Nowe stanowiska Dicranum viride (Dicranaceae) w północno-wschodniej Polsce na tle jego rozmieszczenia w województwie podlaskim - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Nowe stanowiska Dicranum viride (Dicranaceae) w północno-wschodniej Polsce na tle jego rozmieszczenia w województwie podlaskim


Dicranum viride (Sull. & Lesq.) Lindb. is a rare moss species from the Dicranaceae family. It is strictly protected in Poland and is considered as a relic of primeval forests. The plant is also included in Annex II of the Natura 2000 Habitats Directive and Annex I of the Bern Convention. Its populations are threatened by habitat fragmentation and economic use of forest stands. This paper describes the new localities of the plant in north-eastern Poland against the background of its distribution in the Podlaskie Province. It also outlines the prospects for the conservation of local populations of the species in the region.


Authors (5)

  • Photo of  Daniel Skowron

    Daniel Skowron

  • Photo of  Sylwia Wierzcholska

    Sylwia Wierzcholska

  • Photo of  Maciej Romański

    Maciej Romański

  • Photo of  Marcin Mazurkiewicz

    Marcin Mazurkiewicz

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Magazine publication
Magazine publication
Published in:
FRAGMENTA FLORISTICA ET GEOBOTANICA POLONICA no. 1, edition 2024, pages 69 - 79,
ISSN: 1640-629X
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Skowron, Daniel, and Dan Wołkowycki. "Rozdział 4 Uwarunkowania ochrony mchów i wątrobowców w lasach." LASY PRZYSZŁOŚCI WYZWANIA WSPÓŁCZESNEGO LEŚNICTWA (2022): 41. DOI: 10.24427/978-83-67185-47-9_4
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