dr inż. Daniel Burkacki
total: 18
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Key success factors for small design offices in the bidding process
PublicationCompetition in the design office market is high, therefore it is important to be aware of the conditions determining the competitive advantage, thus increasing the bidding effectiveness. For this reason, the aim of the article is to identify key success factors (KSF) increasing successful bidding of a small design office. The factors were identified and then analysed based on a literature review, expert interviews and using Group...
Year 2023
Badania eksperymentalne i numeryczne zachowania się zbiorników stalowych poddanych wstrząsom górniczym i sejsmicznym
PublicationW niniejszej dysertacji opisano wyniki kompleksowych badań zachowania się zbiorników stalowych poddanych wstrząsom górniczym i umiarkowanym trzęsieniom ziemi. Badania prowadzono dla dwóch zbiorników rzeczywistych zlokalizowanych na terenie Polski. W pierwszym etapie badań przeprowadzono badania eksperymentalne na specjalnym stanowisku laboratoryjnym dla modeli doświadczalnych zbiorników. Badania prowadzono dla różnego poziomu wypełnienia...
Year 2020
Numerical investigation on behaviour of cylindrical steel tanks during mining tremors and moderate earthquakes
PublicationCylindrical steel tanks are important components of industrial facilities. Their safety becomes a crucial issue since any failure may cause catastrophic consequences. The aim of the paper is to show the results of comprehensive FEM numerical investigation focused on the response of cylindrical steel tanks under mining tremors and moderate earthquakes. The effects of different levels of liquid filling, the influence of non-uniform...
Response of cylindrical steel tank under stochastically generated non-uniform earthquake excitation
PublicationCylindrical steel tanks are very important structures in industrial facilities since their application is related to storing different types of products. Their safety and reliability have become a crucial issue because any damage may cause significant consequences, including ecological disaster. The most dangerous dynamic load acting on cylindrical steel tanks is related to earthquakes, especially that the seismic excitation may...
Year 2019
Earthquake-Induced Pounding of Medium-to-High-Rise Base-Isolated Buildings
PublicationDuring earthquakes, out-of-phase vibrations in adjacent buildings with limited distance may cause pounding between them. In recent years, the use of seismic isolation has expanded considerably as an effective approach to reduce seismic damage. However, the isolated building experiences large displacements during earthquakes, and there is a possibility of collisions with adjacent structures. The research on earthquake-induced pounding...
Experimental study on models of cylindrical steel tanks under mining tremors and moderate earthquakes
PublicationThe aim of the study is to show the results of complex shaking table experimental investigation focused on the response of two models of cylindrical steel tanks under mining tremors and moderate earthquakes, including the aspects of diagnosis of structural damage. Firstly, the impact and the sweep-sine tests have been carried out, so as to determine the dynamic properties of models filled with different levels of liquid. Then,...
Seismic Response of High-Rise Buildings Equipped with Base Isolation and Non-Traditional Tuned Mass Dampers
PublicationOne of the methods in structural control is the application of combinational control systems in order to reduce the response of structures during earthquakes. The aim of the present paper is to verify the effectiveness of a hybrid control strategy, combining base isolation and non-traditional tuned mass dampers (TMDs) (i.e., TMDs with dashpots directly connected to the ground) in suppressing structural vibrations of high-rise buildings....
Year 2015
Badania eksperymentalne modelu zbiornika stalowego poddanego wstrząsom górniczym i sejsmicznym
PublicationCelem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badań eksperymentalnych dotyczących odporności na wstrząsy górnicze i trzęsieni ziemi konstrukcji stalowych zbiorników walcowych. Badania przeprowadzono na stole sejsmicznym poddając wymuszeniom dynamicznym model zbiornika przy różnym poziomie wypełnienia wodą. Wyniki badań pokazują, iż poziom wypełnienia ma istotny wpływ na zachowanie się zbiornika. Zauważono, iż wypełniania...
Experimental Study on Steel Tank Model Using Shaking Table/ Badania Eksperymentalne Modelu Zbiornika Stalowego Na Stole Sejsmicznym
PublicationStalowe zbiorniki walcowe są bardzo popularnymi konstrukcjami używanymi do magazynowania produktów przemysłu chemicznego i naftowego. Ich bezpieczeństwo i niezawodność są kluczowe, ponieważ każde uszkodzenie może nieść za sobą bardzo poważne konsekwencje. Trzęsienia ziemi są najbardziej niebezpiecznymi, a zarazem najbardziej nieprzewidywalnymi obciążeniami dynamicznymi, które mogą oddziaływać na tego typu konstrukcje. Z drugiej...
Year 2014
Badania eksperymentalne modelu zbiornika stalowego na stole sejsmicznym = Experimental study on steel tank model using shaking table
PublicationCylindrical steel tanks are very popular structures used for storage of products of chemical and petroleum industries. Their safety and reliability is really crucial because any failure may have serious consequences. Earthquakes are the most dangerous and also the most unpredictable dynamic loads acting on such structures. On the other hand, rockburst-induced ground motions are usually considered to be less severe due to lower...
Response of a steel tank during earthquakes and mining tremors - experimental investigation
PublicationCylindrical steel tanks are very popular shell structures used to store the products of chemical and petroleum industries. Any failure might have disastrous consequences, therefore their safety and reliability is essential. Earthquakes are the most dangerous and also the most unpredictable dynamic loads acting on such structures. On the other hand, mining tremors are usually considered to be less severe due to lower acceleration...
Year 2013
Analiza modalna stalowego zbiornika walcowego z dachem stałym przy różnym poziomie wypełnienia
PublicationW branżach technicznych, takich jak przemysł chemiczny czy naftowy, stalowe zbiorniki walcowe są często wykorzystywane do magazynowania produktów płynnych. Z tego względu ich bezpieczeństwo i niezawodność to kluczowe aspekty, ponieważ ewentualne uszkodzenie konstrukcji może prowadzić do poważnych konsekwencji, a w skrajnych przypadkach nawet do katastrofy ekologicznej. Celem niniejszego referatu jest przedstawienie wyników badań...
Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank Model by Shaking Table Harmonic Tests
PublicationDiagnosis of damage in civil engineering structures has recently become an important issue in the safety assessment procedure. Among a number of different approaches, a method of measuring the changes in natural frequencies is one of the most effective indicators of global damage. It has been successfully applied to relatively small. structures, however, the tests on large structures are very difficult and the practical application...
Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank with Self-Supported Roof through Numerical Analysis
PublicationThe safety of civil engineering structures is one of the most important issues of building industry. That is why the assessment of the damage-involved structural response has recently become of major concern to engineers. Among a number of different approaches to diagnosis of damage, the method of measuring the changes in natural frequencies is considered to be one of the most effective indicators of global damage. From the practical...
Year 2012
Badania eksperymentalne parametrów dynamicznych modeli zbiorników stalowych na stole sejsmicznym
PublicationStalowe zbiorniki walcowe są niezwykle popularnymi konstrukcjami używanymi przy magazynowaniu produktów przemysłu naftowego i chemicznego. Ich bezpieczeństwo i niezawodność są kluczowe, ponieważ jakiekolwiek uszkodzenie może nieść za sobą poważne konsekwencje. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie rezultatów badań eksperymentalnych na stole sejsmicznym dotyczących wyznaczenia parametrów dynamicznych modeli zbiorników stalowych...
Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank Model by Shaking Table Harmonic Tests
PublicationThe aim of the present paper is to show the results of the shaking table experimental study concerning the diagnosis of damage in a model of cylindrical steel tank with self-supported roof which is filled with liquid. During the tests, the base of the structure was excited under the harmonic loading with variable frequency. The tests were repeated for different stages of damage, which was introduced in the model by easing the bolts...
Experimental determination of dynamic properties of cylindrical steel tank model filled with liquid
PublicationIn technical branches, such as chemical or petroleum industries, cylindrical steel tanks are essential structures used for storage of liquid products. Any failure might have disastrous consequences, therefore their safety and reliability is essential. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of the experimental study which has been conducted on a scaled model of a real tank used in Poland. The investigation was carried...
Year 2011
Modal analysis of cylindrical steel tanks
PublicationCylindrical steel tanks are very popular structures used for storage of products of chemical and petroleum industries. Their safety and reliability is crucial because any failure could have serious consequences. The aim of present paper is to show the results of the first phase of investigation of seismic behaviour such structures. Modal analysis using Finite Element Method (FEM) for three models of real tanks used in Poland has...
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