Catalog Publications
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Catalog Publications
Year 2020
Measurements of displacement and acceleration of the railway bridge at km 333-254 of the Vilnius - Klaipeda railway line
PublicationThe purpose of this work is to perform a report of static and dynamic test realized on the bridge at km 333-254 of the Vilnius - Klaipeda railway line over the Salantas River in Kūlupėnų.
Measuring the Integrated Effectiveness of Regional Development: Directions for Regional Government
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Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Laser Surface-Treated Ti13Nb13Zr Alloy with MWCNTs Coatings
Publication: Titanium and its alloys is the main group of materials used in prosthetics and implantology. Despite their popularity and many advantages associated with their biocompatibility, these materials have a few significant disadvantages. These include low biologic activity—which reduces the growth of fibrous tissue and allows loosening of the prosthesis—the possibility of metallosis and related inflammation or other allergic reactions,...
Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of TIG Welded Dissimilar Joints between 304L Austenitic Stainless Steel and Incoloy 800HT Nickel Alloy
PublicationIn this article, the mechanical properties and microstructure of 304L austenitic stainless steel/Incoloy 800HT nickel alloy dissimilar welded joints are investigated. The joints were made of 21.3 mm × 7.47 mm tubes using the TIG process with the use of S Ni 6082 nickel filler metal. No welding imperfections were found and high strength properties of joints were obtained, meeting the assumed acceptance criteria of the product’s...
Mechanical and Non-Destructive Testing of Plasterboards Subjected to a Hydration Process
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Mechanical and radiation shielding properties of concrete reinforced with boron--basalt fibers using Digital Image Correlation and X--ray micro--computed tomography
PublicationThe paper presents experimental investigations of the radiation shielding, mechanical and fracture properties of concrete reinforced with 5 kg/m3 of novel basalt fibers infused with boron oxide (BBF). However, further studies concerning other dosages i.e. 1 kg/m3, 10 kg/m3, 15 kg/m3 and 20 kg/m3 are currently carried out. Experiments with neutron source revealed that addition of BBF as a dispersed concrete reinforcement could improve...
Mechanical and structural investigations of wings of selected insect species
PublicationThis paper presents research and measurements leading to obtaining the Young’s modulus of wing bearing structures of selected insect species. A small testing machine intended for three-point bending and equipped with instruments registering low forces was constructed for the needs of the experiment. The machine was used to perform numerous bending tests of wings of three species of insects (obtained from a breeding farm): Attacus...
Mechanical exfoliation and layer number identification of single crystal monoclinic CrCl3
PublicationAfter the recent finding that CrI3, displays ferromagnetic order down to its monolayer, extensive studies have followed to pursue new two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials. In this article, we report on the growth of single crystal CrCl3 in the layered monoclinic phase. The system after mechanical exfoliation exhibits stability in ambient air (the degradation occurs on a time scale at least four orders of magnitude longer than...
Mechanical Properties and Sliding Wear Resistance of Suspension Plasma Sprayed YSZ Coatings
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Mechanical Properties and Strength Reliability of Impregnated Wood after High Temperature Conditions
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Mechanical properties cement based composites modified with nano-Fe3O4/SiO2
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Mechanical Properties of Brass under Impact and Perforation Tests for a Wide Range of Temperatures: Experimental and Numerical Approach
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Mechanical Properties of Different Nanopatterned TiO2 Substrates and Their Effect on Hydrothermally Synthesized Bioactive Hydroxyapatite Coatings
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Mechanical, Thermal and Rheological Properties of Polyethylene-Based Composites Filled with Micrometric Aluminum Powder
PublicationInvestigations related to polymer/metal composites are often limited to the analysis of the electrical and thermal conductivity of the materials. The presented study aims to analyze the impact of aluminum (Al) filler content (from 1 to 20 wt%) on the rarely investigated properties of composites based on the high-density polyethylene (HDPE) matrix. The crystalline structure, rheological (melt flow index and oscillatory rheometry),...
Mechanical-Level Hardware-In-The-Loop and Simulation in Validation Testing of Prototype Tower Crane Drives
PublicationIn this paper, the static and dynamic simulations, and mechanical-level Hardware-In-the-Loop (MHIL) laboratory testing methodology of prototype drive systems with energy-saving permanent-magnet electric motors, intended for use in modern construction cranes is proposed and described. This research was aimed at designing and constructing a new type of tower crane by Krupiński Cranes Company. The described research stage was necessary...
Mechaniczne Metody Badań Materiałów
PublicationW podręczniku zawarto opis Laboratorium Wytrzymałości Materiałów znajdującego się w Katedrze Mechaniki i Mechatroniki na Wydziale Mechanicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej oraz instrukcje do szesnastu ćwiczeń laboratoryjnych dla studentów wszystkich kierunków studiów oferowanych na Wydziale. Ćwiczenia dotyczą zagadnień związanych ze statycznymi i dynamicznymi próbami niszczącymi, badań materiałów na ściskanie i rozciąganie, badań twardości,...
Mechanism of selective anticancer activity of isothiocyanates relies on differences in DNA damage repair between cancer and healthy cells
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Mechanistic insights into the reactive radicals-assisted degradation of sulfamethoxazole via calcium peroxide activation by manganese-incorporated iron oxide–graphene nanocomposite: Formation of radicals and degradation pathway
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Mechanizm współpracy z gruntem pali prefabrykowanych wbijanych w świetle próbnych obciążeń pali oprzyrządowanych
PublicationOpis badań i wyniki próbnych obciążeń statycznych dwóch pali prefabrykowanych wbijanych oprzyrządowanych w aparaturę do pomiaru rozkładu siły osiowej wzdłuż trzonu pala. Analiza wpływu czasu i procesu wbijania na charakterystykę osiadania pali prefabrykowanych wbijanych. Identyfikacja siły rezydualnej w palu prefabrykowanym wbijanym i jej wpływ na interpretację pomiarów ekstensometrycznych w próbnym obciążeniu pala. Wnioski na...
Mechanochemical synthesis of nanophotocatalysts SiO2/TiO2/Fe2O3: their structural, thermal and photocatalytic properties
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Medical Image Dataset Annotation Service (MIDAS)
PublicationMIDAS (Medical Image Dataset Annotation Service) is a custom-tailored tool for creating and managing datasets either for deep learning, as well as machine learning or any form of statistical research. The aim of the project is to provide one-fit-all platform for creating medical image datasets that could easily blend in hospital's workflow. In our work, we focus on the importance of medical data anonimization, discussing the...
Membrane technologies assisting plant-based and agro-food by-products processing: A comprehensive review
PublicationBackground Nowadays, membrane-based technologies (e.g. microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, membrane distillation, and pervaporation) have demonstrated to meet the requirements to be involved in different food and bioproduct processes. Scope and approach Several applications have been developed, including either separation, recovery or concentration of bioactive molecules from agro-food products and by-products,...
Membranes for toxic- and heavy-metal removal
PublicationSince time ago, membranes have greatly attracted the attention of researchers for different types of water-treatment applications, such as wastewater treatment, water purification, removal of microorganisms, chemical compounds, and heavy metals. Nowadays, one of the current challenges of research community definitely deals with the removal of toxic and heavy metals from water. In this regard, the current chapter provides enough...
Memorial Viewpoint for Shulamith Schlick
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Mental Health Impact of SARS-COV-2 Pandemic on Long-Term Care Facility Personnel in Poland
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Mental Health of Medical and Non-Medical Professionals during the Peak of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Nationwide Study
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Mental health status of health care workers during the COVID ‐19 outbreak in Poland: One region, two different settings
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Mercury forms in the benthic food web of a temperate coastal lagoon (southern Baltic Sea)
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Meso-mechanical modelling of damage in concrete using discrete element method with porous ITZs of defined width around aggregates.
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki obliczeń numerycznych pękania dla betonu stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych. Beton był opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy i był poddany zginaniu. W obliczeniach uwzględniono strefy ITZ o skończonej szerokości dookoła wszystkich ziaren kruszywa. Nacisk położono na przebieg mikropęknięć przy kruszywie. Wyniki porównano bezpośrednio z doświadczeniami. Obliczenia wykonano także dla szorstkich ziaren kruszywa....
Mesophilic and thermophilic dark fermentation course analysis using sensor matrices and chromatographic techniques
PublicationProduction of biofuels from biomass is expected to benefit the society and the environment. At present, bio waste residues processing includes hydrolysis, dark fermentation, photofermentation, pyrolysis, gasification, and chemical synthesis. As the composition and the chemical structure of organic substances affect the efficiency of mentioned processes, it is believed that the glucose concentration is a crucial parameter for the...
Mesoporous carbon/graphitic carbon nitride spheres for photocatalytic H2 evolution under solar light irradiation
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Metabolic Gene Expression in the Muscle and Blood Parameters of Broiler Chickens Stimulated In Ovo with Synbiotics
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Metabolomic Insight into Polycystic Ovary Syndrome—An Overview
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Metabolomic Signature of Early Vascular Aging (EVA) in Hypertension
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Metal ion directed template synthesis using 2-acetyl-1,3-indandione and ethylenediamine: steric and electronic restrictions
PublicationA template synthesis using 2-acetyl-1,3-indandione and ethylenediamine results in formation of octahedral Ni complex, whose crystal structure has been resolved using single crystal X-ray diffraction. The structure indicates that only exocyclic enolic oxygen atom of the triketone takes part in the condensation with ethylenediamine.
Metal-Organic Framework (MOF)/Epoxy Coatings: A Review
PublicationEpoxy coatings are developing fast in order to meet the requirements of advanced materials and systems. Progress in nanomaterial science and technology has opened a new era of engineering for tailoring the bulk and surface properties of organic coatings, e.g., adhesion to the substrate, anti-corrosion, mechanical, flame-retardant, and self-healing characteristics. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), a subclass of coordinative polymers...
Metamorphosis-related changes in the free fatty acid profiles of Sarcophaga (Liopygia) argyrostoma (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830)
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Method based on space-time perception in interior design education
PublicationIn this article, the authors discuss a didactic method based on the analysis of space in the architectural interior, according to the ideas of space-time by Kobro and Strzemiński. The Unistic concept of art has been featured in the course, Colour and Form in Interior Design, at the studies of Interior and Landscape Design (ILD) in the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture at West Pomeranian University of Technology (WPUT),...
Method for assessing the dynamics and efficiency of diving fins
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Method of estimating the rolling resistance coefficient of vehicle tyre using the roller dynamometer
PublicationThe tendency in the past few years has been to introduce tyres with lower rolling resistance coefficients to the market. This paper presents a mathematical method for determining the rolling resistance coefficients variation depending on the speed. The method uses power balance which results from automobile dynamics while rolling on chassis dynamometer. The rolling resistance coefficients of tyres obtained through ‘drum test method’,...
Methodology for carrying out measurements of the tombolo geomorphic landform using Unmanned Aerial and Surface Vehicles near Sopot pier, Poland
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Methodology for Carrying Out Measurements of the Tombolo Geomorphic Landform Using Unmanned Aerial and Surface Vehicles near Sopot Pier, Poland
PublicationThe human impact on the ecosystem has been particularly evident in the last century; it transforms the Earth’s surface on an unprecedented scale and brings about irreversible changes. One example is an oceanographic phenomenon known as a tombolo, i.e., a narrow belt connecting the mainland with an island lying near the shore formed as a result of sand and gravel being deposited by sea currents. The phenomenon contributes to an...
Methodology for hospital design in architectural education
PublicationThe architecture of a hospital should be a response to strong user requirements. Recommendations on how to shape the environment of such facilities are highly complex, integrating guidelines from many fields of science. If contradictions between them exist, the designer is required to set priorities for spatial activities. This issue is particularly important during architectural education. The learning process should include projects...
Methodology of testing positive attitudes to electrostatic discharges — measuring position
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Methods of Assessing Odour Emissions from Biogas Plants Processing Municipal Waste
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Methods of Bacteriophages Production with Application of Alternate Magnetic Field
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Methotrexate Decreases the Level of PCSK9—A Novel Indicator of the Risk of Proatherogenic Lipid Profile in Psoriasis. The Preliminary Data
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Methylation effect in e−— scattering on methyl-substituted ethylenes
PublicationMethylation effect has been observed and studied in electron-scattering from selected hydrocarbon molecules. In measured total cross section (TCS) functions we have noticed energy shifts and changes in the intensity of observed structures.
Methylation of estrogen receptor 2 (ESR2) in deep paravertebral muscles and its association with idiopathic scoliosis
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Methylene blue decomposition on TiO2/reduced graphene oxide hybrid photocatalysts obtained by a two-step hydrothermal and calcination synthesis