Estimation of Screw Displacement Pile-Bearing Capacity Based on Drilling Resistances - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Estimation of Screw Displacement Pile-Bearing Capacity Based on Drilling Resistances


This article presents an engineering, empiricalmethod of estimating the bearing capacity and settlementcharacteristics Q-s of screw displacement piles andcolumns, based on soil resistance encountered during thedrilling to form piles/columns in the ground. The methodwas developed on the basis of correlation analyses of thetest results of 24 piles made during the “DPDT-Auger”research project (Krasiński et al., 2022a). In the proposedmethod, the load capacity of a screw displacement pile isestimated using two main parameters of auger screwingresistance: torque MT and the number of auger rotationsper depth unit nR. The method applies to piles andcolumns made with a standard screw displacement pile(SDP) auger and with the proprietary, prototype DPDT(displacement pile drilling tool) aguer, patented in Poland(2020). Based on the estimated ultimate capacities of thepile shaft and base, an approximate method of predictingthe pile settlement characteristics Q-s was also proposed,using the transfer function method. This article describesa correlation procedure of field test results togetherwith their statistical analysis and presents a method ofestimating the pile-bearing capacity based on correlationresults. A calculation example is also provided. Theconclusion looks at the useful practical applications thatcould be found for the proposed method.


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artykuły w czasopismach
Published in:
Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica no. 0,
ISSN: 0137-6365
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Krasiński A.: Estimation of Screw Displacement Pile-Bearing Capacity Based on Drilling Resistances// Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica -Vol. 0,iss. 0 (2023),
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.2478/sgem-2023-0014
Sources of funding:
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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