Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska
- Kierownik Sekcji Inf. Nauk-Tech Biblioteki PG at Library
- Lider Centrum Komeptencji Otwartej Nauki at Gdańsk University of Technology
- Pełnomocnik Rektora ds. otwartej nauki at Gdańsk University of Technology
Research fields
total: 10
Catalog Publications
Year 2022
Korelacja ujemna : publikacje w MDPI a wskaźnik sukcesu w grantach NCN
PublicationCelem niniejszego opracowania jest odpowiedź na pytanie, czy istnieje związek pomiędzy liczbą publikacji w czasopismach wydawnictwa MDPI przypadającą na daną jednostkę naukową, a jej wskaźnikiem sukcesu w konkursach Narodowego Centrum Nauki. W artykule prezentowane są wyniki zestawienia udziału procentowego publikacji MDPI w całkowitej liczbie publikacji danej jednostki naukowej z 2019 r., z jej wskaźnikiem sukcesu w pozyskiwaniu...
The Importance of Demand and Environment for Defining and Establishing the Role of Data Stewards
PublicationData stewardship is now a central part of FAIR research data management. Although various types of positions called data stewards have been created at academic institutions over the last years, no demand-oriented, formal model of data stewardship and the associated roles exist so far. This workshop report presents the outcomes of the panel discussion “The Importance of Demand and Environment for Defining Data Stewardship” held...
Towards Open Research Data in the Economics Discipline
PublicationNowadays, Open Research Data, as one of the three pillars of Open Science (along with Open Access and Open Scholarly Communication), is gaining enormous attention from different academic and commercial environments. A wide range of scientific disciplines represent and produce different types of data and at the same time, gather different issues and problems in terms of sharing and dissemination research output. This chapter aims...
Year 2021
Visegrád countries' scientific productivity in the European context: a 10-year perspective using Web of Science and Scopus
PublicationMeasuring the growth of research productivity is a core element of performance in the higher education sector. This paper aims to analyse the scientific productivity of the Visegrád Group countries (2010-2019) based on data from the WoS and Scopus databases as well as data from secondary sources (demographic and socio-economic factors). Quantitatively, although Poland has the highest output, this is due to its comparative size,...
Year 2020
Barriers to and Facilitators of Scientific Productivity: A Case Study from Polish Technical University
PublicationScientific productivity plays an essential role in the creation of innovation and it stimulates social and economic growth. This study aimed to identify the barriers to and facilitators of scientific productivity in engineering and technology field, as perceived from the perspective of academic managers. Along with quality approach, the study relied on semi-structured interviews with managing bodies, i.e. seven deans and deputy...
Plan zarządzania danymi–jak skutecznie współpracować z naukowcami? Doświadczenia Centrum Kompetencji Otwartej Nauki przy Bibliotece Politechniki Gdańskiej
PublicationKażdy projekt naukowy wiąże się z gromadzeniem i przetwarzaniem danych badawczych. Zaplanowanie całego procesu zarządzaniaoraz udostępniania danych stanowi obecnie nie tylko dobryzwyczaj, ale i konieczność. Od 2019 r. wszystkie wnioski składane w konkursach o granty Narodowego Centrum Nauki (NCN) muszą zawierać plan zarzą-dzania danymi z najważniejszymi informacjami dotyczącymi miejsca przechowywania danych, jak będą one opisywane...
Year 2019
Positive Management of Universities: A Model of Motivation to Strive for Scientific Excellence
PublicationObjective: The aim of the article is to conceptualise a model of work motivation in the management of universities striving for scientific excellence. Research Design & Methods: The most relevant for our aim is the self-determina tion theory that is applied to the work and organisational domain. We used a nar rative literature review. Findings: The proposed model is derived from the self-determination theory. It includes three...
Year 2018
Międzynarodowy Tydzień Otwartego Dostępu – International Open Access Week. Różne modele Otwartego Dostępu
Year 2017
The Bridge of Knowledge – defining and implementing national Open Access policy by Polish universities. Gdansk University of Technology perspective
PublicationThe European Commission states that Open Access to scientific resources funded by the European Union shall facilitate the use of research results financed from the public funds. Moreover, it will cause an increase in the innovative capacity of Europe. The Open Access landscape is determined by several factors such as mandates. The open mandate may be voluntary or mandatory and implemented at the institutional, national or international...
Year 2014
Scholarly communication activities in the fields of chemistry and economics. A Polish perspective
PublicationThis study examines the scholarly communication activities in two scientific fields, chemistry and economics, in a Polish context. The dissertation aims at investigating what characterises the publishing choices of researchers and what supplementary forms for the dissemination of research output are used by scholars. In addition, the paper is looking into what are the views and awareness of open access and institutional repositories...
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