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MoPA Monitoring for protected areas with a focus on biodiversity and the sustainable development of these areas
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Economics according to INT0100028 MoPA agreement from 2023-05-31
HEPHAESTUS HEPHAESTUS HEritage Protocols for ArcHitecturAl European croSs-bordering siTes evalUationS
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to 101182877 — HEPHAESTUS — HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01 agreement from 2024-07-15
HEPHAESTUS HHEPHAESTUS - HEritage Protocols for ArcHitecturAl European croSs-bordering siTes evalUationS
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings
CAISE Cloud AI Service Engineering platform for development of universal intelligent services dedicated to various areas of applications
ProjectsProject realized in Dział Usług Chmurowych according to KPOD.05.10-IW.10-0005/24 agreement from 2024-07-23
DATASET DATASET: GrounDwater sAlinizaTion and leaching AsseSsmEnt Tool: a holistic approach for coastal areas
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering according to WATER4ALL/I/38/DATASET/2024 agreement from 2024-08-06
MORGRAW Development of technology for acquisition and exploration of gravimetric data of foreshore and seashore of Polish maritime areas
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Geodesy according to POIR.04.01.04-00-0080/17-00 agreement from 2018-06-29
S.O.S. Climate waterfront A Strategy of Excellence in Research and Innovation to Design Tools for the Waterfront to face Climate Change.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to 823901 — sosclimatewaterfront — H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018 agreement from 2018-10-04