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  • Total Goods: EU Trade flows and balance with Iran, 2005-2015 (in millions of USD).

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The following dataset shows the volume of trade of the European Union countries with Iran. One can observe a significant drop in both imports and exports (the year 2012 meant tightening of sanctions, which clearly limited the import of Iranian products to the EU). After lifting the sanctions it is expected to substantially increase the level of trade...

  • Top 10 Iran Import Goods in 2011

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The following dataset shows the volume of trade of the European Union countries with Iran. One can observe a significant drop in both imports and exports (the year 2012 meant tightening of sanctions, which clearly limited the import of Iranian products to the EU). After lifting the sanctions it is expected to substantially increase the level of trade...

  • Top 10 Iran Export Partners in 2011

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Lifting of Iranian sanctions could lead to a rapid improvement in the economic situation of Iran. This will not only remove the barriers of international transactions, but also enable the investments of foreign entities on the territory of Iran, increasing the competitiveness of operators, including in the key mining sector.

  • Poland – Iran trade turnover annually in 2009-2014 (millions of USD)

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    In 2014, Polish exports to Iran was worth of 34.9 million EUR and imports 22.4 million (the trade turnover exceeded 57 million EUR). Year 2015 did not bring recovery in economic relations - the value of trade exchange exceeded only EUR 60 million. In comparison to 2011 when the total value of bilateral trade reached EUR 167 million. 

  • GDP growth in Iran

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the fastest growing in the Middle East. Iran should not only be associated with crude oil industry but also other areas of the economy. The sanctions that hindered oil exports from Iran meant that the authorities had to take measures to increase exports of other products. There was an increase in...

  • The number of active enterprises in Poland in 1997-2014

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    After Poland joined the group of countries associated in the European Union and through participation in numerous economic and political organizations (including the World Trade Organization, OECD), as well as the commencement of trade exchange with virtually all countries of the world, Polish entrepreneurs and managers struggle with completely problems...

  • Share of gross value added generated by enterprises in GDP

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    After Poland joined the group of countries associated in the European Union and through participation in numerous economic and political organizations (including the World Trade Organization, OECD), as well as the commencement of trade exchange with virtually all countries of the world, Polish entrepreneurs and managers struggle with completely problems...

  • The number of enterprises in Poland and EU countries (in thousands) in 2019

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Enterprises from the SME sector constitute the majority of companies in Poland and in the European Union countries. However, the structure of domestic enterprises in terms of size and industry differs from the EU average. Taking into account the nature of the business in Poland, more companies operate in trade, and lower in services. However, it should...

  • Structure of the SME sector by economy sectors in Poland and the EU-28

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Eurostat data show that almost 75% of SMEs in Poland are trade and services, and every seventh enterprise conducts activities related to construction, and every eight - in industry. Comparing the industry structure of Polish companies with the structure of enterprises operating in EU countries, it should be noted that we are characterized by a greater...

  • Supplementary material for: Fungal Planet description sheets: 1478–1549

    Dane Badawcze
    open access
    • P. Crous
    • E.  Osieck
    • R.  Shivas
    • Y.  Tan
    • S.  Bishop-Hurley
    •  . F.
    • E.  Larsson
    • J.  Luangsa-ard
    • F.  Pancorbo
    • S.  Balashov
    • I.  Baseia
    • T. iuribaseia@gmail.com
    • S.  Chandranayaka
    • D.  Cowan
    • R.  Cruz
    • P.  Czachura
    • S.  De la Peña-Lastra
    • F.  Dovana
    • B.  Drury
    • J.  Fell
    • A.  Flakus
    • R.  Fotedar
    • Ž.  Jurjević
    • A.  Kolecka
    • J.  Mack
    • G.  Maggs-Kölling
    • S.  Mahadevakumar
    • A.  Mateos
    • S.  Mongkolsamrit
    • W.  Noisripoom
    • M.  Plaza
    • D. Overy
    • M.  Piatek
    • M.  Sandoval-Denis
    • J.  Vauras
    • M.  Wingfield
    • S.  Abell
    • A.  Ahmadpour
    • A.  Akulov
    • F.  Alavi
    • Z.  Alavi
    • A.  Altés
    • P.  Alvarado
    • G.  Anand
    • N.  Ashtekar
    • B.  Assyov
    • G.  Banc-Prandi
    • K.  Barbosa
    • G.  Barreto
    • J.  Bellanger
    • J.  Bezerra
    • D.  Bhat
    • P.  Bilański
    • T.  Bose
    • F.  Bozok
    • J.  Chaves
    • D.  Costa-Rezende
    • C.  Danteswari
    • V. Darmostuk
    • G.  Delgado
    • S.  Denman
    • A.  Eichmeier
    • J.  Etayo
    • G.  Eyssartier
    • S.  Faulwetter
    • K.  Ganga
    • Y.  Ghosta
    • J.  Goh
    • J.  Góis
    • D.  Gramaje
    • L.  Granit
    • M.  Groenewald
    • G.  Gulden
    • L.  Gusmão
    • A.  Hammerbacher
    • Z.  Heidarian
    • N.  Hywel-Jones
    • R.  Jankowiak
    • M.  Kaliyaperumal
    • O.  Kaygusuz
    • K.  Kezo
    • A.  Khonsanit
    • S.  Kumar
    • C.  Kuo
    • T.  Laessøe
    • K.  Latha
    • M.  Loizides
    • S.  Luo
    • J.  Maciá-Vicente
    • P.  Manimohan
    • P.  Marbach
    • P.  Marinho
    • T.  Marney
    • G.  Marques
    • M.  Martín
    • A.  Miller
    • F.  Mondello
    • G.  Moreno
    • K.  Mufeeda
    • H. Mun
    • T.  Nau
    • T.  Nkomo
    • A.  Okrasińska
    • J.  Oliveira
    • R.  Oliveira
    • D.  Ortiz
    • J.  Pawłowska
    • M.  Pérez-De-Gregorio
    • A.  Podile
    • A.  Portugal
    • N.  Privitera
    • K.  Rajeshkumar
    • I.  Rauf
    • B.  Rian
    • A.  Rigueiro-Rodríguez
    • G.  Rivas-Torres
    • P. Rodriguez-Flakus
    • M.  Romero-Gordillo
    • I.  Saar
    • M.  Saba
    • C.  Santos
    • P.  Sarma
    • J.  Siquier
    • S.  Sleiman
    • M.  Spetik
    • K.  Sridhar
    • M.  Stryjak-Bogacka
    • K.  Szczepańska
    • H.  Taşikn
    • D.  Tennakoon
    • D.  Thanakitpipattana
    • J.  Trovão
    • A.  Türkekul
    • A.  van Iperen
    • P.  van 't Hof
    • G.  Vasquez
    • C.  Visagie
    • B.  Wingfield
    • P.  Wong
    • W.  Yang
    • M.  Yarar
    • O.  Yarden
    • N.  Yilmaz
    • N.  Zhang
    • Y.  Zhu
    • J.  Groenewald

    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Denmark, Ecuador (Galapagos), Finland, France, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Namibia, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Taiwan region...

  • The structure of the enterprise sector by size in Poland and the EU-28 in 2017

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Enterprises from the SME sector constitute the majority of companies in Poland and in the European Union countries. However, the structure of domestic enterprises in terms of size and industry differs from the EU average. Taking into account the nature of the business in Poland, more companies operate in trade, and lower in services. However, it should...

  • Epitaph of Choene-Jaski family in St. Mary's Church in Gdańsk

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The data set concerns epigraphy. It refers to the epitaph placed in St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk, that is dedicated to family Chöne-Jaski, that came to Poland from Moldavia at the beginning of XVI century and was engaged in trade in amber. Later on, the representatives of the family were in city council as jurors, councilors, judges and city treasurers....