wszystkich: 64
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DESIGN OF COMPRESSORS
Theory of Urban Design
Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to understand the complexity of the process of functioning and development of cities, including: -city hierarchical spatial models (morphology) and functional structure on models (the hierarchy of services and public spaces) -networks and systems that make up the city (environmental system, technical and social infrastructure) -role and importance of the district/neighbourhood in the structure of the...
Theory of architectural design V. Design for all
Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to increase awareness of the needs of people with special needs and the idea of universal design. The subject is to introduce the social and legal conditions of the profession of architect, focused on the needs of all vulnerable user groups, including people with disabilities and the elderly. Knowledge of solutions related to Design for All is necessary due to the implementation of directives and standards...
Fundamentals of Machine Design I
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Fundamental of Machine Design III
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Theory of architectural design IV_ERASMUS
Kursy OnlineThe Theory of architectural design IV ERASMUS is a course dedicated especially to Erasmus+ students and conducted on separate conditions.
Sem VI_ENG_Theory of landscape design
Kursy OnlineTheory of landscape design SDGs in landscape design Technical detailing of landscaping solutions
Theory of architectural design III
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Fundamentals of Machiune Design II
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Theory of architectural design IV
Kursy OnlineTheory of architectural design IV prowadzący: dr inż. Najmeh Hasses mgr inż. Tomasz Zybała email:
Fundamentals of Machine Design II
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Theory of Rural Design 2024
Kursy OnlineThe lectures are aiming to provide the students with the general understanding of the vernacular architecture, landscape, future, resilience and history.
Theory of architectural design VI
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Advanced design of energy installations
Kursy OnlineZapoznanie studentów z metodami projektowania komór spalania kotłów, instalacji do transportu medium oraz urządzeń wchodzących w skład elektrociepłowni.
Fundamentals of Machine Design III
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Computer design of materials 202324
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Fundamentals of Machine Design III
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23/24_S6_Eng_Theory of landscape design
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Fundamentals of Machine Design I
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Advanced design of energy installations
Kursy OnlineZapoznanie z metodami projektowania komór spalania kotłów, instalacji do transportu medium oraz urządzeń wchodzących w skład elektrociepłowni.
Selected aspects of the design of artificial organs
Kursy Onlinedla III stopnia EiT+IBM
Eco-design of cities and regions
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Eco-design of cities and regions
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Advanced design of energy installations | Project
Kursy OnlineZapoznanie z metodami projektowania komór spalania kotłów, instalacji do transportu medium oraz urządzeń wchodzących w skład elektrociepłowni.
Theory of architectural design V. Design for all 2024/25
Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to increase awareness of the needs of people with special needs and the idea of universal design. The subject is to introduce the social and legal conditions of the profession of architect, focused on the needs of all vulnerable user groups, including people with disabilities and the elderly. Knowledge of solutions related to Design for All is necessary due to the implementation of directives and standards...
Theory of Urban Design 2022/23 - LECTURES
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Theory of Achitectural Design II 2021/2022
Kursy OnlineProwadzący: dr hab. inż. arch. Jacek Krenz, prof. PG Architecture influenced by Art The aim of the set of lectures is to teach the method of creating an architectural form in a style that reflects a given topic drawn in the form of an ideogram. Creating architecture in this way makes it possible to endow the architectural form with meanings so that it becomes an important element of the existential space. An important feature...
Theory of Architectural Design I. Introduction 2022
Kursy OnlineLectures are held online on Wednesdays from 19:15 to 20:00 Theory of Architectural Design I 1 Our course aims to teach you how to design architecture. The process of...
Design and automation of technological processes, PG_00043714
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Theory of Achitectural Design II 2020/2021
Kursy OnlineProwadzący: dr hab. inż. arch. Jacek Krenz, prof. PG Architecture influenced by Art The aim of the set of lectures is to teach the method of creating an architectural form in a style that reflects a given topic drawn in the form of an ideogram. Creating architecture in this way makes it possible to endow the architectural form with meanings so that it becomes an important element of the existential space. An important feature...
Theory of Urban Design 2023/24 - LECTURES
Kursy OnlineIntroductory lectures on the topic of urban design concepts in contemporary climate change, sustainable development and the creation of public spaces.
Theory of architectural design I. Introduction 2023
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Theory of Urban Design 2024/25 - LECTURES
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Theory of Achitectural Design I. 2020/2021
Kursy OnlineLectures on architectural composition and architectural design
Computer modeling and design of materials 2022/2023
Kursy OnlineComputer modeling and design of materials, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Mathematics for new materials design, II stopień, semestr 3
Catalysis, process design and industrial production of polymers
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Computer design of materials and nanomaterials 2024-25
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Theory of Urban Design sem I MGR ARCH
Kursy OnlineW ramach kursu zamieszcozne zostaną treści programowe dla grupy angielskiej na kierunku magisterkim Architektura
Fundamentals of Machine Design I - 2024-2025 - Lecture
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Theory of design - Problems of Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism (lecture) 2023/24
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Fundamentals of Machine Design I - 2024-2025 - Calculation exercises
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Environmental Principles of Architectural & Urban Design 2023/2024
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Fundamentals of Machine Design I - 2024-2025 - Computer laboratory
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Design of Public Spaces with Green Elements, Erasmus, semestr VI
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Public spaces design with elements of greenery 2023/24 eng.
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Design of measurement systems in integrated programming environments [2024/25]
Kursy OnlineThe winter school on "Design of Measurement Systems in Integrated Programming Environments" as a part of the educational offering of the INNOVATIVE LEARNING CAMPUS within the ENHANCE+ Alliance.
Fundamentals of Machine Design II, PG_00050280, DaPE, sem. letni, 2023/24
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Methods of Experiment Design, W, E, sem.01, letni 22/23 (PG_00057505)
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Methods of Experiment Design, W, E, sem.01, letni 21/22 (PG_00057505)
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Advanced design of energy installations, P, MiBM, sem. 07, zimowy 22/23
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Research project: CAD. Integrated archictural design + Methodology of scientific work 2022/2023
Kursy OnlineKurs e-learningowy stanowi uzupełnienie zajęć stacjonarnych Projekt Naukowy (Techniki Komputerowe i Metodyka Pracy Naukowej) dla studentów II stopnia (2 semestr) Zajęcia dotyczą zastosowania środowiska GIS i oprogramowania BIM oraz odpowiednich metod naukowych w procesie projektowania i przekształcania obszarów waterfrontów.