Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Functional analysis - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Functional analysis

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Functional analysis

  • Theory of architectural design VI

    Kursy Online
    • A. Gębczyńska-Janowicz
    • L. Nyka
    • J. Martyniuk-Pęczek
    • P. M. Smolnicki
    • B. Konarzewska
    • K. Życzkowska
    • P. Duch-Żebrowska
    • M. Podwojewska

    The concept of the lecture series for semester 6 is based on a holistic approach to architectural design, encompassing professional practice, environmental, and cultural aspects. The program will begin with an introduction to the building project, which will prepare students for independent and conscious project execution. Lectures on the urban context will focus on integrating projects with their surroundings, both in terms of...

  • Prediploma project KAMiPN, KSW, sem.6, 2023/24

    Kursy Online
    • D. Cyparski
    • M. Podwojewska

    The topics of the classes include issues related to the analysis of conditions resulting from the location, the functional and spatial program and the provisions of the Local Development Plan, technical conditions and construction law. The design covers: plot development, form and function of the building (including an underground garage, if the function and provisions of the local development plan), basic construction and installation...