dr hab. inż. Aleksandra Dorota Mielewczyk-Gryń
- Vice-Dean for Organization at Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics
- Associate professor at Institute of Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering
Research fields
e-Learning courses
Energetyka bliżej ludzi
[IMa] Experimental Methods for Materials Characterisation
{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: inżynieria materiałowa Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący: A. Mielewczyk-Gryń, L. Piotrowski, B. Bochentyn, J. Ryl, S. Molin, R. Bogdanowicz Liczba godzin: 30 Forma zajęć: laboratoria {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: materials engineering Obligatory course for 1-st year PhD students Academic teachers: A. Mielewczyk-Gryń, L. Piotrowski, B. Bochentyn, J. Ryl, S. Molin, R. Bogdanowicz Total...
Podstawy nowych technologii materiałowych 2022/23
ZzP - Elektromagnetyzm od kuchni - Spotkanie Akademickie 05.12.2020 r.
Spotkanie akademickie poświęcone będzie tematyce elektromagnetyzmu. Pole elektromagnetyczne jest nieodłącznym elementem naszego codziennego życia. Chodź nie zawsze jest dla nas widzialne i odczuwalne, towarzyszy nam w pracy, szkole, jak i również w domu. Wiele współczesnych technologii ułatwiających nam życie nigdy nie powstałoby, gdyby nie wyjątkowe cechy, jakimi charakteryzuje się pole elektromagnetyczne. Płyty indukcyjne, kuchenki...
Group project (NT2-eng. sem.3) - 2022
Course for 2nd degree Students of Nanotechnology, sem. 3, academic year 2022/2023. The aim of the course is to prepare students for teamwork by implementing a project involving the analysis of the problem by the team, presenting a proposal to solve the problem, conducting research/tests and preparing a report.
ZzP - W świecie dziesiętnym i binarnym - Spotkanie Akademickie 14.11.2020 r.
Spotkanie będzie się składać z trzech części: wykładu, ćwiczeń i laboratoriów. Na wykładzie poznamy i nauczymy się algorytmów zamiany zapisu liczb naturalnych między systemami o różnych podstawach, w szczególności systemami binarnym, dziesiętnym i szesnastkowym. Rozumiejąc system binarny omówimy jego zastosowanie do kodowania informacji. Porozmawiamy o kodach ASCII oraz o adresach IP. Ćwiczenia praktyczne pozwolą uczniom przetestować...
Metody inżynierii materiałowej w innych dziedzinach nauki i techniki 2022/23
Fizyka dla smyka i ciekawego świata młodego naukowca
Informacje o inżynierii materiałowej dla inżynierii materiałowej
Bezpieczeństwo w Nanotechnologii (PG_00037200) 2022/2023
Fizyka materiałów II
Wybrane zagadnienia nanotechnologii 2023
Podstawy nowych technologii materiałowych
Przedmiot prowadzony przez prowadzących z trzech wydziałów, każdy prowadzący prowadzi bok 5 zajęć (10h). Zajęcia odbywają się we wtorki w godzinach 11-13 w sali 3/07 w CNA. Podział semestru: dr hab. inż. Aleksandra Mielewczyk-Gryń (alegryn@pg.edu.pl) - 1.03 8.03 15.03 22.03 29.03 dr hab. inż. Łukasz Piszczyk (lukasz.piszczyk@pg.edu.pl) - 5.04 12.04 20.04 26.04 10.05 dr hab. Agata Lisińska-Czekaj (agata.czekaj@pg.edu.pl)...
Advanced Materials Center
[IMa] Materials technologies - 2024/25
{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: inżynieria materiałowa Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący: dr hab. inż. Sebastian Molin, dr hab. inż. Jacek Ryl, dr hab. inż. Robert Bogdanowicz, dr hab. inż. Beata Bochentyn, dr hab. inż. Aleksandra Mielewczyk-Gryń, dr hab. inż. Leszek Piotrowski, prof. Maria Gazda - koordynator Liczba godzin: 15 Forma zajęć: wykład/seminarium {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: materials engineering Obligatory...
Fizykochemia ciała stałego 2022/23
Metody badawcze nanotechnologii w innych dziedzinach nauki i techniki (NAN1C035) 2022/2023
Zdolni z Pomorza – Energia i jej przemiany - Spotkanie Akademickie 27.03.2021 r.
Energia jest jednym z najważniejszych pojęć w fizyce. Jej przemiany są podstawą do omawiania szeregu zjawisk zarówno w ramach kursów szkolnych jak i specjalistycznych wykładów uniwersyteckich. Z pozoru wydaje się prostym pojęciem, ale czy tak jest naprawdę? W życiu codziennym spotkamy się w szeregiem różnych rodzajów energii oraz jej konwersji. Począwszy od energii kinetycznej czy potencjalnej, po energię oddziaływań elektrostatycznych...
Wybrane zagadnienia nanotechnologii 2022
Advances in materials engineering instrumentation: new trends and applications 2022/2023
Podstawy inżynierii materiałowej 2024/2025
Advances in materials engineering instrumentation: new trends and applications
Metody badań materiałów-projekt zespołowy - 2025
Kurs wspierający zajęcia projektowe realizowane ze studentami I stopnia sem. 4 kierunku Inżynieria Materiałowa, w ramach modułu Metody badań materiałów.
Nowe trendy w nauce o materiałach i nanotechnologii
Wybrane zagadnienia nanotechnologii - 2025
Wprowadzenie do eksperymentu
Bezpieczeństwo w Nanotechnologii
Fizykochemia ciała stałego 2024/2025
Bezpieczeństwo w badaniach naukowych
Podstawy nowych technologii materiałowych
Fizykochemia Ciała Stałego 2023/2024
Metody inżynierii materiałowej w innych dziedzinach nauki i techniki
Advances in Functional Materials Summer School 2023
Our summer school on “Advances in Functional Materials” aims to bring together young scientists (Ph.D. and MSc students) with renowned specialists in materials engineering. Experts from academia, research units, and industry will deliver lectures, tutorials, and laboratory classes so that you can practice what you have learned. We divided the program into five main thematic topics: 1) Superconducting materials, 2) Additive manufacturing, 3)...
Wybrane zagadnienia nanotechnologii 2024
Metody badawcze nanotechnologii w innych dziedzinach nauki i techniki
Bezpieczeństwo w Nanotechnologii 2024
Analiza termiczna - moduł 2024/2025
Podstawy inżynierii materiałowej
Podstawy nowych technologii materiałowych 2023/2024
Metody badawcze nanotechnologii w innych dziedzinach nauki i techniki
Metody badawcze nanotechnologii w innych dziedzinach nauki i techniki
Podstawy nowych technologii materiałowych 2024/2025
Inżynieria polimerów II oraz Nowe technologie materiałowe kopia
Inżynieria polimerów 2 - semestr 2 mgr Trwałość wyrobów z tworzyw sztucznych - analiza zawodności Reologia i zużycie Materiały polimerowe o specjalnych właściwościach Nowe technologie materiałowe - semestr 3 mgr Materiały wytwarzane przez reaktywne wytłaczanie Otrzymywanie samonaprawialnych Materiałów polimerowych Technologia materiałów polimerowych z paamięcią kształtu
Obrony zdalne - Instytut Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej
Obrony zdalne
Conducted classes
Ethics in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technologies for Industry 5.0
Ethics in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technologies for Industry 5.0
New material technologies
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
New material technologies
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Physical chemistry of solids
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Safety in Nanotechnology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Physical chemistry of solids
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Analiza termiczna
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Basis for new materials technologies
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Fundamentals of materials engineering
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Ceramika inżynierska
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Fundamentals of materials engineering
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Materials engineering methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Advanced Engineering of Functional Materials
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Advanced Engineering of Functional Materials
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Advanced Engineering of Functional Materials
Nanotechnology methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanomaterials and Functional Nanostructures
Basis for new materials technologies
Faculty of Chemistry -
Safety in Nanotechnology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Safety in Research
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Fizykochemia ciała stałego
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Basis for new materials technologies
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Physics of materials II
Faculty of Chemistry -
Fizykochemia ciała stałego
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Basis for new materials technologies
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Fundamentals of materials engineering
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Materials engineering methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Advanced Engineering of Functional Materials
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Advanced Engineering of Functional Materials
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Advanced Engineering of Functional Materials
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Advanced Engineering of Functional Materials
Basis for new materials technologies
Faculty of Chemistry -
Nanotechnology methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanomaterials and Functional Nanostructures
Safety in Nanotechnology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Advances in materials engineering instrumentation: new trends and applications
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Fundamentals of materials engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology
Basis for new materials technologies
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Nanotechnology methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanomaterials and Functional Nanostructures
Physics of materials II
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Physics of materials II
Faculty of Chemistry -
Safety in Nanotechnology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Seminarium doktoranckie VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Advances in materials engineering instrumentation: new trends and applications
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Nanotechnology methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanomaterials and Functional Nanostructures
Physics of materials II
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Seminarium doktoranckie VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Basis for new materials technologies
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Advances in materials engineering instrumentation: new trends and applications
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Seminarium doktoranckie VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Safety in Nanotechnology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Physics of materials II
Faculty of Chemistry -
Advances in materials engineering instrumentation: new trends and applications
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Basis for new materials technologies
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Physics of materials II
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Seminarium doktoranckie V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Nanotechnology methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanomaterials and Functional Nanostructures
Advances in materials engineering instrumentation: new trends and applications
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Nanotechnology methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanomaterials and Functional Nanostructures
Physics of materials II
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Materials engineering methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Basis for new materials technologies
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Podstawy nowych technologii materiałowych
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Podstawy nowych technologii materiałowych
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Advances in materials engineering instrumentation: new trends and applications
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Materials engineering methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Advanced Engineering of Functional Materials
Materials engineering methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Nanotechnology methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanomaterials and Functional Nanostructures
Nanotechnology methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
The Basics of New Material Technologies
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Methods of testing in archaeometry
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Basis for new materials technologies
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Physics of materials II
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Materials physics II
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics
The Basics of New Material Technologies
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Praca dyplomowa
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Advanced Engineering of Functional Materials
Diploma/Final Project I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Diploma/Final Project II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Właściwości fizyczne związków o strukturze perwoskitu
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Materials engineering methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Advanced Engineering of Functional Materials
Basis for new materials technologies
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Metody inżynierii materiałowej w innych dziedzinach nauki i techniki
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Development of cell-compatible SERS substrates
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Physics of materials
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Materials physics II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Physics of materials II
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Nanotechnology methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanomaterials and Functional Nanostructures
Diploma Laboratory II
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Podstawy nowych technologii materiałowych
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Modern research techniques in materials engineering
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics
Materials engineering methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Advanced Engineering of Functional Materials
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Podstawy nowych technologii materiałowych
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Laboratorium dyplomowe I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Modern research techniques in materials engineering
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Advanced Engineering of Functional Materials
Basis for new materials technologies
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
The Basics of New Material Technologies
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Materials engineering methods in science and technology
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Advanced Engineering of Functional Materials
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanomaterials and Functional Nanostructures
Modern research techniques in materials engineering
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Specialization: Advanced Engineering of Functional Materials
Basis for new materials technologies
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Faculty of Chemistry -
Faculty of Chemistry -
Analiza termiczna w badaniach materiałowych
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringDiscipline: Budowa i eksploatacja maszyn
Analiza termiczna w badaniach materiałowych
seen 7268 times