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Filtry wybranego katalogu
20232024_Elective design II_CULTURAL HERITAGE ROUTES_Gdańsk Drawing architecture to understand the city
Kursy OnlineCultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk. This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection at urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and develop innovative...
Kursy OnlineCultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection in urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and...
20232024_Elective design II_CULTURAL HERITAGE ROUTES_Gdańsk Measuring the city, advanced digital surveying techniques for cultural heritage documentation
Kursy OnlineCultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk. This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection at urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and develop innovative...
20232024_Elective design II_CULTURAL HERITAGE ROUTES_Gdańsk Virtual scenarios for city storytelling
Kursy OnlineCultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk. This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection in urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and develop innovative...
CAD. Integrated Architectural Design MScArch (2024-25)
Kursy OnlineDetailed understanding of optimizing the design process using parametric BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the Autodesk Revit Architecture program. Practical design exercises included familiarize students with methods of integrating parametric design and exchanging data with other CAD/BIM programs, modifying parametric objects and generating automatic 2D/3D architectural documentation. The lesson plan introduces students to...
CAD. Integrated Architectural Design, MSc Arch (2023/24)
Kursy OnlineDetailed understanding of optimizing the design process using parametric BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the Autodesk Revit Architecture program. Practical design exercises included familiarize students with methods of integrating parametric design and exchanging data with other CAD/BIM programs, modifying parametric objects and generating automatic 2D/3D architectural documentation. The lesson plan introduces students to...
Elective design I: Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System - 2022/2023 Project PROMETHEUS
Kursy OnlineElective design I:Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification Systemfor MSc in Arch. Seminars & assignments: 30 hTeacher: akub Szczepański, Justyna Borucka, Robert Hirsch Piotr Samól, Szymon Kowalski, Joanna Badach + Visiting Prof. Sandro Parrinello (from Pavia University) Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation...
Digital Business NSTAC 22/23
Kursy OnlineThis is content to the subject: "Digital business" 22/23
Digital Technologies for Business Communication 2022/2023
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Digital Technologies for Business Communication 2023 2024
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Digital Technologies for Business Communication 2024 2025
Kursy Online -
Kursy OnlineMateriały do przedmiotu: "Digital infrastructure management" - studia stacjonarne, 22/23
Kursy OnlineMateriały do przedmiotu: "Digital infrastructure management" - studia stacjonarne, 23/24
ENG_Rysunek Architektoniczny II /// Architectural Drawing II /// 2023/2024 /// KAMiUP
Kursy OnlineArchitectural Drawing // Rysunek architektoniczny II sem.2. 2022/2023
ENG_Rysunek Architektoniczny II /// Architectural Drawing II /// 2024/2025 /// KAMiUP
Kursy OnlineArchitectural Drawing // Rysunek architektoniczny II sem.2. 2022/2023
Kursy OnlineMateriały do przedmiotu "DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT" - studia niestacjonarne, sem. zimowy 2023/24.
ENG_Rysunek Architektoniczny I /// Architectural Drawing I /// 2022/2023 /// KAMiUP
Kursy OnlineRysunek architektoniczny I sem.1 2022/2023 /// Architectural drawing I sem.1 2022/2023
ENG_Rysunek Architektoniczny I /// Architectural Drawing I /// 2024/2025 /// KAMiUP
Kursy OnlineRysunek architektoniczny I sem.1 2023/2024 /// Architectural drawing I sem.1 2023/2024
ENG_Rysunek Architektoniczny I /// Architectural Drawing I /// 2023/2024 /// KAMiUP
Kursy OnlineRysunek architektoniczny I sem.1 2023/2024 /// Architectural drawing I sem.1 2023/2024
Digital Control
Kursy OnlineII st (ang), sem. AiR
Kursy OnlineMateriały do przedmiotu "DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT" - studia niestacjonarne, sem. zimowy 2023/24 formuła 75online
ENG_Architectural Drawing II// Rysunek architektoniczny II / sem. 2 / 2022/2023 / KAMiUP
Kursy OnlineArchitectural Drawing // Rysunek architektoniczny II sem.2. 2022/2023
Geometry and Technical Drawing, PG_00041993
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2nd ErasmusENG_Rysunek Architektoniczny I /// Architectural Drawing I /// 2022/2023 /// KAMiUP
Kursy OnlineErasmus 2nd sem Rysunek architektoniczny I sem.1 2022/2023 /// Erasmus 2nd sem Architectural drawing I sem.1 2022/2023
DIGITAL INFRA MGMT NSTAC, sem. zimowy 22/23
Kursy OnlineMateriały do przedmiotu "DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT" - studia niestacjonarne, sem. zimowy 2022/23.
Rysunek architektoniczny I /// Architectural drawing I sem. 1 /// 2021/2022 /// KAMiUP
Kursy OnlineRysunek architektoniczny I sem.1 2021/2022 /// Architectural drawing I sem.1 2021/2022
Rysunek architektoniczny II /// Architectural drawing II sem. 2 /// 2021/2022 /// KAMiUP
Kursy OnlineRysunek architektoniczny II sem.2. 2021/2022 /// Architectural drawing II sem.2. 2021/2022
Programmable Digital Circuits
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Digital Signal Processing
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2022/2023 Digital Business
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2021/2022 Digital Business
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2024/2025 Digital Business
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2023/2024 Digital Business
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Geometry and Technical Drawing, PG_00041993 2023/24
Kursy Online -
Geometry and Technical Drawing, PG_00041993 2024/25
Kursy Online -
BIP 2025_SPEEDY faSt Photogrammetry and lasEr tEchniques for Digital urban surveying
Kursy OnlineWe invite for course: BIP 2025_“SPEEDY faSt Photogrammetry and lasEr tEchniques for Digital urban surveying” - workshop Elective design III - Seminars & assignments: 30 h Teachers: dr inż. arch. Justyna Borucka ( & other members DABLab GdankTech) in collaboration with DADaLab Pavia University, Italy (prof. F.Picchio, PhD F.Galasso, PhD S. La Placa)
Digital Business ZI SS 2023
Kursy Online -
Digital Signal Processing - 22/23
Kursy OnlinePo ukończeniu kursu, student projektuje podstawowe algorytmy cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów - filtrów cyfrowych FIR i IIR, i estymuje widmo za pomocą FFT.Student opisuje architektury i ścieżki danych procesorów stało-przecinkowych i zmienno-przecinkowych. Student tłumaczy podstawy arytmetyki procesorów i podaje przykłady zastosowań.
2021/2022 Global Digital Transformation
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2021/2022 Global Digital Transformation
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2024/2025 Global Digital Transformation
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Programmable Digital Circuits (2023/2024)
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Digital Signal Processing-23/24
Kursy OnlinePo ukończeniu kursu, student projektuje podstawowe algorytmy cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów - filtrów cyfrowych FIR i IIR, i estymuje widmo za pomocą FFT.Student opisuje architektury i ścieżki danych procesorów stało-przecinkowych i zmienno-przecinkowych. Student tłumaczy podstawy arytmetyki procesorów i podaje przykłady zastosowań.
Digital Platforms and Services 2022/2023
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Digital Platforms and Services 2023/2024
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2022/2023 Global Digital Transformation-Online
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2022/2023 Global Digital Transformation-Online
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2023/2024 Global Digital Transformation-Online
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Digital Platforms and Services - STAC - 2023/2024
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Digital Platforms and Services STACJON. 2024/2025
Kursy Online