dr inż. Krzysztof Żerdzicki
- Assistant professor at Department of Structural Mechanics
total: 28
Catalog Publications
Year 2025
Compressive and tensile properties of polyurethane foam mimicking trabecular tissue in artificial femoral head bones
PublicationThe presented study aimed to examine the compressive and tensile behavior of the polyurethane foams mimicking trabecular tissue in the artificial human femurs and assess their potential to replicate osteoporotic type of human bone tissue. Two types of Synbone femur models: one of the normal density (model 2350) and one of the lower density (model LD2350), and three types of Sawbones femur models (model 1130-21-8, 1130-21-3, 1130-192)...
The tensile strength of different methods of anterior cruciate ligament graft end stitches in an animal model
PublicationBackground: There are several methods for stitching graft ends in anterior cruciate liga-ment reconstructive surgery. The tendon-suture construct should be able to withstand ten-sioning until the graft is stabilized with an implant. Methods: In this biomechanical study, 40 porcine lower extremity tendons ends were stitched with No. 2 suture, secured to the grips of the Zwick-Roell testing machine and tested for load at failure...
Year 2023
Numerical and Clinical Analysis of an Eyeball Injuries under Direc Impact
PublicationObjectives: The objective of this study was to develop a numerical model of the eyeball and orbit to simulate a blunt injury to the eyeball leading to its rupture, as well as to conduct a comparative analysis of the results obtained using the finite element method against the clinical material concerning patients who had suffered an eyeball rupture due to a blunt force trauma. Material and Methods: Using available sclera biometric and...
Tensile and flexural moduli for human orbital wall bones – comparative study
PublicationThe main aims of the current research were: (1) to analyze in detail the tensile modulus and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of orbital wall bones separately for the left and right orbit of the same cadaver and (2) to compare the obtained results with a flexural modulus of the left and right orbit reported earlier by A. C. van Leeuwen et al. [14]. A set of 54 specimens of orbital superior and/or medial walls harvested from 16 human...
Year 2021
Cerclage cable augmentation does not increase stability of the fixation of intertrochanteric fractures. A biomechanical study
PublicationBackground: Intertrochanteric fractures with a posteromedial intermediate fragment are unstable because of the loss of medial support. Additional fixation with a cerclage is used in subtrochanteric fractures, but not in intertrochanteric fractures. The aim of this biomechanical study is to evaluate whether cerclage fixation improves stability of intertrochanteric fractures. Hypothesis: Our hypothesis is that the cerclage fixation...
Tensile modulus of human orbital wall bones cut in sagittal and coronal planes
PublicationIn the current research, 68 specimens of orbital superior and/or medial walls taken from 33 human cadavers (12 females, 21 males) were subjected to uniaxial tension untill fracture. The samples were cut in the coronal (38 specimens) and sagittal (30 specimens) planes of the orbital wall. Apparent density (ρapp), tensile Young’s modulus (E-modulus) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) were identified. Innovative test protocols were...
The cement-bone bond is weaker than cement-cement bond in cement-in-cement revision arthroplasty. A comparative biomechanical study
PublicationThis study compares the strength of the native bone-cement bond and the old-new cement bond under cyclic loading, using third generation cementing technique, rasping and contamination of the surface of the old cement with biological tissue. The possible advantages of additional drilling of the cement surface is also taken into account. Femoral heads from 21 patients who underwent a total hip arthroplasty performed for hip arthritis...
Validation of Hydraulic Mechanism during Blowout Trauma of Human Orbit Depending on the Method of Load Application
PublicationThe more we know about mechanisms of the human orbital blowout type of trauma, the better we will be able to prevent them in the future. As long as the buckling mechanism’s veracity is not in doubt, the hydraulic mechanism is not based on equally strong premises. To investigate the correctness of the hydraulic mechanism’s theory, two different methods of implementation of the hydraulic load to the finite element method (FEM) model...
Year 2020
Artificial Thermal Ageing of Polyester Reinforced and Polyvinyl Chloride Coated Technical Fabric
PublicationArchitectural fabric AF9032 has been subjected to artificial thermal ageing to determine changes of the material parameters of the fabric. The proposed method is based on the accelerated ageing approach proposed by Arrhenius. 300 mm x 50 mm samples were cut in the warp and fill directions and placed in a thermal chamber at 80 °C for up to 12 weeks or at 90 °C for up to 6 weeks. Then after one week of conditioning at ambient temperature,...
Drill holes decrease cancellous bone strength: A comparative study of 33 paired osteoporotic human and 9 paired artificial bone samples
PublicationThis study was designed to compare compressive strength of cancellous bone retrieved from the femoral head in a specimen with and without guide wire hole, with comparison to synthetic bone samples. Femoral heads retrieved from 33 patients who sustained femoral neck fractures and underwent hip arthroplasty were cut into cuboids leaving two matching samples from the same femoral head. Similar samples were prepared from synthetic femurs....
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of the pure “buckling” mechanism during blow-out trauma of the human orbit
PublicationConsidering the interplay between orbital bones and intraorbital soft tissues, commonly accepted patterns of the blow-out type of trauma within the human orbit require more thorough investigation to assess the minimal health-threatening impact value. Two different three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) models of the human orbital region were developed to simulate the pure “buckling” mechanism of orbital wall fracture in...
Orbital blowout trauma occurring at the workplace – clinical, biomechanical and legal aspects
PublicationIntroduction and objective: Craniofacial injury at the workplace may lead to orbital blowout fractures. The aim of the study is the development of own numerical model of the eye orbit, assessment of the damage zones, and comparing them with clinical examinations. In addition, the current legal status of patients after injuries is presented Material and methods: In laboratory tests performed on bones collected from the upper and...
Year 2019
Influence of artificial thermal ageing on polyester-reinforced and polyvinyl chloride coated AF9032 technical fabric
PublicationThe presented work deals with the thermal ageing evaluation for polyester-reinforced and polyvinyl chloride coated fabrics. The architectural fabric AF9032 was exposed to artificial thermal ageing by subjecting the material samples to temperature levels of 80℃ and 90℃ for up to 12 weeks. The mechanical properties of the aged fabric have been separately described by the identified linear piecewise model (with assumption of the elastic...
Stiffness change of abdominal prosthesis Optomesh™ under cyclic loading
PublicationAbdominal prostheses are used in humans for abdominal wall strengthening or reconstruction. From the mechanical point of view they are membranes, so their basic mechanical property is tensile stiffness. This property is experimentally identified for a selected implant, OptomeshTM. The obtained results are described herein. Uni-axial simple and cyclic tension tests are a basis for the analysis. Both kinds of tests allowed to distinguish...
Strength parameters of polyester reinforced PVC coated fabric after short term creep loading in biaxial mode
PublicationThis study addresses the analysis of tensile strength parameters of the technical fabric VALMEX, which is composed of two orthogonal polyester thread families (named the warp and fill) and both sides PVC coated. The material was firstly subjected to 48-hour biaxial creep loading with the equal stress level in both orthogonal directions of the fabric. The stress levels were established as follows: 4.6 kN/m, 10.4 kN/m, 16.4 kN/m,...
The early failure of the gamma nail and the dynamic hip screw in femurs with a wide medullary canal. A biomechanical study of intertrochanteric fractures
PublicationBackground: Intertrochanteric fractures may occur in a bone with a wide medullary canal that may lead to significant mobility of a intramedullary nail, contrary to an extramedullary device. This study evaluates the Dynamic Hip Screw and the gamma nail in AO 31.A2.1 fractures in these circumstances. Methods: Synthetic femora with canals drilled to 18 mm were used. Five fixation types were examined: a 2 - hole and a 4 – hole Dynamic...
Year 2018
Analysis of the cyclic load-unload-reload tests of VALMEX aged fabric
PublicationThe paper presents mechanical response of the VALMEX fabric during the cyclic loading-unloading and re-loading experiments. Two types of the aged material used for nearly 20 years as the roofing of the Forest Opera in Sopot (Poland) have been tested. The results have been separately obtained for the warp and fill di-rections. The comparative analysis has revealed that the material aged in service is more durable in the fill di-rection,...
Influence of service ageing on polyester-reinforced polyvinyl chloride-coated fabrics reported through mathematical material models
PublicationIn this paper the coupled service (constructional tension) and environmental (sunlight, rainfalls, temperature variations) ageing influence on the polyester-reinforced polyvinyl chloride (PVC)-coated fabric VALMEX is studied. Two cases of the same fabric have been analyzed: one USED for 20 years on the real construction of the Forest Opera in Sopot (Poland), and one kept as a spare material (NOT USED). The following tests have...
Mechanical properties of polyester reinforced PVC coated fabric subjected to biaxial loading of creep type
PublicationThe goal of the current study is to analyze the basic mechanical properties of the architec-tural fabric VALMEX, which is a composite material built of reinforcing polyester thread families and both sides PVC coated. The material was firstly subjected to biaxial loading of creep type for about 48 hours. The stress levels of the creep loading in two main or-thogonal directions of the fabric (commonly called the warp and fill directions)...
Year 2017
Identification of Bodner-Partom model parameters for technical fabrics
PublicationThe thorough analysis of modeling technical fabrics behavior with the viscoplastic Bodner-Partom constitutive law is presented. The study has been focused on differences between the warp and weft direction of the material. To obtain the model’s parameters only the uniaxial tensile laboratory tests with three different, but constant strain rates are required. The parameters have been found for polyester fibers PVC coated fabrics:...
Year 2016
Modelling of the viscoelastic properties of the technical fabric VALMEX
PublicationThe analysis of the Burgers model used for the constitutive description of the technical fabric VALMEX vis-coelastic behavior is presented. It has revealed that the correctness of the identification depends strongly on the level of the immediate strain taken for calculations. Moreover, it has been proven that the Burgers model can be used for modelling of the viscoelastic properties of the polyester reinforced PVC coated VALMEX...
Year 2014
Application of the Bodner-Partom constitutive equations for modelling of the technical fabric Valmex used for the hanging roof of the Forest Opera in Sopot
PublicationThe study of an inelastic properties of the technical fabric Valmex used for 20 years as the roof structure of the Forest Opera in Sopot (Poland) is presented. The uniaxial tensile laboratory tests with constant strain rate have been conducted and analysed. Parameters of the Bodner-Partom constitutive model have been identified and verified by numerical simulations. Two approaches of the parameters identification have been proposed:...
Year 2013
Durability evaluation of technical fabrics
PublicationA thorough examination of the influence of the conditions of use on the mechanical properties of technical fabrics is proposed. Laboratory experiments (uniaxial tensile, rheological, cyclic and biaxial tensile tests) have been conducted and the material’s parameters for Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations have been identified. Various constitutive models of technical fabrics are investigated and compared. On the basis of these...
Year 2012
Experimental research on technical fabric of the Forest Opera Roof in Sopot
PublicationThe experimental analysis of the technical fabric Valmex is presented. The study involves uniaxial tensile, cyclic, rheological and biaxial tests. Some of the main differencies between two types of the analysed material have been identified. Mechanical properties of the textile have been modeled by the viscoelastic standard model with quite good effect.
Year 2011
Badania wytrzymałościowe poliwęglanu litego w aspekcie możliwości jego stosowania jako materiału konstrukcyjnego
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań właściwości mechanicznych poliwęglanu litego pod kątem wykorzystania go dla celów konstrukcyjnych. Próby jednoosiowego rozciągania ze stałą prędkością odkształcenia i próby pełzania przeprowadzono w różnych warunkach temperaturowych, a badania cykliczne dodatkowo wykonano z różnymi prędkościami odkształcenia. Zidentyfikowano podstawowe parametry mechaniczne oraz parametry lepkosprężystego modelu standardowego.
Constructional properties of polycarbonate plates for EURO 2012 Gdansk stadium
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych dla płyt z poliwęglanu litego, które miały zostać wykorzystane jako materiał konstrukcyjno-osłonowy stadionu piłkarskiego na mistrzostwa Euro 2012 w Gdańsku. Zidentyfikowano moduł Younga oraz Poissona, wykonano próby cykliczne oraz pełzania. Właściwości mechaniczne poliwęglanu litego oceniono jako dobre, choć obawy budzą mikrorysy pojawiające się podczas badań w strukturze materiału.
Właściwości mechaniczne poliwęglanu w różnych temperaturach
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki prób jednoosiowego rozciągania oraz testów pełzania wykonane w różnych temperaturach (-30, 20 oraz 30 st.c) dla próbek poliwęglanu litego. Identyfikacja modeli lepkosprężystych została wykonana oraz zweryfikowana dla wybranych temperatur. Potwierdzono, że temperatura odgrywa większą rolę w zachowaniu się poliwęglanu niż efekty reologiczne. Podczas prób zaobserwowano powstawanie mikrorys w strukturze...
Year 2009
PublicationPrzedmiotem ekspertyzy było zbadanie właściwości mechanicznych poliwęglanu zaprojektowanego jako element zadaszenia stadionu piłkarskiego w Gdańsku budowanego na mistrzostwa Europy w piłce nożnej EURO 2012. Ekspertyza obejmowała badania laboratoryjne poliwęglanu litego pod kątem zastosowania go jako materiału konstrukcyjnego oraz badania terenowe gotowych konstrukcyjnych elementów testowych w skali 1:1 w trakcie budowy stadionu.
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