dr Jaroslaw Spychala
Obszary badawcze
Opinie i reakcje
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Most Wiedzy
“We have gone through your research profile and your published papers have added value to the existing literature and have helped other researchers to frame their future projects accordingly.”
Przyznane przez: Nanotechnology & Applications, Editorial Office, Wilmington, Delaware, USA – 2023
“We would like to make a sincere effort to have your coordination as a conspicuous leading researcher with your high-quality papers.”
Przyznane przez: Annals of Thoracic Oncology Research, Editorial Office, Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA – 2023
“Grab the opportunity to collaborate with us. Looking at your outstanding, excellent scientific research and contribution to the article, we are pleased to invite you to submit your next research article to our journal.”
Przyznane przez: Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Chicago, Illinois, USA – 2023
“Based on your eminence in the field, I would like to work with you for the improvement of our journal as well as to impart your research work to others.”
Przyznane przez: Journal of Applied Surface Science - Opast Group, Overland Park, Kansas, USA – 2023
“Based on your publication history and research interests, we think you would be a great fit to be a founding member of the Academia Medicine editorial board.”
Przyznane przez: Academia Medicine, San Francisco, California, USA - 2023
“Excellent-grade Problem Solving and Decision Making skill and an A grade in Knowledge of Job and Initiative actions” (Regents Professor, Dr. David Withers Boykin, Exempt Employee Performance Evaluation, Atlanta, USA 1993).
“He is a ‘beautiful brains’ of Polish sciences / Jest ‘pięknym umysłem’ polskiej nauki” (dziennikarka prasowa Natalia Mazur, Gazeta.pl Forum, Gazeta.pl Poznan, Poznan, Poland 2007).
“The excerpt of your research, which is highly appreciated by us, is listed below. Title: The CON-H…+NH2 blue-shifting H-bond stabilizing effect on Z secondary amides and cyclic system conformational rearrangement through an alkylamine-chain migration pathway” (Modern Chemistry, New York, NY, USA 2022).
“We value your outstanding contribution to the Scientific Community in the field of Analytical Research. We have gone through your research profile and found that it is very innovative and interesting” (Journal of Environmental Toxicology and Analytical Research, Warrensburg, MO, USA 2022).
“Expecting Your Collaboration. Based on your impressive academic background, we cordially invite you to contribute to Crystals” (Editorial Team, Wuhan, China 2023).
“As the editor-in-chief of Multidisciplinary Cancer Investigation journal, I would like to inform you that we have read with interest your valuable article in Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology titled: Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models in our last editorial board meeting. Respecting your outstanding experience in this field, I would like to officially request you for writing an invited article to our journal. All invited articles are processed without Article Processing Charge” (Editor-in-Chief, Invitation from Dr. Keivan Majidzadeh-A, Tehran, Iran 2023).
“Having been left a deep impression by your academic paper Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models, we sincerely make this invitation to you to become our Editorial Committee Μember/Revіewer. Your membership is considered to be beneficial to maintain the journal’s high quality” (International Јоurnal of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research, New York, NY, USA 2023).
“Journal of Hematology and Blood Disorders aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas in the forum of research related in the field of Hematology. Your publication entitled Selective cytostatic and cytotoxic anticancer effects of bisfunctional agents: A strategy for the design of DNA binding agents is very educative and will be a great source for the scientific community” (Hematology Editor, Manassas, Virginia, USA 2023).
“Going through your eminence and previously published article entitled The CON−H…+NH2 Blue-Shifting H-Bond Stabilizing Effect on Z Secondary Amides and Cyclic System Conformational Rearrangement through an Alkylamine-Chain Migration Pathway. We are glad to inform you regarding our upcoming event: 2nd International Conference on Catalysis and Chemical Engineering on November 09-10, 2023 in Paris, France. It would be an honor for us if you could show your presence as a speaker with respect to your interest” (Conference Manager).
“This is an official invitation by Acquaint Publications LLC to publish your manuscripts in the Journal of Medical Case Reports and Case Series and the Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Reports” (Journals Invitation by the Editorial Team, Lewes, DE, USA 2023).
“It gives us great pleasure to inform you that your prestigious research work related to Antibiotics and Pharmacodynamics” (Journal of Antibiotics Research, Annex Publishers, Nittany, VA, USA 2024).
“One of our esteemed authors recommended your valuable work entitled Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models as being truly impactful. It was not only well-written but also rich in valuable scientific insights” (JSM Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Journal Special Issue on Colon Adenocarcinoma, JSciMedCentral, Middletown, DE, USA 2024).
“Book: Recent Developments in Chemistry and Biochemistry Research. We’re happy to inform you that your paper has been selected to be included as one of the potential book chapters of the above book. Subject: The CON−H…+NH2 Blue-Shifting H-Bond Stabilizing Effect on Z Secondary Amides and Cyclic System Conformational Rearrangement through an Alkylamine-Chain Migration Pathway. We hereby heartily congratulate you on the publication. We appreciate your hard work and sincerity behind the publication of this excellent paper” (BP International, London, UK 2024).
“We are following your websites and research works, those are very interesting. Your work is too valuable to us and it’s perfectly fit for our journals” (Annals of Case Reports, Gavin Publishers, Lisle, IL, USA 2024).
“The scientific work Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models published by you has left us a deep impression, so we extend this invitation to you to apply to be a member of our Reviewer Team/ Editorial Board” (International Journal of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research, SciencePG, New York, USA 2024).
Our research team was captivated by the title Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models from one of your most recent study articles which is extremely impressive. London, UK, Invitation Letter of 25 February 2023: “We take great pleasure in cordially inviting you to participate as a speaker and deliver your lecture alongside your colleagues at the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CANCER & RADIOLOGY”.
“We are very impressed by your research work” (Journal of Cytology and Cell Anatomy Editor 2022).
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9965-2425 (Subtitle)
“Based on your excellent publications, we invite you to consider submitting one paper to the CHEMICAL BOND Special Issue in MOLECULES” (Girolamo Casella, Ph.D., Aggregate Professor of Inorganic and General Chemistry, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DiSTeM), Via Archirafi, Università degli studi di Palerm, 22 -90134 Palermo, Italy, Invitation Email of March 10, 2023 at 09:07 am, Phone: +39 91 29897969, Cell: +39 347 6508502).
“We appreciate your hard work and sincerity behind the publication of this excellent paper. We hereby heartily congratulate you for the publication of your following paper selected as Book Chapter. Book name: CURRENT TOPICS ON CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY (Journal of Chemistry, Volume 2022, Article ID 1707245)."
“Greetings! We have come across your research profile and based on your research interest as we believe that your expertise would make significant awareness to the readers globally and greater impact on the scientific community” (CHEMICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH, By Email of September 12, 2022).
“Recently we have gone through your publications, which are interesting and valuable contributions towards Scientific Community” (JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS AND ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS, By Email of March 31, 2023).
“We are very fortunate to associate with eminent people like you. We are in need of Research articles, so I request renowned people like you to support our journal” (GLOBAL JOURNAL OF TUMOR & BRAIN DISORDER, By Email of April 11, 2023).
Inexsy https://inexsy.com/scientist-cv/view/DX-912-011
“Your previous article entitled The CON−H…+NH2 Blue-Shifting H-Bond Stabilizing Effect on Z Secondary Amides and Cyclic System Conformational Rearrangement through an Alkylamine-Chain Migration Pathway proved as a monumental scientific contribution to the field of Medical Science. As we are an Editorial team of BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH, we feel that our readers will be inspired upon reading your article” (Editorial Team, By Email of December 20, 2022 at 10:36 am).
“Admiring from your past research work entitled The CON−H…+NH2 Blue-Shifting H-Bond Stabilizing Effect on Z Secondary Amides and Cyclic System Conformational Rearrangement through an Alkylamine-Chain Migration Pathway, we cordially invite you to our Journal. We were impressed towards your prior research work and it would be alluring if you could acknowledge us with your work on Research, Review, Short communication, Case reports, Mini reviews etc., for the upcoming issue release (Issue-11 of Volume-10)” (MODERN CHEMISTRY AND APPLICATIONS, By Email of November 16, 2022 at 07:51 am).
“I am the Journal Manager for FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY, one of the most cited journals in its field with over 10 million views. Together with the journal’s Chief Editor, I’m curating a list of 2022 article collections around cutting-edge themes. I am looking for topics of special interest to the research community and your article, The CON−H…+NH2 Blue-Shifting H-Bond Stabilizing Effect on Z Secondary Amides and Cyclic System Conformational Rearrangement through an Alkylamine-Chain Migration Pathway, caught my attention” (By Email of March 28, 2021 at 08:14 am).
“Research Features are currently working on the July 2023 edition, and we are very interested in including a feature article covering your work. I understand your work is ongoing but hope this could be good timing. At RESEARCH FEATURES, we are committed to making all research more accessible and engaging. We distribute the content we produce strategically to people in industry, government, and the public to help bridge the gap between often complex bodies of research, and these audiences. Would you consider this sort of service for your work The CON−H…+NH2 Blue-Shifting H-Bond Stabilizing Effect on Z Secondary Amides and Cyclic System Conformational Rearrangement through an Alkylamine-Chain Migration Pathway?” (Journals Invitation, Partnership Executive, By Email of April 5, 2023 at 00:38 pm).
“One of your recent publication entitled Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models will be a potentially resource for future works and is worth reading and recommending” (JOURNAL OF CANCER BIOLOGY AND RESEARCH, By Email of March 23, 2023 at 03:49 am).
“We cordially invite you to join the 3rd International Conference on Cancer going to be held during May 17-19, 2023, in Lisbon, Portugal (Venue: Hotel Roma Auditorium). Please consider this communication as a personal invitation to you and all your colleagues” (Biggest International Conference on CANCER-2023 in Lisbon, Portugal: in person / virtual presentation, By Email of February 16, 2023 at 08:55 pm).
“We are reaching out to you because your previously published manuscript titled Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models is within the scope of our journal so, we would like to ask for collaborating scientifically with you by submitting a paper to our journal” (JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY & RESEARCH, By Email of September 12, 2023 at 08:38 am).
“Your publication entitled Selective cytostatic and cytotoxic anticancer effects of bisfunctional agents: A strategy for the design of DNA binding agents is very educative and will be a great source for the scientific community” (JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES, By Email of December 2, 2021 at 05:55 am).
“Recently we have gone through your publications, where we found Selective cytostatic and cytotoxic anticancer effects of bisfunctional agents: A strategy for the design of DNA binding agents as a pioneering publication. So, we thought it would be the right time to take a chance to invite you for the submission of your article for our upcoming issue” (JOURNAL OF GENETIC DISORDERS AND THERAPY, By Email of September 26, 2022 at 01:55 pm).
“Recently we have gone through your publications, which are interesting and valuable contributions towards Scientific Community. So we warmly welcome your participation in the peer-reviewed and multidisciplinary research, JOURNAL OF ONCOGENOMICS AND ONCOTARGET for the upcoming regular issue” (The Human Genetics Editor George Williams, By Email of October 26, 2022 at 01:35 am).
“We have recently gone through your academic profile and previously published work and found you as an eminent and active researcher. We would like to invite you to be a part of our upcoming issue” (JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS AND ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS, By Email of September 29, 2023 at 01:51 am).
“Greetings of the day!! Hope you find this mail in the best of your moods and blithe spirits. We will be happy to look forward to meet your eminent presence at 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CANCER which will be held on December 06th & 07th, 2023 at Dubai, UAE. We kindly request you to send us your title of speech, abstract and biography” (Cancer Summit 2023, Hybrid Event, By Email of October 1, 2023 at 08:35 am).
“Recently, we have read your article The usefulness of cyclic diamidines with different core-substituents as antitumor agents published in Bioorganic Chemistry. We consider that this article is of high academic value. Therefore, we would like to invite you to join the Editorial Board of ORGANIC CHEMISTRY PLUS, where you may publish your new academic researches and review advanced articles within your research area. We would like to cooperate with such an excellent scholar as you” (Editorial Office, EnPress Publisher LLC., Invitation to Join Editorial Bard, By Email of June 20, 2018, 2:13 pm).
“I remember reading your article on The usefulness of cyclic diamidines with different core-substituents as antitumor agents a while ago and thought it was very well written” (L. Smith, M.D., MEDICAL RESEARCH ARCHIVES, By Email of May 17, 2019 at 11:14 am).
“We are very much impressed by your research and we are contacting you to know your opinion, if you can associate with us by submitting your upcoming research work in the STECHNOLOCK: JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH (Opportunity to Share your Innovation)” (The SJCR Editor Bob Smith wrote an invitation for original articles by email message of December 9, 2022 at 03:24 pm).
“This manuscript reports work worthy of publication in TETRAHEDRON, and makes a new contribution to the chemistry of nucleoside analogues. The purpose of TETRAHEDRON is to publish full accounts of Current Outstanding Achievements in Organic Chemistry. Articles should have a broad appeal and represent New and Useful contributions likely to advance the science” (Richard Taylor, Advisory Board, Regional Editor, Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD, UK, Referee’s Report of 14 Jun 2000).
“One of the graduate students working with American Journal Experts has recently read your article in MONATSHEFTE FUR CHEMIE. He found your paper while reading the literature for his field, and was impressed by the quality of the research and the thought behind your article. We look forward to helping you reach your research and publishing goals” (An Association of Ph.D. Graduate Students from America’s Top 10 Research Universities, By Email of July 25, 2007 at 11:19 pm).
“We are writing to you because we recently read your paper Correlation between the reactivity and spectroscopic properties of N-substituted secondary thioamides. New intramolecular N…H+...N binding approach and proton complexes based on thioamide ligation in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY. Your paper was listed in the references in a manuscript we were editing, and your email was listed as the corresponding author. We would like to congratulate you on your publication” (Managing Director Paul Kretchmer, San Francisco Edit, 3 Pine Ridge Way, Mill Valley, CA 94941, USA, Writing Effective Manuscripts, By Email of September 14,: 2006 at 0237 am).
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jjspychala
Some of the testimonials are presented here: 1. “I had a glance at your profile in online and I am extremely amazed with your work. I feel you will be a prominent person who helps us for progress of our Journal. Hence, I am approaching you through this email” (JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES & CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, By Email of March 28, 2023). 2. “We tried several times, but there is no response from you, we would like to contact you again!! We would like to make a sincere effort to have your coordination as a conspicuous leading researcher with your high-quality papers” (ANNALS OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY RESEARCH, Editorial Manager, By Email of March 29, 2023). 3. “Having seen your immense research track, we aspire to publish your esteemed articles of any type (Research, Review, Case reports, short papers, etc.) in Volume 4 Issue1 of the JOURNAL OF MEDICAL CASE REPORTS AND CASE SERIES and JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS” (JMCRCS and JCMPHR, By Email of January 12, 2023). 4. “On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are honored to welcome you to speak at the event 4TH EURO-GLOBAL SUMMIT ON FUTURE OF BIOLOGICS AND BIOSIMILARS 2023. The event is scheduled from November 06th to 07th in Paris, France. Your research on ANTITUMOR ACTIVITY OF TRIAZINE MIMIC ANTIBIOTICS FOR DNA-BINDING IMPLICATIONS (IMPRESSIVE ACTIVITY I will be a great addition to our event. Please have a glance on webpage: Biosimilars Conferences” (BioL-BioS, By Email of May 23, 2023, Title: “Dr. Spychala Jaroslaw--Your recent article was fantastic). 5. “Having you to appear on a discussion at the upcoming Conference on Oncology and Cancer Research (GMOCR23) gives me great joy. The dates for this conference are 29–30 June, 2023, Rome, Italy. The aim of this conference is to provide opportunities to meet people, exchange or develop ideas, new strategies to approach your research, establish collaborations, get suggestions about their work, and get inspired. Subject: ANTITUMOR ACTIVITY OF TRIAZINE MIMIC ANTIBIOTICS FOR DNA-BINDING IMPLICATIONS (IMPRESSIVE ACTIVITY IN VITRO AGAINST A VARIETY OF TUMOR TYPES IN THE NCI-60 SCREEN): NSC 710607 TO FIGHT HCT-116 HUMAN COLON CARCINOMA CELL LINES IN VIVO USING THE HOLLOW FIBER” (Global Oncology Meet, By Email of April 25, 2023). 6. “CHEMISTRY 2023 will offer plenty of opportunities for networking, as well as the chance to connect with researchers, professors, patrons, and professionals from around the world. Your expertise and experience would undoubtedly be of interest to our audience of professionals, scientists and analysts” (3rd EDITION OF CHEMISTRY WORLD CONFERENCE on June 14-15, 2023, Virtual Event, By Email of May 18, 2023). 7. “On behalf of the conference committee, I extend a warm welcome to you to be a Distinguished Speaker at THE 4TH EURO-GLOBAL CONGRESS ON ADVANCED THERAPEUTICS IN PAIN MEDICINE AND PAIN MANAGEMENT scheduled for September 12-13, 2023, in London, UK. We were impressed with your prior work on ANTITUMOR ACTIVITY OF TRIAZINE MIMIC ANTIBIOTICS FOR DNA-BINDING IMPLICATIONS (IMPRESSIVE ACTIVITY … and feel that your insights and perspectives would be of immense value to the conference attendees. We are eager to hear your opinions and observations on this study. Email us if you would like to explore sponsorship opportunities to attend this event” (PAIN MEDICINE CONFERENCES, Program Director, By Email of May 3, 2023. 8). “As a renowned expert in the field of Cancer Research, we would like to extend an invitation for you to join us as a speaker at the conference. Your insights and expertise will bring invaluable contributions to the event’s goal of fostering collaboration and exchanging cutting-edge research findings in the cancer community. This is an excellent opportunity for you to network with like-minded individuals and establish new partnerships in the field” (Conference Manager, Your Voice Matters at the CANCER RESEARCH SUMMIT - GLOBAL EDITION 2024, Boston, USA, By Email of April 15, 2023. 9). “In light of your expertise, we are honored to include your name in the reviewer database for TRANSLATIONAL CANCER RESEARCH” (Registration as Reviewer with Translational Cancer Research, By Email of April 18, 2023). 10. “We recently invited you to serve as Guest Editor in MOLECULES for the Special Issue NEW PERSPECTIVES INTO ORGANIC COMPOUNDS” (Editorial Office, Invitation to be the Guest Editor, By Email of May 9, 2023). 11. “Based on your eminence and contribution towards the research community we request you to publish your work in our journal” (JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CASE REPORTS, MEDICAL IMAGES AND HEALTH SCIENCES, JCRMHS-Editorial Team, By Email of May 3, 2023). 12. “We strongly believe that your phenomenal research brings out the best citation to our Journal” (CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, By Email of May 17, 2023).
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/coralmusiccreator-blog
“We are excited to inform you that, our scientific team have gone through your latest publication titled ANTITUMOR ACTIVITY OF TRIAZINE MIMIC ANTIBIOTICS FOR DNA-BINDING IMPLICATIONS (IMPRESSIVE ACTIVITY IN VITRO AGAINST A VARIETY OF TUMOR TYPES IN THE NCI-60 SCREEN): NSC 710607 TO FIGHT HCT-116 HUMAN COLON CARCINOMA CELL LINES IN VIVO USING THE HOLLOW FIBER ASSAY AND XENOGRAFT MOUSE MODELS which is really amazing and have high standard of information on the core subject. On behalf of the scientific committee, we are thrilled to invite you officially as a speaker for the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CANCER & RADIOLOGY scheduled during June 10-12, 2024 in Rome, Italy” (Grab this Speaker Opportunity, Program Manager, By Email of July 31, 2023 at 06:14 pm).
“In recognition of your well-respected work, you are cordially invited to submit a paper to DNA free of charge. The submission deadline for this special offer is 29 February 2024” (DNA Editorial Office, Managing Editor, By Email of July 14, 2023 at 00:59 pm).
“Warm greetings from JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. Subject: The CON−H…+NH2 Blue-Shifting H-Bond Stabilizing Effect on Z Secondary Amides and Cyclic System Conformational Rearrangement through an Alkylamine-Chain Migration Pathway” (Senior Managing Editor, New Research, By Email of May 26, 2023 at 11:10 am).
“We came across your article with the title Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models and thought to be very innovative” (CANCER ARCHIVES, By Email of May 28, 2023 at 02:03 pm).
“JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND THERAPEUTIC ONCOLOGY promotes and publishes the articles for spreading the cutting-edge research in Cancer Research and Oncology. We came across your article with the title Selective cytostatic and cytotoxic anticancer effects of bisfunctional agents: A strategy for the design of DNA binding agents and thought to be very innovative” (Unfold Your Innovations, Editor-Cancer Research, JCRTO, By Email of April 14, 2023 at 07:59 am).
“After coming across your article titled Selective cytostatic and cytotoxic anticancer effects of bisfunctional agents: A strategy for the design of DNA binding agents, we felt it very informative. We anticipate your earnest response and your interest to contribute your valuable research” (PHARMACOLOGY AND CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, By Email of April 16, 2023 at 07:01 am).
“Upon a keen observation of your scientific profile in the field, our journal takes an opportunity to invite you to join in the journal Upcoming Issue for fast growing research community. Your innovation exposes globally by publishing it with our ONCOLOGY CASE REPORTS JOURNAL" (Manuscript Submission Request, By Email of May 14, 2023 at 03:47 am).
“We hereby heartily congratulate you for the publication of your following paper: The CON−H…+NH2 Blue-Shifting H-Bond Stabilizing Effect on Z Secondary Amides and Cyclic System Conformational Rearrangement through an Alkylamine-Chain Migration Pathway in JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, Volume 2022, Article ID 1707245. With the same research paper you can get double benefit and it will enrich your resume” (Selected as Book Chapter, Book name: NOVEL ASPECTS ON CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, Book Publisher, By Email of April 14, 2023 at 11:42 pm).
“We were wondering if you would be interested in being a part of our editorial board. By joining our editorial board you will be given opportunities to network and collaborate with people within your field. Would you be interested in joining the editorial board? Let me know your preferences and shall be in touch right away” (FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY - Editors London Office, UK, By Email of April 18, 2023 at 11:32 am, Final Reminder of May, 2023 at 04:37 pm).
“The journal welcomes the submission of original manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Based on your record of contributions in this field, we would like to invite you to submit an article for the upcoming issue in the fields of Cancer Science and Clinical Oncology. Open Access Publishing is essential to reach a wider audience and it is a key metric to increase citations” (SAJ CANCER SCIENCE, By Email of April 14, 2023 at 10:12 am).
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/user/Fit-Promotion4569/
“Since the article you publіѕhed before titled Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models has been widely recognized, we warmly welcome your contribution of any original articles in your specialized/interested area. IJCOCR is looking for active and qualified researchers and scientists to ϳoіn us as reviewers or editorial members” (INTERNATIONAL ЈОURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY AND CANCER REЅEАRСH, By Email of July 26, 2023 at 09:59 am).
“As an eminent researcher in this field and associated issues we request you to pen down your research and submit a manuscript which aids in the growth of the journal. Your kind support and cooperation will be highly helpful for journal growth” (JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH, By Email of September 5, 2023 at 08:41 am).
“Greetings! MEDDISCOVERIES is an international peer reviewed open access journal covering all the areas of Science and Medicine. We are inviting world class Scientists, Researchers, Academicians and Doctors to participate by contributing their unpublished work. Publication charges will be waived off, if you submit your Manuscript on or before June 13, 2023 (DOI Charges are applicable)” (Med Discoveries LLC, By Email of May 31, 2023 at 03:45 am).
“Our Editorial Team of ICST is impressed with your previous publication: Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models and feel that the paper added value to the existing literature and has helped other researchers to frame their future projects accordingly” (INTEGRATIVE CANCER SCIENCE AND THERAPEUTICS - Open Access Journal Supported by Hiroshi Miyamoto, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, By Email of August 11, 2023 at 07:18 pm).
“An Invitation from the INTERNATIONAL ЈOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY AND CANCER RЕЅЕARCH: Establishing a Special Issue and Becoming the Lead Guest Εdіtоr. The editor of the open-access Journal has recently taken notice of your following publisһed pаpеr. Pаper tіtlе of your publication: Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models. Since your article has been widely recognized, we genuinely invite you to prоpоse a special issue in related themes. A special іѕѕue is targeted for certain areas of research with great appeal and falling within the ѕcoρe of the journal. Submitting a special issue allows you to serveѕ as the leading guest editor, and the joined guest editors can then handle the process of peer rеviеw and compile accepted articles together with you” (Special Issue Invіtаtіon, Jоіn to Act as a Lead Guest Editor, Facilitate Scientific Communications in Related Areas, By Email of July 1, 2023 at 08:37 pm).
“The editor of the interdisciplinary journal INTERNATIONAL JΟURNАL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY AND CANCER REЅEАRCH recently has come across the following published manusсrіpt of yours. Your published article title: Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models. Noting that your publication has aroused broad interest, we are getting in touch to invite you to submit a special issue proposal for this jοurnal” (An Іnvitatiоn, Calling for Prоpоsals, Be Our Guest: Editing a Special Issue, Jоіn to Work as a Lead Guest Editor, Helping with Scientific Communications in Your Research Field, Dunning Letter, By Email of July 30, 2023 at 10:42 am).
“Greetings from our editorial team! Concerning your previous publications, we take the privilege of inviting you to write/submit a manuscript for publication in the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY AND AIDS. If possible, we would appreciate receiving your submission by September 30, 2023. Kindly submit your valuable work through the online submission system. You may also refer us to eminent contributors. We are anticipating your positive response” (Manuscript Submission: Int J Virol AIDS, Editor-in-chief Abubaker ME Sidahmed, MD, MSc, PhD, University of Toronto, By Email of August 21, 2023 at 09:50 am).
“I hope this email finds you in the best of your health and spirits. We came through your abstract entitled Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models. I would like to take the privilege to invite you to be a Distinguished Speaker and deliver a presentation of the same or relevant presentation of your choice at the upcoming 4TH EURO-GLOBAL SUMMIT ON FUTURE OF BIOLOGICS AND BIOSIMILARS (BioL-BioS 2023) on November 06-07, 2023. This conference will be held at Paris, France. We strongly believe that your expertise and experience in this field of work will be an excellent addition to our program on biologics and biosimilars as many of our visitors look forward to hearing and learning from your work” (Biosimilars Conferences, Program Director, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Dunning Letter, By Email of August 1, 2023 at 03:30 am).
“It is with great pleasure that we extend this invitation for you to serve as a Distinguished Speaker at the upcoming 4TH EURO-GLOBAL CONGRESS ON ADVANCED THERAPEUTICS IN PAIN MEDICINE AND PAIN MANAGEMENT, scheduled to take place in London, UK on September 12-13, 2023. Your presentation on Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models holds immense value, and we firmly believe it will contribute significantly to the advancement of this field, benefiting our attendees. Your time and thoughtful consideration are greatly appreciated. Interested in attending this event with sponsorship? Please reach out to us by email” (Organizing Committee, Program Director, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Dunning Letter, By Email of July 7, 2023 at 01:21 am).
“We will be thankful if you could spare your 2 minutes of your valuable time on our request. We are delighted to update you that CANCER THERAPY & ONCOLOGY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (CTOIJ) is planning to release Volume 24, Issue 4. But we are in deficit of two articles to accomplish this issue. We are anxious that we are having just a few days to release the issue. Hence, I have chosen some well-known people like you to hold up us to release the upcoming issue. So please support us with your contribution of 2 Page Opinion/Mini Review towards publication in CTOIJ” (Managing Editor, Seeking Assistance, By Email of August 4, 2023 at 03:22 pm).
“The purpose of this letter is to invite you as a speaker at our upcoming 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY during March 28-29, 2024 at Amsterdam, Netherlands. PUBLIC HEALTH 2024 focuses on the theme Discovering and empowering the rising transitions in Public Health and Epidemiology which aims in gathering the eminent research communities. We have gone through your profile and as per your eminence in the arena of public health, epidemiology and its allied areas; we would like to have your presence as a speaker for PUBLIC HEALTH 2024 which will definitely add a good impact to our conference. We believe all the scientists and young researchers, who are gathering, will be learnt from your research talk at the conference. Hope this email finds you well” (Program Manager, Sheridan, WY, USA, By Email of June 15, 2023 at 05:16 pm).
“Greetings! We cordially invite you to submit your latest research to GLOBAL DRUGS AND THERAPEUTICS Journal. As a leading platform in pharmaceutical sciences, we are eager to showcase your valuable contributions to the global scientific community. The upcoming issue aims to showcase the latest advancements in global drugs and therapeutics, presenting a diverse range of topics that contribute to the improvement of patient care and the betterment of healthcare systems worldwide. This is an excellent opportunity to share your groundbreaking work with a global audience of researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals. Based on your previous study Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models we are taking this opportunity to invite you for our upcoming issue of Volume 8: Issue 1” (Regina Mathew, Managing Editor and Yukio Yoneda, Editor-in-Chief, London, United Kingdom, By Email of September 3, 2023 at 08:31 am).
“Do you or your colleagues have a poster presentation for your publication, Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models? If so, we’d like to invite you to enter the Best Presentation competition for the PEEREF INTERNATIONAL POSTER CHALLENGER. You can have your science highlighted on a global platform and total votes will decide the top 6 who ALL take home a monetary prize. Your video presentation will be highlighted on our platform, just for entering! You are Invited to Submit a Video Presentation for Your Manuscript to Compete in Peeref’s Best Presentation Competition! (Peeref, By Email of June 16, 2023 at 00:55 pm).
Inospin https://www.inospin.com/members/jjspychala1/
“We were particularly impressed by your recent article entitled Antitumor activity of triazine mimic antibiotics for DNA-binding implications (impressive activity in vitro against a variety of tumor types in the NCI-60 screen): NSC 710607 to fight HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell lines in vivo using the hollow fiber assay and xenograft mouse models [J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 149, 6501-6511 (2023). Published Print: 2023-08, Published Online: 2023-02-13, PMID: 36780052, DOI: 10.1007/s00432-023-04604-6]” (Invitation Letter, 10TH WORLD CONGRESS ON CANCER RESEARCH AND THERAPY on June 20-22, 2024 at Prague, By Email of September 20, 2023 at 01:14 pm).
“Going through your eminence and your previously published article entitled The CON−H…+NH2 Blue-Shifting H-Bond Stabilizing Effect on Z Secondary Amides and Cyclic System Conformational Rearrangement through an Alkylamine-Chain Migration Pathway, we are delighted to inform you about our upcoming event, at our 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CATALYSIS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING during November 09-10, 2023. We wouldn't want to miss having you with us, and that's why we are offering concession on Group Registrations. Venue: Millennium Hotel Paris Charles De Gaulle in Paris, France” (By Email of September 18, 2023 at 05:39 am).
“Based on your eminence and contribution towards the research community we request you to publish your work in our journal. Publication Charges will be waived off, if you submit your Manuscript on or before July 14th, 2023 (DOI charges are applicable)” (JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CASE REPORTS MEDICAL IMAGES AND HEALTH SCIENCES, Editorial Team, Dunning Letter, By Email of June 26, 2023 at 11:23 pm).
Monster https://www.monster.com/profile/detail
“We have recently gone through your academic profile and previously published work and found you as an eminent and active researcher” (JOURNAL OF DATA SCIENCE AND MODERN TECHNIQUES, Sunnyvale, California, USA, By Email of September 25, 2023).
“We believe you are a prominent researcher” (JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES, Manassas, Virginia, USA, By Email of October 11, 2023).
“By understanding your research profile and previous publications, our journal acknowledges your excellence and expertise in the specialty of Medical/Clinical” (ANNALS OF CLINICAL CASE REPORTS, By Email of October 16, 2023).
SlideShare https://www.slideshare.net/JaroslawSpychala
“Your trial ANTITUMOR ACTIVITY OF TRIAZINE MIMIC ANTIBIOTICS FOR … can be an effective tool for preventing, detecting, diagnosing, treating, and curing cancer” (Editor-in-Chief Dr. Richard J. Ablin, British Journal of Cancer Research).
GoldenLine https://www.goldenline.pl/jaroslaw-spychala/
“We have been following your work closely, particularly your previous article ANTITUMOR ACTIVITY OF TRIAZINE MIMIC ANTIBIOTICS … . We are highly impressed by your contributions, and we believe that your insights would greatly benefit our readers” (JOURNAL OF AGING & AGE RELATED DISEASES, By Email of October 3, 2023 at 08:45 am).
“We have sent you several emails, but we are contacting you one more time in the hopes of receiving a response. I feel very happy to contact you again to get your support for an upcoming issue, as you are an active and great person in the relevant research field. You are the eminent person to support the journal in a well-organized way” (JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY AND CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE, By Email of September 26, 2023 at 00:26 pm).
“I am thrilled to invite you as a distinguished author to share your invaluable research in our esteemed journal, the JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY. Your exceptional previous contributions [ANTITUMOR ACTIVITY OF TRIAZINE MIMIC ANTIBIOTICS…] have garnered attention, and we believe your insights would greatly enrich our upcoming issue” (By Email of September 20, 2023 at 01:39 pm).
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