A very simple and quick analytical method, basedon direct aqueous injection, for determination of halogenatedsolvents in refinery water and wastewater, is described.There is a need to determine halogenated solvents in refinerywater streams, because they may originate from severalprocesses. There is also a need to develop methods enablingVOX to be determined in samples containing oil fractions.The method described enables simultaneous determinationof 26 compounds with low detection limits (sub-μg L−1) andexcellent precision, especially for highly halogenated solvents.Thematrix effects of four types of sample were evaluated-themethod seemed to be relatively insensitive to variations inmatrix composition. Deuterated 1,2-dichloroethane was usedas internal standard and surrogate compound in quantitativeanalysis; application of isotopically labelled compounds israrely reported when non-mass spectrometric detectors areused for analysis. Analysis of real samples showed that themost frequently detected compounds were dichloromethaneand 1,2-dichloroethane.W pracy przedstawiono metodę analityczną opartą na technice DAI-GC-ECD służącą do oznaczania lotnych związków chlorowcoorganicznych w wodach i ściekach procesowych. W pracy opisano efekty matrycowe powodowane przez różne typy próbek rzeczywistych. Jako wzorca wewnętrznego użyto znaczonego izotopowo 1,2-dichloroetanu.
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- Accepted or Published Version
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- Category:
- Articles
- Type:
- artykuł w czasopiśmie wyróżnionym w JCR
- Published in:
no. 399,
pages 3565 - 3572,
ISSN: 1618-2642 - Language:
- English
- Publication year:
- 2011
- Bibliographic description:
- Tobiszewski M., Namieśnik J.: Determination of chlorinated solvents in industrial water and wastewater by DAI- GC-ECD// ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. -Vol. 399, (2011), s.3565-3572
- Verified by:
- Gdańsk University of Technology
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