dr hab. Daniel Kaszubowski
- Associate professor at Department of Transportation Engineering
contractor 1
BATS Baltic sea region Active mobiliTy Solutions - in darkness and all weather conditions
Project realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to #C053 BATS agreement from 2023-10-16
Project manager, Project manager
S@MPler Integrated education based on sustainable urban mobility projects
Project realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to 2019-1-PL1-KA203-065244 agreement from 2019-09-01
RIDII 2C A model method of road investment assessment at the STEŚ stage, taking into account the principles of sustainable development throughout the road's life cycle
Project realized in Department of Transportation Engineering
Project manager
SQUARES Sustainability and Quality Assurance for Academic Governance and Redesign Engineering Studies
Project realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to 101129192 — SQUARES agreement
Project manager, Project manager
AdTrans Advanced data analysis for transportation and mobility academic teachers
Project realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to 2023-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000158917 agreement
EuroS@P European Road Safety Partnership
Project realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081964 agreement
seen 2371 times