Monika Śmiełowska
Research fields
- semi-volatile organic compounds
- polybrominated diphenyl ethers
- indoor environment quality
- exposure assessment
- analytical procedures development
- indoor dust
- indoor air quality
- endocrine disrupting compounds
- gas chromatography
- gc-ms technique
- sample preparation methods
- svocs migration in the environment
- svocs
total: 16
Catalog Publications
Year 2022
Small Polymeric Toys Placed in Child-Dedicated Chocolate Food Products—Do They Contain Harmful Chemicals? Examination of Quality by Example of Selected VOCs and SVOCs
PublicationThis study was focused on child-dedicated chocolate food products that contain a plastic package with a small toy inside (also known as chocolate eggs). Three types of these products that are commercially available on the Polish market, with different prices, chocolate composition, and main types of polymers used in the toy manufacturing process, were investigated. The polymers were identified using Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR)...
Year 2021
Identification of novel halogenated naturally occurring compounds in marine biota by high-resolution mass spectrometry and combined screening approaches
PublicationMarine animals, plants or bacteria are a source of bioactive naturally-occurring halogenated compounds (NHCs) such as bromophenols (BPs), bromoanisoles (BAs) and hydroxylated or methoxylated analogues of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (HO-PBDEs, MeO-PBDEs) and bromobiphenyls (HO-BBs, MeO-BBs). This study applied a comprehensive screening approach using liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry and combining target,...
Year 2020
Current trends in analytical strategies for determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in samples with different matrix compositions – Part 1.: Screening of new developments in sample preparation
PublicationPolybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are ubiquitous compounds in the environment. Restrictions on the use of PBDEs introduced at the beginning of the 21st century have not eliminated these highly persistent and bioaccumulative compounds from the environment. Despite many existing regulations to control and phase out, extensive research on PBDEs is still necessary to fully evaluate the hazard their create to the environment. In...
Current trends in analytical strategies for the determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in samples with different matrix compositions – Part 2: New approaches to PBDEs determination
PublicationHerein, we review the latest technical solutions for polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) determination in samples with different matrix compositions, largely focusing on gas chromatography but also presenting some liquid chromatography–based solutions. Moreover, we discuss the use of diverse sample injection techniques while considering the advantages and disadvantages of each injection system in the context of PBDEs analysis....
Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) concentrations in dust from various indoor environments in Gdańsk, Poland: Prediction of concentrations in indoor air and assessment of exposure of adults
PublicationMonitoring of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in indoor environments involves the determination of their concentrations in air, airborne particles, and settled dust. Each of these is a source of human exposure to PBDEs. In this study, we attempted to model PBDEs concentrations in various typical indoor environments on the basis of real PBDEs measurements in dust collected from them. The analytical procedure for determining...
Year 2019
Matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) as simple and useful sample preparation technique for determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in dust
PublicationIn the present study a novel analytical procedure for the determination of polybrominated diphenylethers in dust samples was developed.The main aim of the research was the selection of the optimum conditions of the matrix solid-phasedispersion before thefinal determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in dust samples. In order toassess the best usefulness of this technique, a favourable ratio of sample amount to the mass ofdispersing...
Year 2018
Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in dust samples collected in air conditioning filters of different usage – method development
PublicationThis study presents the results of studies aimed at the development of an analytical procedure for separation, identification, and determination of PBDEs compounds in dust samples collected from automotive cabin air filters and samples collected from filters installed as part of the air purification system in academic facilities. Ultrasound-assisted dispersive solid phase extraction (UA-dSPE) was found to perform better in terms...
Indoor air quality of everyday use spaces dedicated to specific purposes—a review
PublicationAccording to literature data, some of the main factors which significantly affect the quality of the indoor environment in residential households or apartments are human activities such as cooking, smoking, cleaning, and indoor exercising. The paper presents a literature overview related to air quality in everyday use spaces dedicated to specific purposes which are integral parts of residential buildings, such as kitchens, basements,...
Year 2017
Czynniki i procesy wpływające na jakość środowiska wewnętrznego w pomieszczeniach przeznaczonych do przygotowywania posiłków
PublicationJakość powietrza wewnętrznego w różnego typu pomieszczeniach od niemal pół wieku stanowi jeden z istotnych tematów poruszanych przez naukowców wielu obszarów nauk takich jak chemia, medycyna, inżynieria środowiska czy projektowanie i konstruowanie systemów wentylacji. Specyficznym (pod względem źródeł emisji, typu oraz ilości zanieczyszczeń mogących występować w powietrzu pomieszczenia) rodzajem mikrośrodowiska wewnętrznego, stanowiącym...
Green Sample Collection
PublicationThe term of “green sample collection” is directly associated with both passive and dynamic analytical tools which allow for simultaneous management of the stage of collection and isolation and/or enrichment of a broad spectrum of chemical compounds from environmental samples. The use of passive sampling techniques at the stage of sample collection makes it possible to obtain in a simple yet inexpensive manner an analytical information...
Indoor air quality in public utility environments-a review
PublicationIndoor air quality has been the object of interest for scientists and specialists from the fields of science such as chemistry, medicine and ventilation system design. This results from a considerable number of potential factors, which may influence the quality of the broadly understood indoor air in a negative way. Poor quality of indoor air in various types of public utility buildings may significantly affect an increase in the...
Year 2016
Concentrations of monoaromatic hydrocarbons in the air of the underground car park and individual garages attached to residential buildings
PublicationThe paper describes the characteristics of a two-level underground car park and three individual garages attached to residential buildings, differing by the resident utilization habits, located in North Poland (Tri-City agglomeration area). The strategy of collecting the analyte samples from air in mentioned enclosed areas, concerning the determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, o-xylene and p,m-xylenes (BTEX) concentrations...
Polibromowane etery difenylowe w najbliższym otoczeniu człowieka. Cz. I. Oznaczanie polibromowanych eterów difenylowych (PBDE) w materiałach polimerowych oraz kurzu
PublicationŚwiadomość na temat szkodliwego wpływu bromowanych uniepalniaczy na organizmy żywe wzrasta, głównie ze względu na powiązanie ich obecności w otoczeniu człowieka z zaburzeniami stanu zdrowia. Wynika stąd konieczność prowadzenia badań mających na celu kontrolowanie zawartości tych związków chemicznych w środowisku. W artykule dokonano przeglądu literatury na temat toku postępowania analitycznego prowadzącego do oznaczenia PBDE w...
Polibromowane etery difenylowe w najbliższym otoczeniu człowieka. Cz. II. Emisja PBDE z materiałów polimerowych do powietrza wewnętrznego
PublicationProblem występowania w prawie wszystkich obszarach środowiska związków z grupy polibromowanych eterów difenylowych (PBDE) jest aktualnym zagadnieniem. W analityce PBDE wśród metod, umożliwiających identyfikację i oznaczanie tych zanieczyszczeń w próbkach o różnym (nierzadko – skomplikowanym) składzie matrycy, dominują techniki wykorzystujące chromatografie gazową sprzężoną ze spektrometrią mas. W poprzednim artykule opisano procedury...
The difficulties in polybrominated diphenyl ethers identification by GC-EI-MS technique
PublicationAwareness about the harmful effects of brominated flame retardants on living organisms increases mainly due to link their presence in the human environment with health disorders. Therefore is a need to conduct research aimed at content control of these chemicals in the environment. Recent improvements in injection techniques and mass spectrometer ionization methods have led to a variety of options to determine PBDEs in environmental...
Year 2015
Badania nad rozdzielaniem grupowym technikami sorpcji i chromatografii. Część I – Wykorzystanie chromatografii cienkowarstwowej (TLC) dla doboru warunków rozdzielania tłuszczów i produktów ich konwersji technikami kolumnowymi.
PublicationPrzeprowadzono badania wyjaśniające wpływ eluentu oraz fazy stacjonarnej na wartość parametrów elucji mono-, di-, triacylogliceroli oraz wolnych kwasów tłuszczowych, eluowanych w warunkach cienkowarstwowej chromatografii cieczowej (TLC). Celowo wykorzystano sorbenty inne niż kopolimer styrenu i di-winylobenzenu (SDVB). Starano się dobrać taki eluent, aby możliwe było rozdzielanie tłuszczów za pomocą chromatografii wykluczania...
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