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Search results for: wet welding
Zespół Inżynierii Spajania
Research PotentialSpawalność i ocena trwałości eksploatacyjnej materiałów konstrukcyjnych
Zespół Biomateriałów
Research PotentialInżynieria i technologia biomateriałów, inżynieria powierzchni, wytwarzanie implantów metalowych, rozwój materiałów odpornych na korozję
Zespół Fizyki Ciała Stałego
Research PotentialTematyka badawcza Katedry Fizyki Ciała Stałego obejmuje wytwarzanie i badanie materiałów dla energetyki ( nanostruktury, sensory) o innowacyjnych właściwościach fizyko-chemicznych, tj: * kryształy, polikryształy, ceramika, szkło * materiały objętościowe, cienkie warstwy, nanomateriały * materiały metaliczne, półprzewodnikowe, nadprzewodnikowe, izolatory Tematyka badawcza obejmuje również badania symulacyjne i obliczeniowe...
Best results in : Business Offer Pokaż wszystkie wyniki (1)
Search results for: wet welding
Centrum Civitroniki – Centrum Zaawansowanych Technologii
Business OfferCentrum Civitroniki działa na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. W skład Centrum Cicitroniki wchodzą następujące pracownie:Pracownia DIM-Tefal, Pracownia defektorskopii, badań materiału i konstrukcji metalowych, Pracownia geodezyjnego monitorowania budowli inżynierskich, Pracownia badań drogowych, Pracownia fizyki budowli oraz Nazwa Civitronika jest wynikiem połączenia wyrażeń: „civil engineering”...
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Search results for: wet welding
Temper bead welding of S460N steel in wet welding conditions
PublicationWet welding is the most common method of welding in water environment. It is most often used for repairing of underwater parts of offshore structures. However, the water as a welding environment causes an increase of susceptibility of steels to cold cracking. For underwater constructions high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel are widely used. In wet welding condition a HSLA steel is characterized by high susceptibility to cold cracking....
Dissimilar underwater wet welding of HSLA steels
PublicationThe high-strength low-alloy S460ML and S460N steels were chosen for underwater wet welding of dissimilar T-joints using covered electrodes. For improving the quality of joints, the temper bead welding (TBW) method was used. The application of TBW in pad welding conditions has been investigated earlier but the possibility of usage of this technique in welded joints was not analyzed. The main aim of the study was to check the influence...
Advantages of the Application of the Temper Bead Welding Technique During Wet Welding
PublicationThermo-mechanically rolled S460ML steel was chosen for welding in underwater wet welding conditions by covered electrodes. The main aim of this study was to check the weldability for fillet welds in a water environment by controlled thermal severity (CTS) tests and to check the influence of temper bead welding (TBW) on the weldability of the investigated steel. Non-destructive and destructive tests showed that S460ML steel has...
Weldability of high strength steels in wet welding conditions
PublicationIn this paper are characterized problems of high strength steel weldability in underwater wet welding conditions. Water as a welding environment intensifies action of unfavourable factors which influence susceptibility to cold cracking of welded steel joints. The susceptibility to cold cracking of S355J2G3 steel and S500M steel in wet conditions was experimentally estimated (by using Tekken test). It was concluded that the steels...
Bead-on-Plate Underwater Wet Welding on S700MC Steel
PublicationThe participation of high strength steels in marine and offshore structures is increasing, which makes it necessary to develop recommendations for underwater repair welding works. The article presents the results of bead-on-plate welded specimens made of S700MC high strength steel in underwater wet welding conditions by covered elec- trodes. Three specimens with heat input values in the range 0.91-1.05 kJ/mm were made. The specimens...