total: 65
filtered: 7
Search results for: MODELOWANIE RYZYKA
Forecasting the risk of consumer bankruptcy in Poland
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Finance according to UMO-2017/25/B/HS4/00592 agreement from 2018-01-10
SoURCE Service of Utility Risk/Cost Evaluation (SoURCE)
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Geodesy according to 4000130203/20/UK/ND agreement from 2020-03-27
Food OxNA2 Assessment of the potential toxicological risk associated with the consumption of nucleic acids oxidized during thermal processing of meat products
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry, Technology and Biotechnology of Food according to UMO-2023/49/N/NZ9/02749 agreement
APRIORA Improved risk assessment for strategic water management to reduce micro-pollutant emissions in the Baltic Sea Region
ProjectsProject realized in University of Rostock according to PROGRAMME 2021-2027 agreement from 2023-11-01
APRIORA Improved risk assessment for strategic water management to reduce micro-pollutant emissions in the Baltic Sea Region
ProjectsProject realized in University of Rostock according to PROGRAMME 2021-2027 agreement from 2023-11-01
OpenRisk II Tool for shared and dynamic maritime traffic risk picture of the Baltic Sea Region
ProjectsProject realized in Zakład Projektowania Okrętu
RISPECT Risk-based expert system for through life ship structural inspection and maintenance and new-build ship structural design
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology according to 218499 agreement from 2008-12-19