dr inż. Jacek Lebiedź
- Deputy Head of Department at Department of Intelligent Interactive Systems
- Profesor uczelni ze stop. nauk. dr at Department of Intelligent Interactive Systems
- Head of Research Laboratory at Immersive 3D Visualization Lab
e-Learning courses
Seminarium dyplomowe magisterskie
studia niestacjonarne drugiego stopnia, kierunek Informatyka, specjalność Zastosowania Technologii Informacyjnych
XII edition – 2019-21, International MBA in Strategy, Programme and Project Management
Akademia ETI dla I ALO - programowanie w języku C++
Zajęcia prowadzone przez nauczycieli akademickich WETI dla I Akademickiego Liceum Ogólnokształcącego w Gdyni - programowanie w języku C++
Projekt grupowy II (luty 2023)
godziny konsultacji dla dyplomantów magisterskich i inżynierskich oraz uczestników projektów badawczych, a także pozostałych studentów
Akademia ETI - stary kurs
Akademia ETI to zajęcia z informatyki (a także z technologii pozostających w naukowo-dydaktycznych obszarach działalności Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej) dla uczniów szkół średnich regionu prowadzone przez nauczycieli akademickich (ewentualnie przez doktorantów i studentów) Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej.
Grafika trójwymiarowa
studia stacjonarne drugiego stopnia na kierunku Informatyka, specjalność: Inteligentne systemy interaktywne
Animacja komputerowa
Animacja komputerowa (ANK, I stopień - Informatyka, profil Inteligentne Systemy Interaktywne na VII semestrze studiów),
Wykład monograficzny
studia niestacjonarne drugiego stopnia, kierunek Informatyka, specjalność Zastosowania Technologii Informacyjnych
Seminarium ISI
Seminarium naukowe dla NA, doktorantów i dyplomantów Katedry Inteligentnych Systemów Interaktywnych poświęcone przeglądowi aktualnie prowadzonych w Katedrze badań własnych, propozycji nowych projektów B+R oraz prezentacji aktualnie prowadzonych projektów B+R.
Koło Naukowe Vertex
Forum spotkań członków Koła Naukowego "VERTEX"
Projekt grupowy II (październik 2023) - kurs uzupełniający
Przetwarzanie Obrazów 2022
Grafika komputerowa dla studiów niestacjonarnych
Grafika komputerowa dla studiów niestacjonarnych (GRK_N, I stopień - Informatyka, cały III semestr studiów),
Przetwarzanie Obrazów 2021
godziny konsultacji dla dyplomantów magisterskich i inżynierskich oraz uczestników projektów badawczych, a także pozostałych studentów
Projekt grupowy I (wrzesień 2022)
Grafika komputerowa
Grafika komputerowa (GRK, I stopień - Informatyka, cały III semestr studiów)
Wizualizacja informacji
Wizualizacja informacji (WIN, I stopień - Informatyka, strumień Aplikacje na V semestrze studiów),
Rzeczywistość wirtualna
Rzeczywistość wirtualna (RZW, II stopień - Informatyka, specjalność podstawowa i uzupełniająca pn. Inteligentne Systemy Interaktywne na II semestrze studiów),
Akademia ETI dla X LO - Arduino
Zajęcia prowadzone przez nauczycieli akademickich WETI dla X Liceum Ogólnokształcącego w Toruniu - Arduino
Systemy Wizualizacji Informacji 2021 /2022
I stopień, sem. 6, EiT (strumień E)
Rzeczywistość wirtualna
Rzeczywistość wirtualna (RZW, II stopień - Informatyka, specjalność Inteligentne Systemy Interaktywne oraz w ramach obieralności inne specjalności na II semestrze studiów)
Akademia ETI dla Technikum nr 3 - Informatyka
Zajęcia prowadzone przez nauczycieli akademickich WETI dla Technikum nr 3 w Malborku - Informatyka
Animacja komputerowa
Animacja komputerowa (ANK, I stopień - Informatyka, profil Inteligentne Systemy Interaktywne na VII semestrze studiów),
Egzamin dyplomowy w trybie zdalnym – KISI
Egzamin dyplomowy w trybie zdalnym – KISI
Projekt grupowy I (październik 2023)
Grafika komputerowa dla studiów niestacjonarnych
Grafika komputerowa dla studiów niestacjonarnych (GRK_N, I stopień - Informatyka, cały III semestr studiów),
Projekt grupowy (edycja 2024/2025)
Akademia ETI to zajęcia z informatyki (a także z technologii pozostających w naukowo-dydaktycznych obszarach działalności Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej) dla uczniów szkół średnich regionu prowadzone przez nauczycieli akademickich (ewentualnie przez doktorantów i studentów) Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej.
Forum Magisterskich Studiów Uzupełniających
Forum do dokonywania bieżących uzgodnień, wymiany dokumentacji, ankietyzacji i wymiany opinii NA z wydziału ETI i z PG prowadzących zajęcia na st. niest. II st. kier Informatyka oraz starostów grup studenckich tych studiów.
Akademia ETI
Akademia ETI to zajęcia z informatyki (a także z technologii pozostających w naukowo-dydaktycznych obszarach działalności Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej) dla uczniów szkół średnich regionu prowadzone przez nauczycieli akademickich (ewentualnie przez doktorantów i studentów) Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej.
Rzeczywistość wirtualna
Rzeczywistość wirtualna (RZW, II stopień - Informatyka, specjalność podstawowa i uzupełniająca pn. Inteligentne Systemy Interaktywne na II semestrze studiów),
Animacja komputerowa
Animacja komputerowa (ANK, I stopień - Informatyka, profil Inteligentne Systemy Interaktywne na VII semestrze studiów)
Wykład monograficzny
studia niestacjonarne drugiego stopnia, kierunek Informatyka, specjalność Zastosowania Technologii Informacyjnych
Grafika komputerowa
Grafika komputerowa dla studiów niestacjonarnych (GRK_N, I stopień - Informatyka, cały III semestr studiów)
Seminarium dyplomowe magisterskie
studia niestacjonarne drugiego stopnia, kierunek Informatyka, specjalność Zastosowania Technologii Informacyjnych
Seminarium dyplomowe magisterskie
studia niestacjonarne drugiego stopnia, kierunek Informatyka, specjalność Zastosowania Technologii Informacyjnych
Grafika trójwymiarowa
studia stacjonarne drugiego stopnia na kierunku Informatyka, specjalność: Inteligentne systemy interaktywne
Wizualizacja informacji
Wizualizacja informacji (WIN, I stopień - Informatyka, strumień Aplikacje na V semestrze studiów),
Grafika komputerowa
Grafika komputerowa (GRK, I stopień - Informatyka, cały III semestr studiów)
Przetwarzanie Obrazów 2023
Wizualizacja informacji
Wizualizacja informacji (WIN, I stopień - Informatyka, strumień Aplikacje na V semestrze studiów)
Projekt grupowy II (luty 2024)
godziny konsultacji dla dyplomantów magisterskich i inżynierskich oraz uczestników projektów badawczych, a także pozostałych studentów
Grafika komputerowa
Grafika komputerowa (GRK, I stopień - Informatyka, cały III semestr studiów)
Conducted classes
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Stream: Systems
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Stream: Applications
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
MSc Diploma Seminar II
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Stream: Applications
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Stream: Applications
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Stream: Systems
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: Przedmioty obieralne dla kierunku Informatyka
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Elective subjects: Przedmioty obieralne dla kierunku Inżynieria Biomedyczna
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Elective subjects: Przedmioty obieralne dla kierunku Inżynieria Biomedyczna
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Elective subjects: Przedmioty obieralne dla kierunku Inżynieria Biomedyczna
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Stream: Applications
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Stream: Systems
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Stream: Applications
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
MSc Diploma Seminar II
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
MSc Diploma Seminar I
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Elective subjects: Przedmioty obieralne dla kierunku Inżynieria Biomedyczna
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Computer Networks
Field of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: Przedmioty obieralne dla kierunku Informatyka
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Algorithms and Internet Technologies
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Systems Engineering
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Stream: Applications
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Stream: Systems
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
MSc Diploma Seminar II
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
MSc Diploma Seminar I
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Stream: Applications
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Stream: Applications
MSc Diploma Seminar II
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Elective subjects: Przedmioty obieralne dla kierunku Inżynieria Biomedyczna
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Computer Networks
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Algorithms and Internet Technologies
Field of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: Przedmioty obieralne dla kierunku Informatyka
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Systems Engineering
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Stream: Applications
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Stream: Systems
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
MSc Diploma Seminar I
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Algorithms and Internet Technologies
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Systems Engineering
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla ARiSI gr.1
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla TGiM gr.1
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Elective subjects: Przedmioty obieralne dla kierunku Inżynieria Biomedyczna
Field of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: Przedmioty obieralne dla kierunku Informatyka
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Computer Networks
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Stream: Applications
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Stream: Systems
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Stream: Applications
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
BSc Diploma Project 1
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
MSc Diploma Seminar I
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
MSc Diploma Seminar II
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Stream: Applications
BSc Diploma Project 1
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
BSc Diploma Project 2
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Algorithms and Internet Technologies
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla TGiM gr.1
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Field of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: Przedmioty obieralne dla kierunku Informatyka
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Medical Physics
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Elective subjects: Przedmioty obieralne dla kierunku Inżynieria Biomedyczna
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Medical Physics
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Medical Physics
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla ARiSI gr.1
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Systems Engineering
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Computer Networks
MSc Diploma Seminar II
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
MSc Diploma Seminar I
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: P.O. Strumienia Aplikacje
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
MSc Diploma Seminar I
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Algorithms and Internet Technologies
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Computer Networks
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Systems Engineering
Field of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: Przedmioty obieralne dla kierunku Informatyka
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: P.O. Strumienia Aplikacje
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla ARiSI gr.1
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla TGiM gr.1
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Interactive simulation of phenomena and events
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
BSc Diploma Project 1
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
BSc Diploma Project 1
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla ARiSI gr.1
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla TGiM gr.2
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Team Project I
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Team Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: P.O. Strumienia Aplikacje
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Interactive simulation of phenomena and events
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Facilities and Infrastructure Protection Engineering
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Facilities and Infrastructure Security Engineering
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Space and Satellite Technologies
Specialization: ICT in Space and Satellite Engineering
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: P.O. Strumienia Aplikacje
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Team Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
BSc Diploma Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla TGiM gr.2
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla ARiSI gr.1
Team Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: P.O. Strumienia Aplikacje
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla TGiM gr.2
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla ARiSI gr.1
Team Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Team Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
BSc Diploma Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
BSc Diploma Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Team Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: P.O. Strumienia Aplikacje
BSc Diploma Project I
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
MSc Diploma Thesis II
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
BSc Diploma Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
BSc Diploma Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Team Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla TGiM gr.2
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla ARiSI gr.1
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
BSc Diploma Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
BSc Diploma Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: P.O. Strumienia Aplikacje
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
BSc Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
BSc Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla TGiM gr.2
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Team Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Team Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Team Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla ARiSI gr.1
Computer Graphics
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
MSc Diploma Thesis II
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
MSc Diploma Thesis II
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: P.O. Strumienia Aplikacje
Team Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
BSc Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
MSc Diploma Thesis II
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
BSc Diploma Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
BSc Diploma Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Team Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla ARiSI gr.1
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla TGiM gr.2
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Intelligent Interactive Systems
BSc Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
3D Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Monographic Lectures
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Information Technology Applications
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Knowledge Engineering
BSc Diploma Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
BSc Diploma Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Knowledge Engineering
BSc Diploma Project II
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
BSc Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
BSc Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Knowledge Engineering
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: P.O. Strumienia Aplikacje
Team Project
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Algorithms and Internet Technologies
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla AiTI gr.1
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla TGiM gr.1
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla TGiM gr.2
Acoustic visualization of information
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
BSc Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Knowledge Engineering
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Virtual Reality
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
Field of study: Informatics
Specialization: systems engineering and databases
Elective subjects: Spec.uzupełniającej dla ISiBD gr.2
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Elective subjects: P.O. Strumienia Aplikacje
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Information Visualization
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Computer Animation
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
Profile: Knowledge Engineering
Computers Graphics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
BSc Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Informatics
seen 4828 times