Search results for: LIGHTERING - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: LIGHTERING
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Search results for: LIGHTERING

  • ARC Lighting In Architecture


    ISSN: 1753-5875

  • The Lighting Designer and New Technologies: Lighting for Enhancing Business in Shops & Restaurants – The Do’s & Don’ts of Retail Lighting

    • K. M. Zielińska

    - Year 2011

    This paper will address issues of successful retail lighting schemes to make the audience familiar with the Do’s & Don’ts. It will also look into the details of designing lighting particularly for window displays, external shop signage and outdoor terraces of restaurants. A holistic approach to retail lighting will be presented with case studies of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ lighting solutions, mostly from Europe, to underline the impacts...

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  • Lighting Design for the 21st Century Applied research in lighting practice

    For those who are unfamiliar with research, it’s important to know there are two categories. Fundamental (or basic) research and applied research. Basic research often discusses scientific ideas/theories, whereas, applied research explores testing these ideas in practice to develop technology or techniques. It’s applied research which most interests lighting practitioners. Great lighting design that creates a pleasant and beneficial...

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  • ‘Personas for lighting’. Three methods to develop personas for the indoor lighting environment


    - ENERGY AND BUILDINGS - Year 2023

    The objective of this research is to describe and compare three different methods of generating ‘persona for lighting’ to envision users’ behaviour within the lighting environment. ‘Personas’ are used to represent typical users, highlighting their needs, perspectives, and expectations to aid user-centric design approaches. The researchers looked for the most useful method of shaping ‘personas for lighting’ to learn about users’...

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  • Urban Lighting Research Transdisciplinary Framework—A Collaborative Process with Lighting Professionals

    Over the past decades, lighting professionals have influenced the experience of the night by brightly illuminating streets, buildings, skylines, and landscapes 24/7. When this became the accepted norm, a dual perspective on night-time was shaped and the visual enjoyment of visitors after dusk was prioritized over natural nightscapes (nocturnal landscapes). During this time, researchers of artificial light at night (ALAN) observed...

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  • On Guard for Lighting Quality. The establishment of the first association of professional lighting designers

    Not many people in the lighting community are aware of the fact, that after electricity was invented and in general use in the United States from the late nineteenth century, only electrical engineers were responsible for the illumination of architecture. After 1906, when the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) was established in the USA, companies and individuals professionally involved in the field of gas...

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  • Make lighting healthier


    Life on Earth evolved in day-and-night cycles. Plants and animals, including insects such as the fruit fly, have a biological clock that controls their circadian rhythms — as the 2017 winners of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine showed. Now, humans’ increasing reliance on artificial lighting is changing those rhythms.

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  • Lighting Research & Technology


    ISSN: 1477-1535 , eISSN: 1477-0938

  • Effective length of lightning earthings


    - Year 2005

    Właściwości udarowe systemów ochrony odgromowej obiektów wpływają w decydujący sposób na skuteczność takiej ochrony. Z tego względu pomiary skuteczności uziemień powinny być przeprowadzane przy prądach o parametrach czasowych zbliżonych do rzeczywistych prądów piorunowych. Rezystancja udarowa uziemień jest wyznaczana jako iloraz amplitudy spadku napięcia na uziemieniu i amplitudy prądu w układzie pomiarowym. Opisano procedurę pomiaru...

  • Effective length of lightning protection earthings


    - Year 2011

    System uziemień współczesnych obiektów jest zwykle bardzo rozległy, a na łączenie poszczególnych elementów uziemiających za pomocą głównej szyny wyrównania potencjałów uwzględnia także uziemienia stacji transformatorowej. Ocena przydatności takiego systemu uziemień do celów ochrony odgromowej nie jest prosta, bo tylko jego część określana, jako długość efektywna bierze udział w odprowadzaniu do gruntu prądu piorunowego. Praca zawiera...