dr hab. inż. Piotr Iwicki
- Profesor uczelni w Katedra Konstrukcji Inżynierskich
Obszary badawcze
wszystkich: 84
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2025
Mechanical performance investigations of a post-tensioned inter-module connection in steel buildings
PublikacjaConnections in modular steel structures are critical for maintaining structural integrity and facilitating ease of installation. Traditional methods, such as on-site welding, require adherence to complex technical specifications. In contrast, post-tensioned steel bolts offer a viable alternative by potentially reducing on-site labor by up to 50 %, providing substantial strength and simplifying assembly. To accurately assess the...
Rok 2024
Rotational stiffness of a connection made using a single prestressed bolt
PublikacjaThe often overlooked rotational stiffness of connections utilizing a single prestressed bolt leads to the common assumption of treating such connections as pinned or even modeling them as rigid. Nevertheless, considering the friction between interconnected elements, it is evident that the actual rotational stiffness lies between these simplified assumptions. This study is dedicated to quantifying this stiffness and addressing the...
Rok 2023
Buckling resistance of a metal column in a corrugated sheet silo - experiments and non-linear stability calculations
PublikacjaThe results of experimental and numerical tests of a single corrugated sheet silo column’s buckling resistance are presented in this study. The experiments were performed in a real silo with and without bulk solid (wheat). A very positive impact of the bulk solid on the column buckling resistance occurred. The experimental results were first compared to the buckling resistance calculated by Eurocode 3 formulae. The comparison revealed that...
Truss imperfections in the design of bar and diaphragm bracing systems
PublikacjaIn the article three variants of roof bracing were considered: bar bracing, diaphragm bracing and the combination of bar and diaphragm bracing. Different analytical and numerical ways of taking into account the imperfections of the truss girder were compared. The entire 3D model of the roof (shell and beam elements with the eccentricities taken into account) was analysed numerically. Selected stressed-skin aspects were considered....
Rok 2022
Numerical analysis on axial capacity of steel built-up battened columns
PublikacjaThis paper deals with the numerical analysis aimed at study the bearing capacity of pinended steel built-up columns under axial compression. Finite element (FE) models were performed for the columns presented in the literature. The main problem discussed in the article is the shape and magnitude of geometric imperfections introduced into the numerical FE model, necessary to obtain the load capacity consistent with the experimental...
Rok 2021
Axial capacity of steel built-up battened columns
PublikacjaThis paper deals with the numerical investigation aimed to study the axial capacity of pin-ended steel built-up columns. Three methods of calculating forces in chords and batten, taking into account the material and geometric imperfections specified in the Eurocode 3 are considered. The aim of this study was to compare different methods allowing the calculation of the column load capacity and determine a simpler and faster method...
Impact of Geometrical Imperfections on Estimation of Buckling and Limit Loads in a Silo Segment Using the Vibration Correlation Technique
PublikacjaThe paper examines effectiveness of the vibration correlation technique which allows determining the buckling or limit loads by means of measured natural frequencies of structures. A steel silo segment with a corrugated wall, stiffened with cold-formed channel section columns was analysed. The investigations included numerical analyses of: linear buckling, dynamic eigenvalue and geometrically static non-linear problems. Both perfect...
Stabilizing forces in trapezoidal sheeting used as a part of the bracing system
PublikacjaIn the analysis of bracing systems imperfections of the restrained elements should be considered. According to EC3 this effect can be calculated by means of the equivalent stabilizing force, which replaces (in simplified way) initial bow imperfection of the braced element. However, alternative suggestions of the equivalent stabilizing force calculations can be also found in the literature. In this paper segment of the pitched roof...
Stabilizing forces in trapezoidal sheeting used as a part of the bracing system
PublikacjaIn the analysis of bracing systems imperfections of the restrained elements should be considered. According to EC3 this effect can be calculated by means of the equivalent stabilizing force, which replaces (in simplified way) initial bow imperfection of the braced element. However, alternative suggestions of the equivalent stabilizing force calculations can be also found in the literature. In this paper segment of the pitched roof...
Structural analysis as a supporting method for the research of the medieval brick architecture
PublikacjaChronology of brick historical buildings might be established much more precisely than the chronology of stone ones due to the architectural and metrical analysis of bricks, mortars and brickworks. Comparison of historical sources allows to reconstruct the previous stages of constructing monuments. Causations between transformations and developments of monuments are usually interpreted as the results of artistic or ideological...
Rok 2020
Corrugated Sheeting as a Member of a Shear Panel Under Repeated Load—Experimental Test
PublikacjaIn stressed-skin design, the cladding stiffening effect on structures is taken into account. However, the “traditional” design is more usual, wherein this effect is neglected. Even if the diaphragm actions are not regarded, in particular cases such as big sheds (and others), the parasitic (unwanted) stressed-skin action may occur with the result of leakage or even failure. The structures of this kind have already been built. Thus,...
O historii i działalności Katedry Konstrukcji Metalowych Politechniki Gdańskiej
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono prowadzone w Katedrze Konstrukcji Metalowych badania naukowe, współpracę z przemysłem i działalność dydaktyczną od czasu jej powstania w 1945 r. po dzień dzisiejszy.
PublikacjaSome problems of the foundations of offshore wind turbines are considered in this paper. A short review is presented on the two basic types of foundations, i.e. monopiles and gravity foundations, including their basic features and applications as well as general design considerations. Also, some issues regarding analysis are discussed, including geotechnical problems and modelling techniques. A numerical model of offshores turbine...
Uproszczone metody obliczania cylindrycznych silosów z blachy falistej i słupów cienkościennych
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest wyznaczenie nośności wyboczeniowej trzech silosów wykonanych z falistej blachy ze sfałdowaniem w kierunku obwodowym, wzmocnionych słupami pionowymi stosując modele MES całych konstrukcji i ich segmentów oraz porównanie obliczonej nośności wyboczeniowej z Eurokodem 3, poprawkami do Eurokodu 3 i metodą zaproponowaną w literaturze. Nowym elementem analizowanym w pracy jest porównanie różnych metod analitycznych...
Rok 2019
Determination of buckling strength of silos composed of corrugated walls and thin-walled-columns using simplified wall segment models
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki obszernych analiz numerycznych wyboczenia i stateczności metalowych silosów z blachy falistej wzmocnionych cienkościennymi słupami. Wykonano analizy liniowe i nieliniowe. Do obliczeń zaproponowano proste modele segmentów ścian zamiast skomplikowanych modeli całych silosów. Otrzymano bardzo dobrą zgodność wyników numerycznych. Wyniki obliczeń numerycznych porównano dodatkowo z wynikami normowymi.
Influence of steel brackets supporting crane runway girders structure on the stress distribution in the brackets
PublikacjaThe paper presents a numerical analysis of steel brackets supporting a double-span crane runway girders. The purpose of the study was to assess the new structural solution based on the stress distribution in the brackets. In order to simplify the connection, the bottom flange of the crane runway girder is based directly on the upper flange of the bracket. As a result, the support reaction is no longer applied in the plane of the...
Rok 2018
Buckling of simplified models of silo with corrugated walls and vertical stiffeners
PublikacjaThe paper deals with buckling of cylindrical silos composed of corrugated sheets and vertical stiffeners (columns). Comprehensive finite element analyses were carried out for a perfect silo by means of a linear buckling approach. Corrugated walls were simulated as an equivalent orthotropic shell and vertical thin-walled columns as beam elements. Calculations for perfect silos with different numbers of columns made it possible to...
Correlation between natural frequencies and buckling load in a stiffened shell
PublikacjaThe paper deals with correlation between natural frequencies and buckling load of a stiffened shell composed of corrugated sheets and vertical stiffeners (columns). The simplified shell segment represents the buckling behaviour of a whole silo with sparsely distributed columns. The paper covers variants of linear buckling anal-yses, dynamic eigenvalue analyses and geometrically non-linear analyses of a segment modelled with shell...
Stability of roof trusses stiffened by trapezoidal sheeting and purlins
PublikacjaIn the article linear buckling analysis of a set of steel trusses braced by purlins and trapezoidal sheeting are conducted. The buckling load factor due to the height of a corrugated sheeting profile is investigated in parametric studies. The minimal height of trapezoidal sheeting required for preventing the sheeting and chords of the trusses against the buckling is obtained. Two groups of models are considered: “axial” model as...
The buckling analysis of a cold-formed steel C-sectional column resting on an elastic foundation
PublikacjaThe paper is focused on stability analysis of different models of steel cold-formed C-section column. The analysed element may be applied as a primary load-bearing member in steel trusses or silo columns. The column can be used as a support for a wall of roof plates made of corrugated sheets. The wall sheeting that restrains the column against buckling may be considered as an elastic foundation. Due to the design solutions the...
Rok 2017
Simplified numerical model for global stability of corrugated silos with vertical stiffeners
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia wyniki stateczności globalnej silosów z blachy falistej z pionowymi usztywnieniami. Zaproponowano uproszczony model numeryczny metody elementów skończonych do określenia stateczności. Wyniki numeryczne były bardziej dokładnie niż metody zaproponowane w Eurokodzie.
Stability and load bearing capacity of a braced truss under upward wind loading
PublikacjaThe paper is focused on the numerical and experimental investigation of stability of a steel truss under upward wind loading. The structure was stiffened by elastic braces situated at the top and bottom chord. Usually the lateral (translational) brace stiffness is considered. However, the rotational stiffness of braces caused by interaction between torsional stiffness of the truss top chord and bending stiffness of the roof elements...
Stability and load bearing capacity of a braced truss under upward wind loading
PublikacjaThe paper is focused on the numerical and experimental investigation of stability of a steel truss under upward wind loading. The structure was stiffened by elastic braces situated at the top and bottom chord. Usually the lateral (translational) brace stiffness is considered. However, the rotational stiffness of braces caused by interaction between torsional stiffness of the truss top chord and bending stiffness of the roof elements...
Rok 2016
Analysis of sloping brace stiffness influence on stability and load bearing capacity of a truss
PublikacjaThe paper is focused on the numerical study of stability and load bearing capacity of a truss with side elastic braces. The structure is made in reality. The rotational and sliding brace stiffnesses were taken into account. Linear buckling analysis and non-linear static analysis with geometric and material nonlinearity were performed for the beam and shell model of the truss with respect to the angle of sloping braces. As a result...
Application of linear buckling sensitivity analysis to economic design of cylindrical steel silos composed of corrugated sheets and columns
PublikacjaThe paper deals with global stability of steel cylindrical silos composed of corrugated walls and vertical columns with loads imposed by a bulk solid following Eurocode 1. The optimum silo design with respect to the steel weight was based on a sensitivity analysis method. The changes of silo column profiles at each design step were performed by means of influence lines for the buckling load factor due to the unit column bending...
Bearing Capacity of aluminum bars with built-up cross section and glued or welded connections
PublikacjaThe paper is focused on numerical analysis and experimental test of aluminum bars with glued and welded connections between separate members. The connection properties were tested experimentally. The numerical analysis were conducted for the beam and shell model of the structure. The shape and magnitude of initial geometric imperfection was taken into account
Buckling Analysis of Cold Formed Silo Column
PublikacjaThe paper is devoted to stability analysis of different models of steel cold formed silo column. The steel cylindrical silos are often composed of corrugated walls and vertical open-sectional columns uniformly placed along the silo circumference. Both the whole 3D silo, a simplified model consisting of one column with a part of the silo walls, and a single column resting on elastic foundation provided by the silo walls were analyzed....
Investigation of stability and limit load of a truss overhead opened bridge
PublikacjaThe paper presents selected methods of determining stability and limit load of a truss top chord in opened bridges. These methods include linear buckling and non-linear static analysis based on the finite element method and algorithms based on design code procedures. The described methods were tested on an example of a steel footbridge situated in Straszyn. The results of stability analysis are compared. The results of geometrical...
Simplified stability analysis of steel cylindrical silos with corrugated walls and vertical columns
PublikacjaIn the paper a simplified stability analysis of steel cylindrical silos composed of corru¬gated walls and vertical open-sectional columns was proposed. The whole 3D silo was modeled as a single column resting on elastic foundation provided by the silo walls. In proposed formula for the calculation of the foundation stiffness the curvature of the silo walls was taken into account. Three different analyses were carried out using...
PublikacjaBasic problems of foundations of sea wind turbines are considered in this paper. This aims to search for solutions to optimize supporting of the offshore turbines with a size greater than 10 MW. The types of foundations, their basic features, including most important dimensions, applications as well as general design considerations are discussed. Numerical model of the offshore turbine and some preliminary computations for a case...
Stability analyses of a cylindrical steel silo with corrugated sheets and columns
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń stateczności silosów z blachy falistej ze słupami. Wykonano analizy linowe i analizy nieliniowe stosując metody elementów skończonych. W obliczeniach uwzględniono model przestrzenny powłokowy oraz uproszczony model przestrzenny z blachy ortotropowej z belkami. Wyniki numeryczne porównano z Eurokodem.
Stability of a truss under upward wind loading
PublikacjaThe present paper is devoted to the numerical investigations of stability of a truss under upward wind load. The truss is braced at its the upper cord. A structural variant including lateral braces, or lateral and torsional braces is considered. The research presents the problems of linear buckling and non-linear static analysis of the truss shell and beam model with geometric and material non-linearity are presented. The initial...
Stability of an imperfect truss loaded by wind
PublikacjaThe present paper is devoted to the numerical research of stability of a truss loaded by wind and stiffened by elastic supports located at the top chord. The lateral braces or lateral and torsional braces were taken into account. In this paper, the linear buckling analysis re- sults for the beam and shell model were presented. Two different shapes of initial geometric imperfections were considered in the non-linear static analysis...
Rok 2015
Analiza wrażliwości obciążeń krytycznych i badania nośności kratownicy ze sprężystymi stężeniami
PublikacjaPraca poświęcona jest analizom wrażliwości obciążeń krytycznych kratownicy przy wariacji sztywności sprężystych stężeń bocznych usytuowanych w pasie górnym i dolnym. Przedstawiono rezultaty liniowych analiz stateczności (LBA) dla modelu belkowego i powłokowego konstrukcji. Przedstawiono również rezultaty analiz statycznych fizycznie i geometrycznie nieliniowych (GNA, GMNA) dla modelu powłokowego konstrukcji ze wstępna imperfekcją...
Analiza wrażliwości siły krytycznej i badania nośności kratownicy ze sprężystymi stężeniami
PublikacjaPraca poświęcona jest analizom wrażliwości obciążeń krytycznych kratownicy przy wariacji sztywności sprężystych stężeń bocznych usytuowanych w pasie górnym i dolnym. Przedstawiono rezultaty liniowych analiz stateczności (LBA) dla modelu belkowego i powłokowego konstrukcji. Przedstawiono również rezultaty analiz statycznych fizycznie i geometrycznie nieliniowych (GNA, GMNA) dla modelu powłokowego konstrukcji ze wstępna imperfekcją...
PublikacjaThe paper is devoted to the numerical and experimental research of stability of a truss with side elastic supports at the top chord. The structure is a model of a real roof truss scaled by factor ¼. The linear buckling analysis and non-linear static analysis were carried out. The buckling length factor for the compressed top chord was calculated and the limit load for the imperfect truss shell model with respect to brace stiffness...
Critical assessment of Eurocode approach to stability of metal cylindrical silos with corrugated walls and vertical stiffeners.
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem artykułu było krytyczne oszacowanie podejścia w Eurokodzie odnośnie stateczności metalowych cylindrycznych silosów z blachy falistej i słupów. Obliczenia 3D wykonane stosując MES. Symulowano blachę gładką ze słupami belkowymi o zastępczej sztywności. W obliczeniach uwzględniono falistość blachy. Pokazano, że wzory normowe znacznie odbiegają od wyników MES.
Stability of cylindrical steel silos composed of corrugated sheets and columns based on FE analyses versus Eurocode 3 approach
PublikacjaComprehensive static and dynamic 3D stability finite element analyses of a cylindrical steel silo composed of corrugated sheets and open thin-walled vertical stiffener profiles were carried out by taking the geometric and material non-linearity into account. The silowas subjected to axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric loads imposed by a bulk solid following Eurocode 1. Theoretical and measured initial geometric imperfections were...
Stateczność kładki dla pieszych w świetle przepisów normowych
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono analizę stateczności przykładowego obiektu mostowego – sześcioprzęsłowej kładki dla pieszych o konstrukcji płytowej podpartej na pięciu filarach i przyczółkach w mieście Zirndorf. Analizowanym elementem była część ściskanej mimośrodowo podpory pośredniej. Stateczność badano na podstawie modelu numerycznego oraz z wykorzystaniem procedur normowych. W modelu obliczeniowym wykorzystano metodę elementów skończonych....
Wyboczenie cylindrycznego silosu z blachy falistej wzmocnionego słupami w analizach statycznych i dynamicznych
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki analizy stateczności cylindrycznego silosu z blachy falistej usztywnionego słupami, wypełnionego materiałem sypkim. Wykonano liniową analizę wyboczeniową i nieliniową analizę statyczną oraz symulację dynamiczną wyboczenia silosu bez imperfekcji i z imperfekcjami geometrycznymi w postaci pierwszej formy drgań własnych. Obliczone numerycznie obciążenia wyboczeniowe silosu porównano z obciążeniami dopuszczalnymi...
Wyboczenie cylindrycznego silosu z blachy falistej wzmocnionego słupami w analizie statycznej i dynamicznej.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki stateczności cylindrycznych stalowych silosów z blachy falistej wzmocnionych słupami. Obliczenia wykonano stosując MES w obszarze statycznym lub dynamicznym. Przyjęto dokładny przestrzenny model silosów 3D. Uwzględniono wpływ wstępnych imperfekcji geometrycznych. Wyniki porównano z podejściem zaproponowanym w Eurokodzie 3.
Rok 2014
Comparative buckling analysis of cylindrical steel silos with flat or corrugated sheets
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano wyniki analizy wyboczeniowej cylindrycznych silosów wypełnionych materiałem sypkim wykonanych z blachy falistej usztywnionego słupami oraz z blachy płaskiej. Wykonano nieliniową analizę statyczną całego silosu z uwzględnieniem wstępnych imperfekcji geometrycznych przy zastosowaniu różnych przestrzennych modeli numerycznych MES. Wyniki analiza pokazują, że silosy z blachy falistej są bezpieczniejsze i bardziej...
Dynamic FE simulations of buckling process in thin-walled cylindrical metal silos
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki dynamicznej analizy wyboczeniowej cienkościennych silosów metalowych o przekroju kołowym. Analizy MES wykonano dla wstępnych imperfekcji geometrycznych o różnym kształcie i amplitudzie. Wyniki analizy dynamicznej porównano z analizami statycznymi.
Investigation of buckling resistance of columns using non-linear static and dynamic analysis
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to investigate the stability process in an axially compressed column using a static and dynamic finite element analysis by taking both the geometric and material non-linearity into account. The perfect column and column with geometric imperfections were analysed. The linear buckling analyses were used to obtain the lowest buckling load and shapes of buckled forms that were taken into account as initial...
Porównanie normowej nośności wyboczeniowej silosów z blachy falistej z analizą MES.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki statycznej analizy wyboczeniowej cienkościennych silosów metalowych o przekroju kołowym. Analizy MES wykonano dla wstępnych imperfekcji geometrycznych o różnym kształcie i amplitudzie. Wyniki analizy dynamicznej porównano ze wzorami normowymi.
PublikacjaSteel trusses have a much greater strength and stiffness in their plane than out of their plane, and therefore should be braced against lateral deflection and twisting. Such elements like purlins apart from bearing vertical load are part of bracing that stabilize roof trusses against distortional buckling. The stability of trusses with elastic bracing was investigated in an experimental research. Braces situated at some angle measured...
Stability and load bearing capacity of a truss with elastic braces
PublikacjaThe present paper is devoted to the numerical and experimental investigations of stability of a truss stiffened by elastic braces. The model of a real roof truss scaled by factor ¼ was investigated. In the research the linear buckling and non-linear static analysis of the truss shell and beam model with geometric and material non-linearity is presented. The initial imperfections were assumed in the form of the first buckling mode....
Wybrane metody szacowania obciążenia krytycznego mostów kratownicowych górą otwartych
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wybrane metody wyznaczania obciążenia krytycznego oraz szacowania nośności ściskanych pasów mostów kratownicowych górą otwartych z uwzględnieniem wyboczenia. Wśród tych metod znalazły się numeryczne analizy liniowe oraz nieliniowe wykorzystujące metodę elementów skończonych, algorytmy bazujące na procedurach normowych oraz uproszczone modele prętowe podparte sprężyście. Opisane metody sprawdzono na przykładzie...
Rok 2013
3D Buckling Analysis of a Truss with Horizontal Braces
PublikacjaThe present research is devoted to the study of out–of–plane buckling of a truss with horizontal braces. The truss is a model of real roof truss scaled by factor 1=4. A linear buckling and a non–linear analysis with geometric and material non–linearity were carried out. The truss buckling and limit load for different stiffnesses and number of braces are found. Numerical analysis are verified by experiment. Threshold bracing stiffness condition...
Analiza numeryczna i badania doświadczalne wpływu usytuowania stężeń na nośność wyboczeniową modelu kratownicy
PublikacjaIn the present research the results of experimental test and numerical analyses of a model of a typical truss are presented. The truss linear buckling analysis and non linear static analyses with respect to material and geometrical nonlinearity are conducted. For different stiffnesses and location of braces, the critical load and limit load for the truss are calculated and the threshold bracing stiffness is found. The results of...
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