mgr inż. Karolina Kuklińska
total: 6
Catalog Publications
Year 2015
Air quality policy in the U.S. and the EU – a review
PublicationThe high level of atmospheric pollution is a global problem that has taken on particular significance in recent years and will continue to grow in the near future. Air pollution directly affects the health, living organisms, vegetation, water, soil and buildings. Additionally, it moves easily even over long distances. Certain air pollutants influence the climate, cause negative processes in the protective ozone layer and contribute...
Concentration and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in surface soil near a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill
PublicationDue to a continuous demand of land for infrastructural and residential development there is a public concern about the condition of surface soil near municipal solid waste landfills. A total of 12 surface (0–20 cm) soil samples from a territory near a landfill were collected and the concentration of 16 PAHs and 7 PCB congeners were investigated in these samples. Limits of detection were in the range of 0.038–1.2 μg/kg for PAHs...
Year 2014
Chemical pollution and toxicity of water samples from stream receiving leachate from controlled municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill
PublicationThe present study was aimed to determine the impact of municipal waste landfill on the pollution level of surface waters, and to investigate whether the choice and number of physical and chemical parameters monitored are sufficient for determining the actual risk related to bioavailability and mobility of contaminants. In 2007–2012, water samples were collected from the stream flowing through the site at two sampling locations,...
Year 2013
Analytical and bioanalytical problems associated with the toxicity of elemental sulfur in the environment
PublicationWe summarize the state of knowledge on the toxicity and the bioavailability of elemental sulfur. We also present: analytical methods used to determine the elemental sulfur content of samples with complex matrices; and, problems and difficulties encountered while using biotests for samples containing elemental sulfur.
Składowiska odpadów komunalnych jako źródła emisji zanieczyszczeń do środowiska
PublicationCelem pracy było przeprowadzenie badań mających na celu określenie związków uwalnianych do powietrza ze składowisk odpadów komunalnych oraz charakterystyka ich właściwości zapachowych i toksycznych. Próbki powietrza analizowano za pomocą techniki TD-GC-MS. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły na zidentyfikowanie następujących związków: styren, benzen, ksylen, toluen, etylobenzen, disiarczek dimetylu, dekan, kwas butanowy i octowy....
Year 2012
The use of bioassays in the analysis of environmental samples
PublicationToxicological tests are increasingly used as effective tool to complement the information obtained during the environmental monitoring. Moreover bioassays provide basic knowledge about the health effects of exposure to harmful factors associated with the environment. Toxicity tests might be a source of information about the content of pollutants in the sample, and the possibility of their interactions. They can be considered as...
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