dr inż. arch. Agnieszka Szuta
wszystkich: 12
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2022
Byłe porty lotnicze jako element dziedzictwa architektonicznego i urbanistycznego
PublikacjaTematyka niniejszej rozprawy dotyczy wpływu byłych, cywilnych portów lotniczych na kształtowanie nowej zabudowy na ich dawnym terenie. Przebadane zostają wartości kulturowe oraz społecznoekonomiczne pozostałej po nich infrastruktury. Rozwój i dzieje lotnictwa są przedmiotem zainteresowania historyków, a kwestie związane z budową nowych portów lotniczych - urbanistów, co czyni zagadnienia te przedmiotem licznych badań. Niemniej...
Rok 2021
Ad hoc prayer spaces – a challenge of the architecture of the 21th century
PublikacjaThis article considers the problem of arranging places of prayer in the vicinity of universities and dormitories. A survey was conducted among students living in the dormitories of the Gdańsk University of Technology in order to determine if there was a real need to arrange such spaces. Subsequently, examples of temporary chapels designed in the last 20 years in Western European countries were presented. Analysis of the selected...
Architecture of ecumenical spaces in public buildings in the 21st century: Links among the architecture of multi-faith spaces, their names, and the functions they serve in Polish airports
PublikacjaThis study explores the architecture and arrangement of prayer spaces in public buildings. It examines whether Polish airports have prayers spaces and whether a correlation exists between the name (e.g., “multi-faith space,” “place of prayer,” and “place of focus”) and design. The study is supported by analyses of ecumenical spaces, which have recently been brought into service andwhere a visible symbiosis exists between their...
Rok 2020
Re-use of the 20th century aviation infrastructure.=Adaptacje XX-wiecznej infrastruktury lotniskowej
PublikacjaThis article explores issues related to the adaptation of former aviation infrastructure. For research purposes, several adaptations of former airports and airplane hangars are selected and presented. Those examples show the importance of this infrastructure in today's urbanized landscape, as well as in history, and thus the social and cultural values it brings. The benefits of the redevelopment of former airport sites are also...
Striking elements - A lifebelt or a fad? Searching for an effective way of adapting abandoned churches.
PublikacjaAre avant-garde elements added to historical objects as a temporary fashion to fulfill the aspirations of designers or an attempt to draw attention to themselves? It may be the exact opposite, and this type of controversial project is the best lifebelt for such monuments. This article explores issues related to external avant-garde elements added to adapted churches and their influence on the efficiency of such adaptation projects....
The role of traditional architectural models in the first stages of education.
PublikacjaThe oldest architectural models discovered by scientists date from the Middle Ages, while models or 1:1 scale prototypes were used in ancient times. Architectural miniatures quickly evolved into an indispensable tool for designers that enabled them to creatively express their thoughts and ideas. Mock-ups became a way of helping a designer communicate a concept, and their educational value was also recognised. The method of modelling,...
Rok 2019
PublikacjaThis article raises the issue of designing and adapting correctional facilities to the new perception of prisoners as well as comprehension of punishment. For research purposes, several European prisons which came into service over recent years were selected. A study of such facilities revealed design solutions that may significantly affect the process of rehabilitation for inmates and make such buildings an accepted part of society.
Abandoned heritage – the first European airports
PublikacjaDue to the development of air transport and urban expansion, the locations of pre-war airports were often changed. The question of the fate of the abandoned airports and their entire infrastructure arose. This article looks at the issue of derelict, pre-war airfields. Examples of airports which were successfully adapted as well as the ones which were abandoned and closed yet but equally important in historical context are shown....
The difficult heritage. The reuse of former prison buildings
PublikacjaIn recent years, there has been a trend to reuse abandoned buildings. Adaptive re-use allows preservation of the original structure and implements a new function to it. Such activity could help to preserve the historic value of buildings; moreover, many other advantages can be found in educational, ecological and economic fields. However, the question arises of whether every object can be freely adapted. This article examines the...
Rok 2018
The influence of the development of private air communication on the architecture and urban planning of the 21st century
PublikacjaIn the first part, the article describes the stages of the development of gyroplanes and the influence of wartime policy on the interest in light aircraft. Also presented are links and the possibilities of using gyroplanes in various sectors of the economy. The authors, based on source texts, present the current position of the aviation industry in the Polish economy and attempt to diagnose its development capabilities. As a result,...
Vernacular and neovernacular architecture without a user. Wooden catholic churches in the vicinity of brody in Ukraine.
PublikacjaOne of the basic theoretical postulates for the protection of monuments is to preserve them in the place of their creation. However, such action is not always possible to implement. The great historical processes of the 20th century led to significant national, political, religious and cultural changes in the border areas between Poland and Ukraine. As a result of those changes, a large number of wooden churches have lost their...
Rok 2017
PublikacjaNiniejszy artykuł stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, jakie czynniki wpłynęły na popularność i sukces teatrów plenerowych zlokalizowanych w obszarach leśnych, na terenie dawnych ziem cesarstwa niemieckiego. Głównym przedmiotem rozważań są dwa teatry: Teatr Leśny w Gdańsku Wrzeszczu oraz Opera Leśna w Sopocie. Obiekty te zostają skonfrontowane z teatrem pod gołym niebem Freilichtbühne w Mülheim an der Ruhr, sceną leśną Waldbühne...
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