanced split-input DC-link voltages were achieved through further incorporation of adjustable...

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  • Pulse-Width Modulation of Power Electronic DC–AC Converter

    - Year 2021

    The Second Edition of High Performance Control of AC Drives with Matlab®/Simulink delivers an updated and thorough overview of topics central to the understanding of AC motor drive systems. The book includes new material on medium voltage drives, covering state-of-the-art technologies and challenges in the industrial drive system, as well as their components, and control, current source inverter-based drives, PWM techniques for...

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  • Pulse-Width Modulation Template for Five-Level Switch-Clamped H-Bridge-Based Cascaded Multilevel Inverter

    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    This article presents a carrier-based pulse-width modulation (PWM) template for a 5-level, H bridge-based cascaded multilevel inverter (MLI). The developed control concept generates adequate modulation template for this inverter topology wherein a sinusoidal modulating waveform is modified to fit in a single triangular carrier signal range. With this modulation approach, classical multiplicity and synchronization of the triangular...

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  • Speed observer of induction machine based on backstepping and sliding mode for low‐speed operation

    This paper presents a speed observer design based on backstepping and slidingmode approaches. The inputs to the observer are the stator current and thevoltage vector components. This observer structure is extended to the integra-tors. The observer stabilizing functions contain the appropriate sliding surfaceswhich result from the Lyapunov function. The rotor angular speed is obtainedfrom the non‐adaptive formula with a sliding...

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  • Speed Observer Structure of Induction Machine Based on Sliding Super-Twisting and Backstepping Techniques

    This paper presents an analysis of the two speed observer structures which are based on the backstepping and sliding super twisting approach. The observer stabilizing functions result from the Lyapunov theorem. To obtain the observer tuning gains the observer structure is linearized near the equilibrium point. The rotor angular speed is obtained from non-adaptive dependence. In the sensorless control system structure the classical...

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    Given the recent available IGBT switch modules up to 6.5 kV, 1200 A rating, the prospect of the diode-free variant topology of the three-level neutral-point-clamped (3-level, T-type) inverter in certain medium voltage applications is bright; due to its small part count and low conduction losses compared to the diode-clamped NPC inverter. However, within this voltage range, the input dc voltage rating of 50% of the switches per...

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Year 2020
Year 2019
Year 2018
Year 2017

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