dr hab. Karol Dziedziul
- Head of Section at Divison of Nonlinear Analysis
- Associate professor at Institute of Applied Mathematics
total: 22
Catalog Publications
Year 2023
Beyond Antioxidant Activity: Redox Properties of Catechins May Affect Changes in the DNA Methylation Profile—The Example of SRXN1 Gene
PublicationThe role of catechins in the epigenetic regulation of gene expression has been widely studied; however, if and how this phenomenon relates to the redox properties of these polyphenols remains unknown. Our earlier study demonstrated that exposure of the human colon adenocarcinoma HT29 cell line to these antioxidants affects the expression of redox-related genes. In particular, treatment with (−)-epigallocatechin (EGC) downregulated...
Year 2022
Marcinkiewicz Averages of Smooth Orthogonal Projections on Sphere
PublicationWe construct a single smooth orthogonal projection with desired localization whose average under a group action yields the decomposition of the identity operator. For any full rank lattice \Gamma ⊂ R^d , a smooth projection is localized in a neighborhood of an arbitrary precompact fundamental domain R^d / \Gamma. We also show the existence of a highly localized smooth orthogonal projection, whose Marcinkiewicz average under the...
Year 2021
Parseval Wavelet Frames on Riemannian Manifold
PublicationWe construct Parseval wavelet frames in L 2 (M) for a general Riemannian manifold M and we show the existence of wavelet unconditional frames in L p (M) for 1 < p < ∞. This is made possible thanks to smooth orthogonal projection decomposition of the identity operator on L 2 (M), which was recently proven by Bownik et al. (Potential Anal 54:41–94, 2021). We also show a characterization of Triebel–Lizorkin F sp,q (M) and Besov B...
Smooth Orthogonal Projections on Riemannian Manifold
PublicationWe construct a decomposition of the identity operator on a Riemannian manifold M as a sum of smooth orthogonal projections subordinate to an open cover of M. This extends a decomposition on the real line by smooth orthogonal projection due to Coifman and Meyer (C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, S´er. I Math., 312(3), 259–261 1991) and Auscher, Weiss, Wickerhauser (1992), and a similar decomposition when M is the sphere by Bownik and Dziedziul (Const....
Year 2019
Multiresolution analysis and adaptive estimation on a sphere using stereographic wavelets
PublicationWe construct an adaptive estimator of a density function on d dimensional unit sphere Sd (d ≥ 2), using a new type of spherical frames. The frames, or as we call them, stereografic wavelets are obtained by transforming a wavelet system, namely Daubechies, using some stereographic operators. We prove that our estimator achieves an optimal rate of convergence on some Besov type class of functions by adapting to unknown smoothness....
Year 2015
Smooth orthogonal projections on sphere.
PublicationWe construct a decomposition of the identity operator on the sphere S^d as a sum of smooth orthogonal projections subordinate to an open cover of S^d. We give applications of our main result in the study of function spaces and Parseval frames on the sphere.
Year 2014
Density smoothness estimation problem using a wavelet approach
PublicationIn this paper we consider a smoothness parameter estimation problem for a density function. The smoothness parameter of a function is defined in terms of Besov spaces. This paper is an extension of recent results (K. Dziedziul, M. Kucharska, B. Wolnik, Estimation of the smoothness parameter ). The construction of the estimator is based on wavelets coefficients. Although we believe that the effective estimation of the smoothness...
The smoothness test for a density function
PublicationThe problem of testing hypothesis that a density function has no more than μ derivatives versus it has more than μ derivatives is considered. For a solution, the L2 norms of wavelet orthogonal projections on some orthogonal ‘‘differences’’ of spaces from a multiresolution analysis is used. For the construction of the smoothness test an asymptotic distribution of a smoothness estimator is used. To analyze that asymptotic distribution,...
Year 2013
Myrosinase activity in different plant samples; optimisation of measurement conditions for spectrophotometric and pH-stat methods
PublicationMyrosinase found in Brassicaceae plants, is the enzyme responsible for hydrolysis of glucosinolates. As a result a variety of biologically active metabolites are liberated, whose importance in crop protection and especially in cancer chemoprevention is rapidly gaining recognition. The growing practical application of glucosinolate degradation products requires that sensitive and reliable methods of myrosinase activity determination...
Year 2011
Estimation of the smoothness of density
PublicationZdefiniowano parametr gładkości w klasach Biesowa. Skonstruowano estymator gładkości.
Year 2010
Box-spline histograms for multivariate density estimation
PublicationW pracy podano ujednoliconą konstrukcję estymatora pochodnych gęstości oraz stałych asymptotycznych dla tej gęstości. Posłużono się histogramami box-splinowymi. Skorzystano z twierdzeń asymptotycznych dla operatorów związanych z tymi estymatorami.
Year 2007
Note on universal algoritms for learning theory
PublicationW 2001 Cucker i Smale zaproponowali nowe podejście do teorii uczenia się w oparciu o problematykę teorii aproksymacji.W 2005 i 2007 Bivev, Cohen, Dahmen, DeVore i Temlyakov opublikowali dwie prace z teorii uczenia się. W omawianej publikacji uogólniliśmy ich rezultaty jednocześnie upraszczając dowody.
Year 2006
Asymptotic error expansions for Schoenberg type operators
PublicationPrzedstawiono L^p błąd dla rozwinięć dla operatorów Schoenberga
Year 2005
Asymptotic formulas for the error in linear interpolation
PublicationWyznaczono asymptotyczny wzór dla błędu w liniowej interpolacji z dowolnymi węzłami.
Year 2004
Box-splines orthogonal projections.
PublicationUogólniono twierdzenie Sweldensa i Piessensa na pudełkowe funkcje gięte. Podano formułę asymptotyczną dla funkcji o ograniczonej wariacji.
Mazur-Orlicz theorem and asymptotic formula for the error in supreme norm.
PublicationObliczono formułę asymptotyczną błędu interpolacji dla normy supremum.
Year 2003
Asymptotic error expansions for Schoenberg type operators.
PublicationW pracy wyprowadzono rozwinięcie asymptotyczne dla błędu w L2 operatorówSchoenberga.
Shift invariant operators and a saturation theorem.
PublicationPraca jest kontynuacją wcześniejszych dwóch prac wydanych w Appl. Math. w latach 2001 i 2002. Główny wynik dotyczy wygładzania specjalnego ciągu zbieżnego słabo, tak iż dostajemy ciąg zbieżny w normie supremum.
Year 2002
A note on Banach space isomorphic to Hilbert space
PublicationW pracy charakteryzuje się przestrzenie Hilberta w terminach istnienia pewnych funkcji gładkich.
Application of Mazur-Orlicz`s theorem in AMISE calculation
PublicationW pracy podano nowe wyprowadzenie formuły asymptotycznej błędu aproksymacji dla operatorów całkowych w przestrzeniach niezmienniczych na przesunięcia. Obliczono asymptotykę błędu średniokwakratowego dla estymatora gęstości.
On the maximum principle of Bernstein-Schnabl operators over a Bauer simplex
PublicationW pracy bada się geometryczne własności sympleksy Bauera i dowodzi się zasady maksimum dla operatorów Bernsteina-Schnabla.
The asymptotic formula for the error in orthogonal projection
PublicationW pracy podano formułę asymptotyczną błędu aproksymacji dla rzutów ortogonalnych w normie L^p.
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