dr hab. inż. arch. Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska
- Associate professor at Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes
Research Teams (Leader)
ILLUME [/ɪˈl(j)uːm/] to interdyscyplinarna grupa badawcza w ramach centrum badawczego EcoTech na Politechnice Gdańskiej, stworzona w celu minimalizacji wpływu zanieczyszczenia światłem sztucznym na ludzi, florę i faunę. Członkowie grupy posiadają wybitne umiejętności praktyczne i wiedzę badawczą w zakresie tych zagadnień. Nie tylko konsekwentnie identyfikując istotne problemy i tematy badawcze, ale także znajdując praktyczne rozwiązania...
Research Teams (Team member)
ILLUME [/ɪˈl(j)uːm/] to interdyscyplinarna grupa badawcza w ramach centrum badawczego EcoTech na Politechnice Gdańskiej, stworzona w celu minimalizacji wpływu zanieczyszczenia światłem sztucznym na ludzi, florę i faunę. Członkowie grupy posiadają wybitne umiejętności praktyczne i wiedzę badawczą w zakresie tych zagadnień. Nie tylko konsekwentnie identyfikując istotne problemy i tematy badawcze, ale także znajdując praktyczne rozwiązania...
Zespół Katedry Architektury Miejskiej i Przestrzeni Nadwodnych
Wszystkie programy badań prowadzone w Katedrze powstają w odpowiedzi na problemy środowiskowe, wiążą się ze zmianami demograficznymi i wyzwaniami wynikającymi z rozwoju miast. Badane są urbanistyczne i architektoniczne możliwości związane z przekształceniami terenów poprzemysłowych. Zespół katedralny zaangażowany jest w opracowywanie kreatywnych rozwiązań dla ponownego wykorzystania struktur historycznych w oparciu o koncepcję...
Membership in scientific or artistic societies/organisations/institutions
European Lighting Designers’ Association (ELDA+) later known as Professional Lighting Designers' Association (PLDA)
Conducted 2006-01-01 - 2007-01-01 at position: UK national coordinator
International Association of Lighting Designers' (IALD)
Conducted 2014-05-23 at position: Registered Professional Member
International Association of Lighting Designers' (IALD)
Conducted 2018-01-01 at position: EU Regulatory Affairs Working Group Member
Professional Lighting Designer’s Association (PLDA)
Conducted 2009-12-15 - 2014-04-01 at position: Registered Professional Member
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
Conducted 2014-05-27 at position: Registered Chartered Member
The Chinese Lighting Designer’s Association
Conducted 2017-05-04 at position: Member of International Advisory Council (IAC)
The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) / USA
Conducted 2014-01-05 at position: Member Grade, International
The Society of Light and Lighting (SLL)
Conducted 2014-06-27 at position: Member
Positions in journals editorial offices
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2020-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2021-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2020-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2020-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2020-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2019-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2019-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2019-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2019-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2019-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2019-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2021-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2020-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2021-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2021-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2021-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2019-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2019-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2020-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2020-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2020-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2020-01-01
Autor recenzji artykułu
Conducted 2020-01-01
Membership in expert teams
Chair and member of the Paper Review Committee for the Light Symposium Paper Competition 2016 (LSPC16)
Call for papers' content in PDF format, drafting reviewer form and its distribution, Final evaluation of the submitted papers with other jury members (review of 43 paper submissions), Papers were selected through a submission process in which all submissions were reviewed by an independent jury of lighting specialists and educators, Email correspondence with the finalists, Design and layout of the LSPC16 Award Certificate
Illumination Awards Program Committee
The IES Illumination Awards program recognizes individuals for professionalism, ingenuity and originality in lighting design.
Jury Member of 2015 Darc Awards http://www.darcmagazine.com/darc-awards-voting-has-begun/
An international panel of independent lighting designers have chosen their shortlists for each of the project categories. Out of the 450 entries for the darc awards, twelve from each project category have been chosen by the judging panel for lighting designers and light artists to vote on.
Jury Member of Lighting Design Awards 2018 http://awards.lighting.co.uk/judges-2018/
Judging of the following award categories: Architectural Luminaire Interior, Architectural Luminaire Exterior, Product Designer of the Year, Supplier of the Year, Hotel and Restaurant Project of the Year, Leisure Project of the Year, Retail Project of the Year, Heritage Project of the Year, Workplace Project of the Year, Community and Public Realm Project of the Year, Daylight Project of the Year, Integration Project of the Year, Light Art Project of the Year, Architect of the Year, Lighting Design Practice of the Year, Lighting Designer of the Year,
Jury and member of the Paper Review Committee for the Light Symposium Paper Competition 2015 (LSPC15)
Final evaluation of the submitted papers with other jury members (review of 36 paper submissions in the four main symposium tracks: Fundamentals, Architecture, Health and Design), Papers were selected through a submission process in which all submissions were reviewed by an independent jury of lighting specialists and educators
LightAware Advisory Panel
1. To raise awareness about the effects of artificial lighting on human health and wellbeing. 2. To stimulate discussion and investigation into the effects of artificial lighting on human health and wellbeing. 3. The promotion of equality and diversity through encouraging provision of access to civic life for those excluded by sensitivity to artificial lighting.
Non-Technical Committee Annual Conference Papers Subcommittee
This committee procures, reviews and approves all papers for presentation at the IES Annual Conference.
Organizing Committee of 5th Light Symposium Wismar 2016 http://lightsymposium.de/2016/?s=contact
Content review of existing Sponsorship Agreement and Letter of Sponsorship (English, German), Drafting Speaker’s Agreement, Marketing activities at Light & Building Fair in Frankfurt, Germany (finding media contacts, sponsors, associations, and university partners), Email correspondence with English editor for proofreading, Online marketing (contacting associations, educational institutions, media partners), Conducting teleconferences for Scientific Committee, Creating protocols, agendas, doodle schedules etc. for Scientific Committee, Ongoing email correspondence and phone calls
Paper Reviewing Committee
Required to review 33 paper submissions in the four conference tracks "Urban Life 4.0", "Research", "Professional Practice Issues", "Philosophy & Debate"
Paper Reviewing Committee
Required to review 44 paper submissions in the four conference tracks "Lighting Application Research", "Lighting Application Case Study", "Professional Practice Issues", "Light and Culture"
Professional Lighting Designer’s Association (PLDA) Workgroup Committee
Chair of Workgroup Committee responsible for developing a virtual syllabus for a 2-year master’s degree program in Architectural Lighting Design.
Program Committee Member
Provided high-quality reviews for papers. Submissions were a combination of papers, with a minimum length of six and a maximum length of ten pages in the ACM format.
Program Committee Member http://mab16.org/pages/committee.php
Provided high-quality reviews for papers. Submissions were a combination of papers, with a minimum length of six and a maximum length of ten pages in the ACM format.
Scientific Committee of 5th Light Symposium Wismar 2016 http://lightsymposium.de/2016/?s=scientific_committee
Updates to the Symposium Flyer, Creation of the Symposium Programme, Searching for Speakers, contacting speakers via mail, phone, Text edition of LSW 2016 Speaker's bio-sketch, title of lecture and extended abstract, Text edition of LSW 2016 Scientific Committee’s bio-sketch, Review of the LSW 2016 Website content and redesign proposals, Website content, Creation of Press release (English), Conducting Telco meetings, Ongoing email correspondence
Technical Commitee TC 4-58: OBTRUSIVE LIGHT FROM COLOURFUL AND DYNAMIC LIGHTING AND ITS LIMITATION, http://www.cie.co.at/technicalcommittees/obtrusive-light-colourful-and-dynamic-lighting-and-its-limitation
To provide guidelines for the implementation and usage of colourful and dynamic lighting in outdoor applications aiming at limitation of obtrusive light with respect to astronomical observations, humans and night-time environment.To develop metrics for obtrusive light from colourful and dynamic lighting systems and to propose suitable methods for limitation or prevention of obtrusive light from such systems.
Technical Committee Outdoor Environmental Lighting Committee (OELC)
This committee researches and develops best practices for exterior lighting and minimizing the negative impact of artificial light at night on the nocturnal environment.
UKRI-NHMRC Built Environment and Prevention Research Scheme
Grant proposal referee
Membership in scientific networks
Illuminating Lake Ecosystems (ILES) Project at the LakeLab, Lake Stechlin /DE http://www.lake-lab.de/index.php/project-team-2016.html The project aims to elucidate how light pollution affects lakes and aquatic organism. It focuses on the diffused illumination of the night sky caused by artificial light, the so-called sky-glow.
Since July 2015 member of the interdisciplinary research team. As an expert in lighting design, I advised the team on the appropriate light source (LED), luminaire typ (linear LED) and luminaire manufacturer (LED Linear, Germany) to be used. I also managed direct contact with the lighting industry, from which the samples and final luminaires were obtained.
With: The Leibniz Association (Leibniz-Gemeinschaft), a union of German non-university research institutes from various branches of study
Membership in scientific consortia
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project LIGHT4HEALTH [L4H]
LIGHT4HEALTH (Health Research-Based Innovative Open Educational Resources and Tools for Lighting Design Students and Professionals) develops a novel educational course to teach health research methods and findings to lighting designers at graduate level
seen 12057 times