Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Łódź Voivodeship
Dworzec Łódź Fabryczna
PublikacjaKrytyka architektoniczna dworca Łódź Fabryczna
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Process of Emergence of Smart Specialisation in Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland
PublikacjaThe European Commission puts a growing emphasis on the smart specialization as a tool of regional development. This term is present in a number of strategic development documents in the European Union, including Europe 2020, published by the European Commission in 2010. It implies the need for countries and regions to specialize as well as focus the development of innovation on areas that are consistent with their endogenous potentials. Objectives...
Indoor allergens in settled dust from kindergartens in city of Łódź, Poland
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The effects of selected factors on regional road fatalities – analysis of the Łódź region
PublikacjaAnalysis of regional accident records shows that a country’s national road safety programme does not have the same effect in each of its regions. What may be a serious problem in one region may be of marginal significance in another. Polish and international experience shows that main risk groups and types of accidents related to the level of development and quality of the road network differ from region to region. The conclusion...
Rozprawy Komisji Językowej (Łódź)
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PublikacjaThe subject of the presented research was projects co financed with European Union funds realised in years 2007–2013 in small towns of Pomeranian Voivodship. Projects which were included belong to 3 programmes: Innovative Economy Programme, Infrastructure and Environment Programme and Regional Operational Programme. The aim of the researches was study of the structure of projects according to its kind and town division. The other...
Evaluation of the changes in the rural landscape of Napachanie (Wielkopolska voivodeship) by historical analysis GIS
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The competitive advantage of Ppomorskie Voivodeship in strategic documents based on the Regional Innovation Strategy
PublikacjaThe article presents and discusses the main assumptions and courses of action contained in the innovation strategy for Pomorskie voivodeship with respect to building the competitive advantage The considerations are preceded by analyses concerning the interpretation and meaning of the following concepts in contemporary economy (with special emphasis on their regional context): competitiveness, competitive advantage and innovation,...
The competitive advantage of Pomorskie Voivodeship in strategic documents based on the Regional Innovation Strategy
PublikacjaThe article presents and discusses the main assumptions and courses of action contained in the innovation strategy for Pomorskie voivodeship with respect to building the competitive advantage The considerations are preceded by analyses concerning the interpretation and meaning of the following concepts in contemporary economy (with special emphasis on their regional context): competitiveness, competitive advantage and innovation,...
Job satisfaction of nurses and the determinants of organizational climate: insights from hospitals in Lubelskie Voivodeship
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Level and significance of European Union means in the budgets of non-urban poviats of Pomeranian voivodeship
PublikacjaJednym z warunków prowadzenia działań mających na celu rozwój obszaru jest posiadanie środków finansowych pozwalających realizować zadania, które ten rozwój determinują. Środki te pochodzić mogą z różnych źródeł. Jednym z tych źródeł jest wsparcie pochodzące z budżetu Unii Europejskiej przyznawane w określonych ramach czasowych zwanych okresem programowania. Polska już po raz drugi korzystać może z pomocy udzielanej w tej formie....
Efficiency of the Education System (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary) in Particular Voivodeships of Poland
PublikacjaThe reform of the Polish education system (both lower and higher education) that was carried out in recent years has shown the need to improve the efficiency of schools. Therefore, it is reasonable to analyse and evaluate the efficiency of educational centres...
Development of tools for road infrastructure safety management for the provinces (voivodeships) in Poland
PublikacjaThe development of modern tools for road infrastructure safety management will help to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries as one of the main objectives adopted in 2013 in the National Road Safety Programme 2014-2020 and the new Road Safety Programme 2011-2020 in the EU. Risk Management in Highway Engineering can be applied in developing tools essential in the process of safety management. Risk Management in Highway...
Reflections on the relationship-level between national- and voivodship-level planning In Poland
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono stan i ocenę procesu planowania, przesłanki i zamierzenia zmian oraz wybrane propozycje w zakresie relacji między planowaniem krajowym a planowaniem rozwoju i zagospodarowania przestrzennego na poziomie województwa.
Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa Archiwa kościelne w niepodległej Polsce. Łódź, 14-16 października 2019 roku
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5 Międzynarodowe Biennale Obrazu – Quadro Art Łódź 2016. Kompozycja przestrzenna pt.Gazetnik wym 100x100x20 cm
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The Impact of EU Funds on the Development of Business Environment Institutions – Research Results in Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland
PublikacjaThe paper presents the main findings of the research conducted to assess the impact of EU funds on development of business environment infrastructure in Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland, and – indirectly – on the growth of the innovation capacity of Pomeranian entrepreneurs. The research shows that support of ROP PV 2007-2013 contributed to the creation of multifunctional business infrastructure throughout the Pomorskie Voivodship,...
Cross-border cooperiation between nongovernmental organisations in the Pomeranian and Warmian-Masurian voivodeships
Renewable Energy Sources in the Lubusz Voivodship (Poland). The Present Conditions and Perspectives for Development
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Renewable Energy in the Pomerania Voivodeship—Institutional, Economic, Environmental and Physical Aspects in Light of EU Energy Transformation
PublikacjaIn the era of globalization and rapid economic growth, affecting most world economies, increased production and consumption are leading to higher levels of energy production and consumption. The growing demand for energy means that energy resources from conventional sources are not sufficient; moreover, its production generates high costs and contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases and waste. In view of the above, many...
Scientific Bulletin. Physics / Technical University of Łódź
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Tourist Behaviour of Junior High School Students of the Selected Voivodeships in Poland: the Sociodemographic Context
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PublikacjaAnalyses of road safety at national level have been run for many years and large number of publications concerning them appeared so far. How interdisciplinary the issue is, has been shown by literature studies done by the author of the paper. It appears that economists, mathematicians, doctors as well as engineers have studied the issue. It is not an easy one, as results of many analyses lead to conflicting conclusions and...
The Antimicrobial Potential of Bacteria Isolated from Honey Samples Produced in the Apiaries Located in Pomeranian Voivodeship in Northern Poland
PublikacjaThe principal objective of this study was to determine whether the honeys produced in apiaries located in Pomeranian Voivodeship (Northern Poland) contain bacteria producing metabolites with growth inhibition potential against important human and animal pathogens. The pathogens included Staphylococcus aurues, Staphyloccocus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans. From...
Opportunities for Horticultural Production in Podlaskie Voivodhsip: Pears for Fresh Fruit Market
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Analysis of cost structure of international road transport operators in West Pomeranian voivodship in the years 2008-2014
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PM10 concentration and microbiological assessment of air in relation to the number of acute cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. Preliminary report
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Using Deep Neural Network Methods for Forecasting Energy Productivity Based on Comparison of Simulation and DNN Results for Central Poland—Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
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Using Deep Neural Network Methods for Forecasting Energy Productivity Based on Comparison of Simulation and DNN Results for Central Poland – Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
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PublikacjaThe article presents the application of the GWR (Geographically Weighted Regression) model to the description of differences in the level of road traffic safety in individual counties on the example of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship. The GWR model developed for counties, taking into account the diversity of NUTS 3 regions, can be a helpful tool for traffic safety management in voivodships and lower administrative units, and...
Ageing of Society — Local Disparities. Classification of the Pomorskie Voivodship Communes According to the Pace and Progress of Local Communities’ Ageing
PublikacjaThe article deals with the issues of local disparities in the field of advancement and pace of demographic ageing. The subjects of the research were communes of the Pomorskie Voivodship. The purpose of the article — i.e., diagnosing and assessing the progress and pace of ageing of local communities in all 123 communes of the Pomorskie Voivodship, was achieved using a combination of traditional measures of ageing: age factor,...
The competencies of a small and medium-sized company owner-manager. Kompe-tencje właściciela-menedżera małego i średniego przedsiębiorstwa. W:Entre-preneurship and small business development in the 21st century. Przedsię-biorczość i rozwój małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w XXI wieku. Ed. B. Piasecki. Łódź: Uniw. Łódz.**2002 s. 69 - 90 bibliogr. 14 poz.
PublikacjaArtykuł nawiązuje do charakterystyki przedsiębiorcy w świetle paradygmatukompetencji. Przedstawia obszary kompetencji: zarządzanie celami i czynno-ściami, przywództwo, zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi, kierowanie podwładnymi ispecjalistyczną wiedzą.
Speed, Alcohol and Safety Belts as Important Factors Influencing the Number of Fatalities in Road Accidents in the Voivodships
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Regionalne obserwatorium kultury w wojewwdztwie podlaskim - uwarunkowania i planowane kierunki rozwoju (Regional Cultural Observatory in the Podlaskie Voivodeship - Conditions and Development Trends)
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Opinions and view of entrepreneurs regerding the single european Market-Analytical Model. W: Entrepreneurship and small business development in the21st century. Przedsiębiorczość i rozwój małych i średnich przedsiebiorstww XI wieku. Ed. B. Piasecki. Łódź: Uniw. Łódź**2002 s. 109-117.**2002 s. 109 - 117 Opinie i poglądy przedsiębiorców na temat Jednolitego Rynku Europejskiego - model analityczny.
PublikacjaArtykuł zawiera propozycje modelu czynników kształtujących świadomość pol-skich przedsiębiorców odnośnie szans i zagrożeń w związku z otwarciem gospodarki Polski na Jednolitu Rynek Europejski. Model ten musi być wykorzystany przy projektowaniu badań opinii i poglądów przedsiębiorców.
Analysis of road accident causes in the voivodships in the years 2014-2021 in the aspect of socio-economic costs – towards the implementation of sustainable development
PublikacjaThe article addresses the topic of road safety. The objective of the research was to assess road accidents caused by voivodships. The analysis took account of the socio-economic differences in the voivodships, which deter-mine the unit costs of fatalities and injuries. A descriptive analysis is given to show the dynamics of changes in the years 2014-2021 in the voivodships and how different factors influenced change. The article...
Polish voivodeship roads 2016 - video data
Dane BadawczePolish voivodeship roads 2016 - video data
Settlement Networks in Polish Spatial Development Regional Plans
PublikacjaIn 1999, ten years after the great political changes in Poland, 16 self-governed regions (in Polish: voivodeship) were created. According to Polish law, voivodeship spatial development plans, or regional plans in short, determine basic elements of the settlement network. No detailed regulations indicate the specific elements of the settlement network or what features of these elements should be determined. For this reason, centres...
Małgorzata Gawrycka dr hab.
OsobyMałgorzata Gawrycka, absolwentka Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, doktor habilitowana nauk ekonomicznych. W latach 2012-2020 prodziekan ds. dydaktyki Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Obecnie dziekan Wydziału. Zainteresowania naukowe koncentrują się na zagadnieniach związanych z polityka makroekonomiczną państwa. W szczególności problematyka sytuacji na runku pracy, zmian demograficznych, kwalifikacji...
PublikacjaEvery Polish region (in the paper understood as a voivodship) is an inspiring ground for comparative studies on the national as well as European scale, i.e. with regard to the administrative units of the other European countries. The aim of the article is to advance the conclusions concerning the Regional Innovation Scoreboard – a European instrument applied to examine the innovation capacity of European regions – with the issues...
Speed, alcohol and safety belts as important factors influencing the number voivodship = Prędkość, alkohol i pasy bezpieczeństwa jako istotne czynniki wpływające na liczbę ofiar śmiertelnych wypadków drogowych na obszarze województw
PublikacjaNiniejszy referat prezentuje wyniki wstępne szerszego programu prac badawczych dotyczących bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego na obszarach województw.
Solid road environment and its hazards
PublikacjaAccidents that involve vehicles departing the road tend to have very high severity, as they often result in the vehicle hitting a permanent obstacle (which can be a ree, a pole, facility pillar, front wall of a culvert or a barrier). In recent years, this type of accident caused approx. 19% of all road deaths in Poland. A particularly high risk can be observed on roads located in northern and western...
Sub-regional service centres in reality and regional planning in Poland = Podregionalne osrodki obsługi w sferze realnej i planowaniu regionalnym w Polsce
PublikacjaSub-regional centres are defined as towns where the services of the sub-regional level are concentrated. In Poland these are such services that can be located in several towns in a voivodeship (region), but not in every capital of a poviat (county). The transformation of civilization has influenced changes in Christaller’s model of settlement network, but re-gularities are still valid. Models derived from Christaller's Central...
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2019 - Municipality areas
Dane BadawczeData contain the number of accidents, victims, accident costs divided on municipality areas (119 areas) on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2019. Measures used to assess the level of social risk are (5 classes: low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2019 - Poviat areas
Dane BadawczeData contain the number of accidents, victims, accident costs divided on poviat areas (16 areas) on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2019. Measures used to assess the level of social risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - All accidents
Dane BadawczeData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Pedestrian accidents
Dane BadawczeData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, risk group: Pedestrians. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Head-on accidents
Dane BadawczeData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, type of accidents: head-on. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Cyclist accidents
Dane BadawczeData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, risk group: Cyclists. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):