Department of Geoinformatics - Administrative Units - Bridge of Knowledge


Department of Geoinformatics


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Catalog Publications

Year 2021
  • ESCASA : Analytical estimation of atomic coordinates from coarse‐grained geometry for nuclear‐magnetic‐resonance ‐assisted protein structure modeling. I. Backbone and Hβ protons

    A method for the estimation of coordinates of atoms in proteins from coarse-grained geometry by simple analytical formulas (ESCASA), for use in nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) data-assisted coarse-grained simulations of proteins is proposed. In this paper, the formulas for the backbone Hα and amide (HN) protons, and the side-chain Hβ protons, given the Cα-trace, have been derived and parameterized, by using the interproton distances...

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  • Flood Classification in a Natural Wetland for Early Spring Conditions Using Various Polarimetric SAR Methods

    Abstract--- One of the major limitations of remote sensing flood detection is the presence of vegetation. Our study focuses on a flood classification using Radarsat-2 Quad-Pol data in a natural floodplain during leafless, dry vegetation (early spring) state. We conducted a supervised classification of a data set composed of nine polarimetric decompositions and Shannon entropy followed by the predictors' importance estimation to...

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  • G2DC-PL+: a gridded 2 km daily climate dataset for the union of the Polish territory and the Vistula and Odra basins

    - Earth System Science Data - Year 2021

    G2DC-PL+, a gridded 2 km daily climate dataset for the union of the Polish territory and the Vistula and Odra basins, is an update and extension of the CHASE-PL Forcing Data – Gridded Daily Precipitation and Temperature Dataset – 5 km (CPLFD-GDPT5). The latter was the first publicly available, high-resolution climate forcing dataset in Poland, used for a range of purposes including hydrological modelling and bias correction of...

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  • Influence of Operation Conditions on Temperature Hazard of Lithium-Iron-Phosphate (LiFePO4) Cells
    • W. Kurpiel
    • B. Polnik
    • Ł. Orzech
    • K. Lesiak
    • B. Miedziński
    • M. Habrych
    • G. Debita
    • M. Zamłyńska
    • P. Falkowski-Gilski

    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    The article presents and discusses the results of research on hazard, especially temperature, for selected lithium-ion-phosphate cells operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations but used under onerous mining conditions. This applies to the performance of cells in battery sets without the application of any management system (BMS). On the basis of the obtained test results, first of all, the influence of the...

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  • IoT for healthcare applications

    - Year 2021

    This chapter summarizes IRACON contributions related to the application of IoT in healthcare. It consists of the following three sections. Section 8.1 presents the measurement campaigns and the related statistical analysis to obtain various channel models for wearable and implantable devices. In addition, the importance of physical human-body phantoms used for channel, Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), and Electromagnetic (EM) exposure...

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  • Measurement of Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter Angular Dependence at 150 kHz Using a Multibeam Echosounder
    • K. Trzcińska
    • J. Tęgowski
    • P. Poćwiardowski
    • Ł. Janowski
    • J. Zdroik
    • A. Kruss
    • M. Rucińska
    • Z. Łubniewski
    • J. S. von Deimling

    - Remote Sensing - Year 2021

    Acoustic seafloor measurements with multibeam echosounders (MBESs) are currently often used for submarine habitat mapping, but the MBESs are usually not acoustically calibrated for backscattering strength (BBS) and cannot be used to infer absolute seafloor angular dependence. We present a study outlining the calibration and showing absolute backscattering strength values measured at a frequency of 150 kHz at around 10–20 m water...

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  • Modeling protein structures with the coarse-grained UNRES force field in the CASP14 experiment
    • A. Antoniak
    • I. Biskupek
    • K. K. Bojarski
    • C. Czaplewski
    • A. Giełdoń
    • M. Kogut
    • M. M. Kogut
    • P. Krupa
    • A. Lipska
    • A. Liwo... and 9 others


    The UNited RESidue (UNRES) force field was tested in the 14th Community Wide Experiment on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP14), in which larger oligomeric and multimeric targets were present compared to previous editions. Three prediction modes were tested (i) ab initio (the UNRES group), (ii) contact-assisted (the UNRES- contact group), and (iii) template-assisted (the UNRES-template...

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  • Modeling SARS‐CoV‐2 proteins in the CASP‐commons experiment
    • A. Kryshtafovych
    • J. Moult
    • W. M. Billings
    • D. Della Corte
    • K. Fidelis
    • S. Kwon
    • K. Olechnovič
    • C. Seok
    • Č. Venclovas
    • J. Won... and 79 others


    Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP) is an organization aimed at advancing the state of the art in computing protein structure from sequence. In the spring of 2020, CASP launched a community project to compute the structures of the most structurally challenging proteins coded for in the SARS-CoV-2 genome. Forty-seven research groups submitted over 3000 three-dimensional models and 700 sets of accuracy estimates on...

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  • Monitoring of Caged Bluefin Tuna Reactions to Ship and Offshore Wind Farm Operational Noises
    • V. Puig-Pons
    • E. Soliveres
    • I. Pérez-Arjona
    • V. Espinosa
    • P. Poveda-Martínez
    • J. Ramis-Soriano
    • P. Ordoñez-Cebrián
    • M. Moszyński
    • F. de la Gándara
    • M. Bou-Cabo... and 2 others

    - SENSORS - Year 2021

    Underwater noise has been identified as a relevant pollution affecting marine ecosystems in different ways. Despite the numerous studies performed over the last few decades regarding the adverse effect of underwater noise on marine life, a lack of knowledge and methodological procedures still exists, and results are often tentative or qualitative. A monitoring methodology for the behavioral response of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)...

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  • Nauka w świecie cyfrowym okiem młodego inżyniera - phishing w mediach elektronicznych

    Phishing to metoda oszustwa, w której przestępca podszywa się pod inną osobę lub instytucję w celu wyłudzenia poufnych danych, zainstalowania szkodliwego oprogramowania bądź też nakłonienia ofiary do wykonania określonych zadań. Jest to przestępstwo wykorzystujące zarówno metody socjotechniczne, jak i sztuczki technologiczne do osiągnięcia zaplanowanego celu. Działania hakerów żerują na nieostrożnych ofiarach, skłaniając je do...

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  • Performance of Passive and Active Balancing Systems of Lithium Batteries in Onerous Mine Environment
    • W. Kurpiel
    • P. Deja
    • B. Polnik
    • M. Skóra
    • B. Miedziński
    • M. Habrych
    • G. Debita
    • M. Zamłyńska
    • P. Falkowski-Gilski

    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    To use lithium-iron-phosphate battery packs in the supply systems of any electric mining equipment and/or machines, the required conditions of work safety must be met. This applies in particular to coal mines endangered by fire and/or explosion. To meet the spark-safety conditions, the cells (together with the battery management system—BMS) must be isolated from the influence of the environment, and therefore placed in special...

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  • Physics-Based Coarse-Grained Modeling in Bio- and Nanochemistry
    • A. Liwo
    • A. K. Sieradzan
    • A. S. Karczyńska
    • E. Lubecka
    • S. A. Samsonov
    • C. Czaplewski
    • P. Krupa
    • M. Mozolewska

    - Year 2021

    Coarse-grained approaches, in which groups of atoms are represented by single interaction sites, are very important in biological and materials sciences because they enable us to cover the size- and time-scales by several orders of magnitude larger than those available all-atom simulations, while largely keeping the details of the systems studied. The coarse-grained approaches differ by the scheme of reduction and by the origin...

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  • Physics-guided neural networks (PGNNs) to solve differential equations for spatial analysis

    Numerous examples of physically unjustified neural networks, despite satisfactory performance, generate contradictions with logic and lead to many inaccuracies in the final applications. One of the methods to justify the typical black-box model already at the training stage and lead to many inaccuracies in the final applications. One of the methods to justify the typical black-box model already at the training stage involves extending...

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  • Prediction of protein assemblies, the next frontier: The CASP14‐CAPRI experiment
    • M. F. Lensink
    • G. Brysbaert
    • T. Mauri
    • N. Nadzirin
    • S. Velankar
    • R. A. G. Chaleil
    • T. Clarence
    • P. A. Bates
    • R. Kong
    • B. Liu... and 98 others


    We present the results for CAPRI Round 50, the 4th joint CASP-CAPRI protein assembly prediction challenge. The Round comprised a total of 12 targets, including 6 dimers, 3 trimers, and 3 higher-order oligomers. Four of these were easy targets, for which good structural templates were available either for the full assembly, or for the main interfaces (of the higher-order oligomers). Eight were difficult targets for which only distantly...

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  • Quality of Satellite Communication in Selected Mobile Android Smartphones

    Today, thanks to mobile devices, satellite communication is available to anyone and everywhere. Gaining information on one’s position using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), particularly in unknown urban environments, had become an everyday activity. With the widespread of mobile devices, particularly smartphones, each person can obtain information considering his or her location anytime and everywhere. This paper is...

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  • Recent Developments in Data-Assisted Modeling of Flexible Proteins
    • C. Czaplewski
    • Z. Gong
    • E. Lubecka
    • K. Xue
    • C. Tang
    • A. Liwo

    - Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences - Year 2021

    Many proteins can fold into well-defined conformations. However, intrinsically-disordered proteins (IDPs) do not possess a defined structure. Moreover, folded multi-domain proteins often digress into alternative conformations. Collectively, the conformational dynamics enables these proteins to fulfill specific functions. Thus, most experimental observables are averaged over the conformations that constitute an ensemble. In this...

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  • Różnica w subiektywnej ocenie jakości mowy pomiędzy nastolatkami dwujęzycznymi a jednojęzycznymi

    - Year 2021

    Proces percepcji mowy omawiany jest w szerokim zakresie dziedzin i dyscyplin naukowych, od nauk humanistycznych, technicznych, aż po nauki medyczne. Wiele badań skupia się np. na ocenie różnicy w grupach bez i z wykształceniem muzycznym. Skoro stwierdzono, że zdolności muzyczne wpływają na percepcję poszczególnych atrybutów dźwięku, autorzy postanowili zbadać, czy zdolności językowe także mogą mieć wpływ na ocenę jakości sygnału...

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  • Sieci neuronowe oparte na prawach fizyki

    Wiele fizycznie nieuzasadnionych sieci neuronowych, mimo zadowalają- cej wydajności, generuje sprzeczności z logiką i prowadzi do rozbieżno- ści wyników z rzeczywistością. Jedną z metod poprawy funkcjonowania typowego modelu typu “black-box” na etapie uczenia, jest rozszerzenie jego funkcji kosztu o zależność bezpośrednio inspirowaną wzorem fizycz- nym. Niniejszy rozdział wyjaśnia koncepcję budowy sieci neuronowych opartych na...


    A measurement system includes all components in a chain of hardware and software that leads from a measured variable to processed data. In that context, the type and quality of the sensors or measuring devices are critical to any measurement system. MEMS/IMU sensors lag behind leading technologies in this respect, but the MEMS/IMU performance rapidly changes while is relatively inexpensive. For this reason, the paper proposes...

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  • Study on CPU and RAM Resource Consumption of Mobile Devices using Streaming Services

    Streaming multimedia services have become very popular in recent years, due to the development of wireless networks. With the growing number of mobile devices worldwide, service providers offer dedicated applications that allow to deliver on-demand audio and video content anytime and everywhere. The aim of this study was to compare different streaming services and investigate their impact on the CPU and RAM resources, with respect...

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  • Study on Speech Transmission under Varying QoS Parameters in a OFDM Communication System

    - Year 2021

    Although there has been an outbreak of multiple multimedia platforms worldwide, speech communication is still the most essential and important type of service. With the spoken word we can exchange ideas, provide descriptive information, as well as aid to another person. As the amount of available bandwidth continues to shrink, researchers focus on novel types of transmission, based most often on multi-valued modulations, multiple...

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  • Subiektywny pomiar jakości sygnałów mowy i muzyki w lokalnych multipleksach radiofonii DAB+ w Gdańsku i Wrocławiu

    - Year 2021

    Radiofonia cyfrowa DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting plus) dostępna jest dla słuchaczy w Polsce od 2013 r. Standard ten oferuje szerokie możliwości konfiguracji multipleksów lokalnych nie tylko pod względem liczby, lecz także jakości nadawanych programów radiowych. Dzięki temu możliwe jest dostosowanie parametrów emitowanych sygnałów w celu sprostania oczekiwaniom odbiorców końcowych. W przeciwieństwie do radiofonii analogowej FM...

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  • Testing of Software for the Planning of a Linear Object GNSS Measurement Campaign under Simulated Conditions

    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    The precision of a linear object measurement using satellite techniques is determined by the number and the relative position of the visible satellites by the receiver. The status of the visible constellation is described by DOP. The obtained geometric coefficient values are dependent on many variables. When determining these values, field obstacles at the receiver location and satellite positions changing with time must be taken...

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  • Using FreeFEM open software for modelling the vibrations of piezoelectric devices

    Modelling vibrations of piezoelectric transducers has been a topic discussed in the literature for many decades. The first models - so-called one-dimensional - describe the vibrations only near operating frequency and near its harmonics. Attempts to introduce two-dimensional models were related to the possibility of one transducer working at several frequencies, including both thickness vibrations and those resulting from the transducer...

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  • XVIII Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Inżynierii i Reżyserii Dźwięku

    - Year 2021

    The subjective assessment of speech signals takes into account previous experiences and habits of an individual. Since the perception process deteriorates with age, differences should be noticeable among people from dissimilar age groups. In this work, we investigated the difference of speech quality assessment between high school students and university students. The study involved 60 participants, with 30 people in both the adolescents...

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Year 2020
Year 2019