total: 6
Catalog Projects
Year -
Study of the correlation between the emission intensity of the airborne wear particles from the friction materials and the brake disc surface roughness
ProjectsProject realized in Division of Applied Mechanics and Biomechanics
NEPTUN NEw aPproach to innovative Technologies in manUfacturiNg
ProjectsProject realized in Division of Applied Mechanics and Biomechanics according to Project 101079398 — NEPTUN agreement from 2022-07-15
Study of airborne wear particle emissions from airplane brakes in order to increase the environmental friendliness of aircrafts
ProjectsProject realized in Division of Applied Mechanics and Biomechanics according to UMO-2023/51/D/ST8/01635 agreement from 2024-06-25
A method for evaluating airborne wear particle emissions from sliding contacts based on the novel aerodynamic chamber design
ProjectsProject realized in Division of Applied Mechanics and Biomechanics
NEPTUN NEw aPproach to innovative Technologies in manUfacturiNg
ProjectsProject realized in Division of Applied Mechanics and Biomechanics
CreepFatFrac3DTopo Application of three-dimensional quantitative fractography for analysis of structural materials fatigue life under multiaxial loading, taking into account creep pre-deformation and elevated temperature
ProjectsProject realized in Division of Applied Mechanics and Biomechanics