wszystkich: 1921
wybranych: 8
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: materials properties
[NCh, IMa] Properties of novel materials
Kursy Online{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: nauki chemiczne, inżynieria materiałowa Zajęcia fakultatywne Prowadzący: prof. dr hab. inż. T. Klimczuk, WFTiMS Liczba godzin: 15 Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: chemical sciences, materials engineering facultative course Academic teacher: prof. dr hab. inż. T. Klimczuk, WFTiMS Total hours of training:15 teaching hours Course type: lecture {mlang}
Composite materials - fabrication, properties and prospects of application
Kursy Online -
Composite materials - fabrication, properties and prospects of application 2023
Kursy Online -
Composite materials - fabrication, properties and prospects of application 2024/2025
Kursy Online -
Dielektryki-en WFTIMS
Kursy OnlineDielectric materials - properties, applications, structure.
Technical Mechanics 2 (PG_00049753), I stop, En, [W,C], zima 22/23
Kursy OnlineLectures and tutorials devoted to basic issues of Strength of Materials (stress and strain states, the Hook's law, geometrical properties of an area, bending, shearing, torsion, deflection lines of beams, buckling and yielding criteria).
Self-healing and shape memory polymers
Kursy OnlineThe course "Self-Healing and Shape Memory Polymers" is a specialized elective designed for Chemical Engineering PhD students. This advanced course delves into the innovative realms of self-healing materials and shape memory polymers (SMPs), representing a significant breakthrough in material science and engineering. Throughout the course, students learn about the problems of failure of polymeric materials and explore the fundamental...
Magnetism from fundamentals to spintronics 22/23
Kursy Online1. Basic magnetic quantities2. Magnetism of atoms and molecules, atoms in external magnetic fields3. Solid state magnetism, types of magnetic materials (dia-, para-, and ferromagnetism)4. Ferromagnetism and domain structures5. Magnetism of small particles, single domain particles (StonerWohlfarth model), thin films6. Experimental techniques of magnetic properties and magnetisation state determination. Domain structurevisualisation...