dr inż. Milena Marycz
- Assistant professor at Department of Functional Materials Engineering
total: 17
Catalog Publications
Year 2025
Dynamic anaerobic digestion-based biorefineries for on-demand renewable energy and bioproducts in a circular bioeconomy
PublicationAnaerobic digestion (AD) is an important biotechnology for treating biodegrad- able residues and producing bioenergy, yet its full potential remains untapped. We investigate a two-phase AD system for biorefinery applications, producing valuable bioproducts, such as volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and biogas, from grass feedstock. We introduce a demand-driven operational approach to match mar- ket conditions, while minimising water...
Year 2023
Fungal co-culture improves the biodegradation of hydrophobic VOCs gas mixtures in conventional biofilters and biotrickling filters
PublicationThe present study systematically evaluated the potential of Candida subhashii, Fusarium solani and their consortium for the abatement of n-hexane, trichloroethylene (TCE), toluene and α-pinene in biofilters (BFs) and biotrickling filters (BTFs). Three 3.2 L BFs packed with polyurethane foam and operated at a gas residence time of 77 s with an air mixture of hydrophobic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were inoculated with C. subhashii,...
The use of fungi in biofiltration to remove hydrophobic volatile organic compounds
PublicationThe growing importance placed on air quality by environmental regulations and public opinion necessitate the minimization and removal of volatile organic compound emissions (VOCs), including odours. The removal of hydrophobic VOCs from the air by biological methods remains a major technical challenge (despite its importance in the shift to green engineering). A potential solution to this challenge is the use of fungi in biofiltration....
Year 2022
A state of the art review on the use of fungi in biofiltration to remove volatile hydrophobic pollutants
PublicationThe physical/chemical abatement of gas pollutants creates many technical problems, is costly and entails significant environmental impacts. Biological purification of off-gases is a cheap and ecologically safe way of neutralization of gas pollutants. Despite the recent advances, the main technological challenge nowadays is the purification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of hydrophobic character due to their low solubility...
Systematic comparison of a biotrickling filter and a conventional filter for the removal of a mixture of hydrophobic VOCs by Candida subhashii
PublicationThis work systematically compared the potential of a conventional fungal biofilter (BF) and a fungal biotrickling filter (BTF) for the abatement of a mixture of hydrophobic volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Candida subhashii was herein used for the first time, to the best of the author's knowledge, to remove n-hexane, trichloroethylene, toluene and α-pinene under aerobic conditions. C. subhashii immobilized on polyurethane foam...
Year 2021
Removal of cyclohexane and ethanol from air in biotrickling filters inoculated with Candida albicans and Candida subhashii
PublicationThis paper presents investigations on the removal of cyclohexane and ethanol from air in polyurethane- -packed biotrickling filters, inoculated with Candida albicans and Candida subhashii fungal species. Results on process performance together with flow cytometry analyses of the biofilm formed over packing elements are presented and discussed. The results indicate that the presence of ethanol enhances the removal efficiency of cyclohexane...
Year 2020
Evaluation of Immobilization of Selected Peat-Isolated Yeast Strains of the Species Candida albicans and Candida subhashii on the Surface of Artificial Support Materials Used for Biotrickling Filtration
PublicationThe paper describes the process of n-butanol abatement by unicellular fungi, able to deplete n-butanol content in gas, by using n-butanol as source of carbon. Isolated and identified fungi species Candida albicans and Candida subhashii were subjected to a viability process via assimilation of carbon from hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds. The isolates, which exhibited the ability to assimilate carbon, were immobilized on four...
Zastosowanie naturalnych i syntetycznych wypełnień w biofiltrach konwencjonalnych oraz w biofiltrach ze złożem zraszanym
PublicationPopularną metodą oczyszczania powietrza z lotnych związków organicznych jest biofiltracja. Proces biologicznej dezodoryzacji polega na wykorzystaniu zdolności mikrorganizmów do rozkładu różnego rodzaju związków, dzięki czemu zachodzi biodegradacja zanieczyszczeń. W wyniku tego powstają związki nietoksyczne i nieuciążliwe zapachowo. W niniejszym artykule przedstawione zostały dwie najskuteczniejsze metody dezodoryzacji powietrza:...
Year 2019
Biotrickling filtration of n-butanol vapors: process monitoring using electronic nose and artificial neural network
PublicationBiotrickling filtration is one of the techniques used to reduce odorants in the air. It is based on the aerobic degradation of pollutants by microorganisms located in the filter bed. The research presents the possibility of using the electronic nose prototype combined with artificial neural network for biofiltration process monitoring in terms of reduction in n-butanol concentration and odour intensity of treated air. The study...
Comparative Evaluation of Selected Biological Methods for the Removal of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Odorous VOCs from Air
PublicationDue to increasingly stringent legal regulations as well as increasing social awareness, the removal of odorous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air is gaining importance. This paper presents the strategy to compare selected biological methods intended for the removal of different air pollutants, especially of odorous character. Biofiltration, biotrickling filtration and bioscrubbing technologies are evaluated in terms of...
Effects of n-butanol presence, inlet loading, empty bed residence time and starvation periods on the performance of a biotrickling filter removing cyclohexane vapors from air
PublicationThis paper presents the results of investigations on the removal of cyclohexane vapors from air using a peat-perlite packed biotrickling filter. Effects of basic process parameters i.e. IL (inlet loading) and EBRT (empty bed residence time) as well as introduction of n-butanol to the treated air stream and starvation periods on the process performance were evaluated. The results show that the introduction of hydrophilic n-butanol...
Laboratoryjny biofiltr strużkowy do oczyszczania powietrza z lotnych związków organicznych o charakterze odorowym
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych procesu dezodoryzacji powietrza zanieczyszczonego parami toluenu w biofiltrze ze złożem zraszanym (tj. w biofiltrze strużkowym). Zaproponowano układ badawczy do procesu biofiltracji, oparty na bioreaktorze dwusekcyjnym, wypełnionym ceramicznymi pierścieniami Raschiga. Złoże biofiltra zaszczepiono drobnoustrojami z rodzaju Candida. Jako ciecz zraszającą stosowano wodny roztwór soli...
Removal of VOCs from air and assessment of dominant species in a peat-perlite biotrickling filter
PublicationAir pollution has become a major concern because it is inevitably connected with the rapid development of both industrial and residential areas. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted from various anthropogenic sources e.g. transportation, factories or landfills as well as recycling factories. It is problematic not only because of the direct impact on humans and environment but also from economy viewpoint as it increases...
Rola mikroorganizmów w dezodoryzacji powietrza metodą biofiltracji
PublicationZanieczyszczenie powietrza związkami zapachowymi staje się rosnącym problemem. W celu ograniczenia emisji substancji uciążliwych zapachowo do atmosfery, wykorzystuje się różne techniki dezodoryzacji. Względnie niskie koszty eksploatacyjne, niewielka odpadowość oraz możliwość oczyszczania dużych objętości gazów, zawierających niewysokie stężenia związków zapachowych powodują, że zastosowanie metod biologicznych jest szczególnie...
The use of various species of fungi in biofiltration of air contaminated with odorous volatile organic compounds
PublicationAir pollution with odorous compounds is a significant social and environmental problem. This paper presents biological deodorization methods. The attention is focused on the application of biotrickling filters for air deodorization. Principles of their operation are discussed, indicating the key role of the selection of microorganisms responsible for the degradation of odorous compounds. A literature overview of the used fungal...
Year 2018
PublicationW Polsce w ostatnich latach rośnie liczba skarg zgłaszanych organom Inspekcji Ochrony Środowiska ze względu na uciążliwość zapachową, towarzysząca działalności wielu zakładów przemysłowych i obiektów gospodarki komunalnej. Wynika to m.in. z rozwoju gospodarczego, rozbudowy miast, a także wzrostu świadomości społecznej. Rozwój metod monitorowania i kontroli stanu powietrza atmosferycznego w coraz większym zakresie umożliwia identyfikację...
PublicationProblematyka uciążliwości zapachowej, wywołanej emisjami substancji odorotwórczych z różnych źródeł, stanowi ważny problem społeczno – środowiskowy. Związki o charakterze odorowym są emitowane z wielu sektorów działalności człowieka, m.in. z zakładów oczyszczania ścieków i składowisk odpadów komunalnych. Związki te mogą być usuwane w procesach fizycznych, chemicznych i biologicznych. Ze względu na niskie koszty eksploatacyjne oraz...
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