Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska - Biographical note - Bridge of Knowledge


Profile photo:  Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska

Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska



Head of the Scientific and Technical Information Services at the Gdansk University of Technology Library and the Leader of the Open Science Competence Center. She is also a Plenipotentiary of the Rector of the Gdańsk University of Technology for open science.  She is a PhD Candidate. Her main areas of research and interests include research productivity, motivation, management of HEs, Open Access, Open Research Data, information literacy, scholarly communication, and bibliometrics. Previously, she served as Library Assistant in Health Sciences Library at University College Dublin, Ireland. She holds her BA in Librarianship from Warsaw University, Poland and earned her Master of Science in Digital Library Management from Boras University, Sweden. Magda has participated in numerous conferences and workshops, both national and international. She is a member of several working groups: RDA, GO FAIR, EOSC or Open Aire. She is a co-chair of RDA Education and Training on Handling of Research Data IG . She was coordinator of training programme POWER 3.4, and co-investigator in the HORIZON 2020 Project BE OPEN, Bridge of Data – Multidisciplinary Open System Transferring Knowledge. Stage II Open Research Data , Positive management of technical universities: a new model of motivation ( OPUS: National Science Centre). She was a co-investigator in EOSC Future Project: Data practices in an interdisciplinary perspective - building good standards and universal solutions and FAIRness Assessment Challenge. Currently she is leading a prgramm for Data Stewards: Actions to promote and increase awareness of Open Research Data funded by ‘Excellence Initiative - Research University’ (IDUB).


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