dr inż. arch. Justyna Borucka
- Assistant professor at Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings
- Prodziekan ds. współpracy at Faculty of Architecture
e-Learning courses
Elective design I: Waterfront Areas in a Changing Climate – Solutions for Gdańsk
Elective design I:Waterfront Areas in a Changing Climate – Solutions for Gdańsk for MSc in Arch. Seminars & assignments: 30 hTeacher: Lucyna Nyka, Jakub Szczepański, Justyna Borucka + assist. teacher from Gdańsk Tech Waterfront Areas in a Changing Climate – Solutions for Gdańsk – This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts in waterfront areas, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of...
Theory of architectural design IV_ERASMUS
The Theory of architectural design IV ERASMUS is a course dedicated especially to Erasmus+ students and conducted on separate conditions.
Designing everydayness: 4 objects, place, atmosphere / Elective design II
Students will become familiar with the principal theories within the philosophical trend called Everyday Aesthetics.They will learn how objects and places acquire an aesthetic value and produce aesthetic experience and how to create an atmosphere by stimulating all the senses.
Wydział Architektury PG. Ewaluacja
Rysunek architektoniczny I /// Architectural drawing I sem. 1 /// 2021/2022 /// KAMiUP
Rysunek architektoniczny I sem.1 2021/2022 /// Architectural drawing I sem.1 2021/2022
Projekt DyplomowyI KAMiUP 2020/2021 J.B.
Kurs dla studentów II semestru II stopnia studiów z projektu dyplomowego prowadzonego w Katedrze Architektury Mieszkaniowej i Użyteczności Publicznej pod opieką: Prowadzący zajęcia: dr inż. arch. Justyna Borucka - promotor
Projekt architektoniczny II > 2023/2024 > KAMiUP
Projekt architektoniczny II sem.2. 2022/2023
Obrona pracy dyplomowej magisterskiej, kierunek Architektura, 2020/21
Seminarium Obierlane III_ sem 6 J.Borucka+J.Wojtas+ M.Szczepański
Sustainable, High-Performance Timber Building Construction (HiHTC)/Zrównoważone, wysokowydajne drewniane konstrukcje budowlane Budownictwo drewniane jest jednym z ważniejszych i mocno zarysowującym się wyznacznikiem w trendach projektowych we współczesnej architekturze. Obecnie światowe tendencje kierują się ku projektom zrównoważonym, wysokowydajnym a nawet hybrydowym w zakresie budownictwa drewnianego. Seminarium obieralne...
[AiU] Contemporary research methodology, evaluation and preservation of historic architecture
This course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Architecture and Urbanism tracks at Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology. The course is conducted by prof. Sandro Parrinello, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of University of Pavia Course type: workshops Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours Classes in hybrid mode (classes conducted online and at the GdańskTech)
Projekt DyplomowyII KAMiUP 2020/2021 J.B.
Kurs dla studentów III semestru II stopnia studiów z projektu dyplomowego prowadzonego w Katedrze Architektury Mieszkaniowej i Użyteczności Publicznej pod opieką: Prowadzący zajęcia: dr inż. arch. Justyna Borucka - promotor
QUEUE II Winter School
QUEUE = QUantum and molEcUlEsIt's a school organized for all those young scientists and students who wish to learn on the basics and advances in quantum ideas and methodologies and its practical applications for living problems in chemistry, electrochemistry and material sciences. The students will learn on how to perform the quantum-chemical computations, because we have planned a big block of laboratories, aside from lectures,...
Elective design I: Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System - 2022/2023 Project PROMETHEUS
Elective design I:Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification Systemfor MSc in Arch. Seminars & assignments: 30 hTeacher: akub Szczepański, Justyna Borucka, Robert Hirsch Piotr Samól, Szymon Kowalski, Joanna Badach + Visiting Prof. Sandro Parrinello (from Pavia University) Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation...
Projekt Architektoniczny II KAMiUP 2021/2022 W.T.+J.B.
Kurs dla studentów II semestru II stopnia studiów z projektowania architektonicznego prowadzonego w Katedrze Architektury Mieszkaniowej i Użyteczności Publicznej. Prowadzący zajęcia: dr inż. arch. Wojciech Targowski, prof. PG dr inż. arch. Justyna Borucka
Rysunek architektoniczny II /// Architectural drawing II sem. 2 /// 2021/2022 /// KAMiUP
Rysunek architektoniczny II sem.2. 2021/2022 /// Architectural drawing II sem.2. 2021/2022
HiHTC Seminarium Obierlane III sem 6
Sustainable, High-Performance Timber Building Construction (HiHTC)/Zrównoważone, wysokowydajne drewniane konstrukcje budowlane Budownictwo drewniane jest jednym z ważniejszych i mocno zarysowującym się wyznacznikiem w trendach projektowych we współczesnej architekturze. Obecnie światowe tendencje kierują się ku projektom zrównoważonym, wysokowydajnym a nawet hybrydowym w zakresie budownictwa drewnianego. Seminarium obieralne...
QUEUE I Summer School
QUEUE = QUantum and molEcUlEsIt's a school organized for all those young scientists and students who wish to learn on the basics and advances in quantum ideas and methodologies and its practical applications for living problems in chemistry, electrochemistry and material sciences. The students will learn on how to perform the quantum-chemical computations, because we have planned a big block of laboratories, aside from lectures,...
VREA - "Pavia Digi Week"
Rysunek architektoniczny II / sem. 2 / 2022/2023 / KAMiUP / gr 1-6 PL
Rysunek architektoniczny II sem.2. 2022/2023
Scattering Theory Summer School 2022
Summer school on Scattering Theory at Gdańsk University of Technology. 1 - 19 August online 22 - 26 August online or in Gdańsk (you choose) Participation is for free! Attractive fellowships! More info and registration: https://ftims.pg.edu.pl/en/science-app/summer-schools-2022/scattering-theory
Research project: CAD. Integrated archictural design + Methodology of scientific work 2022/2023
Kurs e-learningowy stanowi uzupełnienie zajęć stacjonarnych Projekt Naukowy (Techniki Komputerowe i Metodyka Pracy Naukowej) dla studentów II stopnia (2 semestr) Zajęcia dotyczą zastosowania środowiska GIS i oprogramowania BIM oraz odpowiednich metod naukowych w procesie projektowania i przekształcania obszarów waterfrontów.
Publikacje pracowników Wydziału Architektury
ENG_Rysunek Architektoniczny I /// Architectural Drawing I /// 2022/2023 /// KAMiUP
Rysunek architektoniczny I sem.1 2022/2023 /// Architectural drawing I sem.1 2022/2023
Rysunek Architektoniczny I /// Architectural Drawing I /// 2022/2023 /// KAMiUP
20232024_Elective design II_CULTURAL HERITAGE ROUTES_Gdańsk Measuring the city, advanced digital surveying techniques for cultural heritage documentation
Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk. This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection at urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and develop innovative...
ENG_Architectural Drawing II// Rysunek architektoniczny II / sem. 2 / 2022/2023 / KAMiUP
Architectural Drawing // Rysunek architektoniczny II sem.2. 2022/2023
ENG_Rysunek Architektoniczny I /// Architectural Drawing I /// 2024/2025 /// KAMiUP
Rysunek architektoniczny I sem.1 2023/2024 /// Architectural drawing I sem.1 2023/2024
"Pavia Digi Week" - 2023
Summer School within BIP Digipla and future VREA EMJM project application
2nd ErasmusENG_Rysunek Architektoniczny I /// Architectural Drawing I /// 2022/2023 /// KAMiUP
Erasmus 2nd sem Rysunek architektoniczny I sem.1 2022/2023 /// Erasmus 2nd sem Architectural drawing I sem.1 2022/2023
[AiU] 20232024Research methodology in architecture and urban planning
This course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Architecture and Urbanism tracks at Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology. The course is conducted by prof. Sandro Parrinello, Department Architecture of University of Florence Course type: workshops Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours Classes in hybrid mode (classes conducted online and at the GdańskTech)
Od szkicu do realizacji | 2024
Celem kursu jest przybliżenie zagadnień związanych z projektowaniem wnętrz.Studenci opracowywać będą projekty wnętrz dla istniejących mieszkań, zlokalizowanych na wybranych gdańskich blokowiskach.Zajęcia odbywają się w trybie konsultacji i krótkich wykładów. Pracę nad wnętrzami rozpoczniemy od zdefiniowania przyszłych użytkowników aby móc precyzyjnie odpowiedzieć na ich oczekiwania i potrzeby. Następnie przystąpimy do pracy nad...
ENG_Rysunek Architektoniczny II /// Architectural Drawing II /// 2023/2024 /// KAMiUP
Architectural Drawing // Rysunek architektoniczny II sem.2. 2022/2023
Rysunek Architektoniczny II > 2023/2024 > KAMiUP
Rysunek architektoniczny II sem.2. 2023/2024
ENG_Rysunek Architektoniczny I /// Architectural Drawing I /// 2023/2024 /// KAMiUP
Rysunek architektoniczny I sem.1 2023/2024 /// Architectural drawing I sem.1 2023/2024
ENG_Rysunek Architektoniczny II /// Architectural Drawing II /// 2024/2025 /// KAMiUP
Architectural Drawing // Rysunek architektoniczny II sem.2. 2022/2023
[AiU]20232024_Challenges and Perspectives in Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism
This course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Architecture and Urbanism tracks at Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology. The course is conducted by Prof. Marichela Sepe, DICEA / Sapienza University Rome Course type: workshops Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Classes in online mode (classes conducted online)
[AiU] 20232024_Contemporary research methodology, evaluation and preservation of historic architecture_final
This course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Architecture and Urbanism tracks at Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology. The course is conducted by prof. Sandro Parrinello, Department Architecture of University of Florence Course type: workshops Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours Classes in hybrid mode (classes conducted online and at the GdańskTech)
ENG_Architectural Design sem 6_2022_2023_KAMiUP
The course concerns the shaping of marketplace facilities with accompanying functions. The course presents a multifaceted approach to the issues, including technical, legal, economic, environmental, and cultural issues. The aim of the course, based on a case study in Gdańsk (Marketplace Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz (Targowisko Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz) and its surroundings), is to understand the problem of regeneration of exhibition spaces and to develop...
Rysunek Architektoniczny I > 2023/2024 > KAMiUP
Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection in urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and...
20232024_Elective design II_CULTURAL HERITAGE ROUTES_Gdańsk Drawing architecture to understand the city
Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk. This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection at urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and develop innovative...
[AiU] 20232024_Sustainable Design and Environmental Changes
This course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Architecture and Urbanism tracks at Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology. The course is conducted by Prof. Marichela Sepe, DICEA / Sapienza University Rome Course type: workshops Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Classes in online mode (classes conducted online)
From place to city: constructing collectively the habitat - workshop Elective design I
Zapraszamy na projekt fakultatywny “From place to city: constructing collectively the habitat” - workshop Elective design I - Seminars & assignments: 30 h Teachers: dr inż. arch. Justyna Borucka dr inż. arch. Piotr Czyż dr inż. arch. Weronika Mazurkiewicz
Multiscale Methods Summer School 2023
Summer school on Multiscale Methods at Gdańsk University of Technology. 3. - 7. July: 10 hours online10. - 14. July: 10 hours online17. - 21. July: 10 hours online24. - 28. July: 30 hours online or in Gdańsk (you choose) Participation is for free! More info and registration: https://ftims.pg.edu.pl/en/science-app/summer-schools-2023/multi-scale-methods-summer-school
Elective design II: PLANNING GENDERED CITY- GENDER CITY WALKING TOURS Women in Architecture series_2023
The course aim is to get familiar with the topic of tangible and intangible cultural heritage created by women in 100 years. The recognition of the past and present achievements as well as problems and challenges female are facing in built environment is curtail for understanding importance of women involvement and need of their support and promotion. This new perception continues to increase the visibility of creative...
QUEUE III Summer School
QUEUE = QUantum and molEcUlEsIt's a school organized for all those young scientists and students who wish to learn on the basics and advances in quantum ideas and methodologies and its practical applications for living problems in chemistry, electrochemistry and material sciences. The students will learn on how to perform the quantum-chemical computations, because we have planned a big block of laboratories, aside from lectures,...
Koordynator przedmiotu na WA i osoba odpowiedzialna za kurs: dr inż. arch. Anna Orchowska (annsmoli@pg.edu.pl)
20232024_Elective design II_CULTURAL HERITAGE ROUTES_Gdańsk Virtual scenarios for city storytelling
Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk. This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection in urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and develop innovative...
BIP 2025_SPEEDY faSt Photogrammetry and lasEr tEchniques for Digital urban surveying
We invite for course: BIP 2025_“SPEEDY faSt Photogrammetry and lasEr tEchniques for Digital urban surveying” - workshop Elective design III - Seminars & assignments: 30 h Teachers: dr inż. arch. Justyna Borucka ( & other members DABLab GdankTech) in collaboration with DADaLab Pavia University, Italy (prof. F.Picchio, PhD F.Galasso, PhD S. La Placa)
[AiU] Challenges and perspectives of contemporary architecture and urbanism
This course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Architecture and Urbanism tracks at Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology. The course is conducted by prof. Giovanna Acampa, Kore University of Enna Course type: workshops Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours
Conducted classes
Elective Design II
Faculty of Architecture -
Elective Design
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Architectural drawing II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Sustainable design and environmental changes
Doctoral SchoolDiscipline: architecture and urban planning
Architectural drawing II
Faculty of Architecture -
Sound and Multimedia Compositions
Faculty of Architecture -
Elective Design II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Architectural drawing I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Architectural drawing II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Research methodology in architecture and urban planning
Doctoral SchoolDiscipline: architecture and urban planning
Contemporary research methodology, evaluation and preservation of historic architecture
Doctoral SchoolDiscipline: architecture and urban planning
Graphic and Image Editing
Faculty of Architecture -
Architectural drawing I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Architectural drawing II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Architectural drawing I
Faculty of Architecture
Architectural drawing II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Architectural project VI
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Architectural drawing I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Contemporary research methodology, evaluation and preservation of historic architecture
Doctoral School -
Architectural drawing II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Architectural drawing II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Architectural drawing I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Elective Design
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Elective Design
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Elective Project II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Architectural Drawing II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Architectural drawing I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Sustainable design and environmental changes
Doctoral SchoolDiscipline: architecture and urban planning
Architectural drawing I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Challenges and perspectives of contemporary architecture and urbanism
Doctoral SchoolDiscipline: architecture and urban planning
Seminarium obieralne III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Elective Seminar III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Elective Seminar I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Architectural Drawing I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Elective Seminar III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
Elective Seminar II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Elective Seminar III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Elective Seminar III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Professional Architectural Internship
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma Project II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of Architecture -
Elective Seminar I: Sound Space
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma Project II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Professional Architectural Internship
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Elective Seminar I: Sound Space
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Elective Seminar: LIGHT CITY SOUND II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Interdisciplinary Diploma Consultations
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Professional Architectural Internship (4 weeks - 160 hours)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Diploma Project III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Diploma Project
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Pre Diploma Design Studio
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Professional Architectural Internship (4 weeks - 160 hours)
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Diploma Project III
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Diploma Project II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Diploma Project
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Interdisciplinary Diploma Consultations
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Pre Diploma Design Studio
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Diploma Project II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Diploma Project
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
seen 4597 times