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RIDII 2C A model method of road investment assessment at the STEŚ stage, taking into account the principles of sustainable development throughout the road's life cycle
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering
MINIATURA 6 Empirical research on the impact of the type of rail vehicle and railway surface on noise in the Tricity Agglomeration
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to 554881 agreement from 2022-01-13
Empirical research on the impact of the type of rail vehicle and railway surface on noise in the Tricity Agglomeration
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering
Badania empiryczne wpływu czynników klimatycznych i materiałowych na przyrost liczby spękań niskotemperaturowych nawierzchni podatnych
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to DEC-2019/03/X/ST8/00338/2 agreement from 2020-03-12
ROLRES Wpływ tekstury i równości nawierzchni drogowych na straty energetyczne w oponach i zawieszeniach pojazdów samochodowych
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering according to PBS1/A6/1/2012 agreement from 2012-12-04