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Search results for: FINISH TURNING
Irish Architect
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Irish Review (The)
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Irish Jurist
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Irish Geography
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Atomic-Scale Finite-Element Modeling of Elastic Mechanical Anisotropy in Finite-Sized Strained Phosphorene Nanoribbons
PublicationNanoribbons are crucial nanostructures due to their superior mechanical and electrical properties. This paper is devoted to hybrid studies of the elastic mechanical anisotropy of phosphorene nanoribbons whose edges connect the terminals of devices such as bridges. Fundamental mechanical properties, including Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and density, were estimated from first-principles calculations for 1-layer, 3-layer, and...
Smaller representation of finite state automata
PublicationThis paper is a follow-up to Jan Daciuk's experiments on space-efficient finite state automata representation that can be used directly for traversals in main memory (Daciuk, 2000)[4]. We investigate several techniques for reducing memory footprint of minimal automata, mainly exploiting the fact that transition labels and transition pointer offset values are not evenly distributed and so are suitable for compression. We achieve...
Incremental construction of finite-state automata
PublicationRozdział przedstawia algorytmy przyrostowego i półprzyrostowego tworzenia minimalnych deterministycznych automatów skończonych.
Smaller Representation of Finite State Automata
PublicationThis paper is a follow-up to Jan Daciuk's experiments on space-effcient finite state automata representation that can be used directly for traversals in main memory. We investigate several techniques of reducing memory footprint of minimal automata, mainly exploiting the fact that transition labels and transition pointer offset values are not evenly distributed and so are suitable for compression. We achieve a gain of around 20-30%...
Finite element matrix generation on a GPU
PublicationThis paper presents an efficient technique for fast generation of sparse systems of linear equations arising in computational electromagnetics in a finite element method using higher order elements. The proposed approach employs a graphics processing unit (GPU) for both numerical integration and matrix assembly. The performance results obtained on a test platform consisting of a Fermi GPU (1x Tesla C2075) and a CPU (2x twelve-core...
Locking effects in finite elemnt method
PublicationIn the present paper a short survey of the locking effect literature is given. As this area of scientific research is still developing, the author of the paper restricted it to about 70 papers. This study is proposed as an introduction to the comprehensive investigation of locking effects.
GPU-accelerated finite element method
PublicationIn this paper the results of the acceleration of computations involved in analysing electromagnetic problems by means of the finite element method (FEM), obtained with graphics processors (GPU), are presented. A 4.7-fold acceleration was achieved thanks to the massive parallelization of the most time-consuming steps of FEM, namely finite-element matrix-generation and the solution of a sparse system of linear equations with the...
Wideband Macromodels in Finite Element Method
PublicationThis letter proposes a novel projection technique for accelerating Finite Element Method simulations. The algorithm is based on the Second-order Arnoldi Method for Passive Order Reduction (SAPOR). It involves generation of two projection bases and thanks to this it is applicable to the systems of equations, which contain the quadratic frequency-dependence in the input term, that arise when projection is applied locally in the selected...
An analysis of the possibilities of increasing the production of electrical energy during the summer season by heat-generation back pressure turbine power units.
PublicationZbadano możliwości podniesienia mocy elektrycznej produkowanej przez przeciwprężne bloki ciepłownicze w sezonie letnim. Zbadano jedną z możliwości polegającą na dochładzaniu wody sieciowej powracającej z aglomeracji miejskiej. Zwrócono uwagę na aspekty techniczne, ekonomiczne i ekologiczne rozważanego rozwiązania.
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Danish Yearbook of Philosophy
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Finnisch-ugrische Mitteilungen
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Journal of Danish Archaeology
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Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen
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Danish Medical Journal
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Danish Journal of Archaeology
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Gdanskin yliopiston suomen kielen opetus [The Finnish language teaching at the University of Gdańsk]
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Pro-Civic Representation? Citizens’ Participation in the Opinion of Finnish and Polish Local Councilors
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PCBs in fish from southern Baltic Sea: Levels, bioaccumulation features and temporal trends during the 1997-2006 period
PublicationW próbkach 5 gatunków ryb bałtyckich pobranych w latach 1997-2006 oznaczono zawartość 7 wskaźnikowych polichlorowanych bifenyli. Zaobserwowano wyraźny trend spadku zawartości cięższych kongenerów w latach 1997-2001 dla różnych gatunków ryb za wyjątkiem dorsza. W próbkach szprota i śledzia stwierdzona statystycznie istotny spadek zawartości PCB 101, 118, 153, 138 i 180. Stwierdzono występowanie gatunkowospecyficznej bioakumulacji...
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Stabilization of the titanium vibration damping wires in the steam turbine blades system
PublicationPrzedstawiono metody stabilizacji drutów tłumiących w systemie łopatkowym turbin parowych. Na podstawie badań eksperymentalnych mikrostruktury i własności mechanicznych wykazano przydatność metody stabilizacji na gorąco drutów tłumiących wykonywanych ze stopu tytanu WT3-1.
Improving operating efficiency of a gas turboset via cooperation with an absorption refrigerating machine
PublicationThe analysis of increase of ambient air temperature entering the compressor on reduction in power output from the turbine and increase fuel use was conduced. For medium size gas turbine operates in winter and summer conditions elementary power and economical values was calculated. Conditions of the determination of turbine inlet air cooling solution (using thermal storage for reduce equipment size) are presented
Organochlorine pesticides in fish from the southern Baltic Sea: levels, bioaccumulation features and temporal trends during the 1995-2006 period
PublicationW próbkach pięciu gatunków ryb bałtyckich pobranych w latach 1995-2006 oznaczono zawartość heksachlorocykloheksanu (HCH), heksachlorobenzenu (HCB) oraz DDT i jego pochodnych. Dzięki zastosowaniu szeregu metod chemometrycznych a w szczególności analizy głównych składowych (PCA) zaobserwowano szereg istotnych zależności. Nie stwierdzono wpływu miejsca połowu na poziom analizowanych pestycydów w ciałach ryb. Zaobserwowano statystycznie...
Journals -
Creative Nursing
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Gastroenterology Nursing
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Journal of Nursing
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Gastrointestinal Nursing
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Nursing times
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Nursing Open
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Nursing Reports
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HIV Nursing
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Pediatric nursing
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Nursing management
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Texas nursing
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Frontiers of Nursing
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Nursing Inquiry
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Orthopaedic Nursing
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Nursing Philosophy