Mentor&Student Research Lab – Urban Transformations – Introduction - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Mentor&Student Research Lab – Urban Transformations – Introduction


Mentor&Student Research Lab - "Urban Transformations" is a common initiative of the members of Gdańsk University of Technology student research club, Urban Revolution Laboratory and the International Society of City and Regional Planners ISOCARP. The aim of the event was to promote collaboration of professionals and the students in the area of research on the city and the region. During three months’ Workshop five groups leaded by ISOCARP Mentors performed research on various issues which cities have to deal with. The results of Workshop were presented during the Conference, pre-event to the 50 Annual Congress of ISOCARP. The M&SRL Project turned out to be a big success and gained many positive opinions from not only its participants but also from people following the project from all around the world. The organizers already plan the next edition, which will take place in… well, it could be everywhere!

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Monographic publication
rozdział, artykuł w książce - dziele zbiorowym /podręczniku w języku o zasięgu międzynarodowym
Title of issue:
Medium size south baltic rim cities – improving by learning from each other strony 3 - 8
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Obracht-Prondzyńska H.: Mentor&Student Research Lab – Urban Transformations – Introduction// Medium size south baltic rim cities – improving by learning from each other/ ed. Obracht-Prondzyńska Hanna Gdańsk-Saarbrücke : Lambert-Academic Publishing, 2016, s.3-8
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Gdańsk University of Technology

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