Opracowanie niskoemisyjnej technologii wytwarzania modyfikowanych regeneratów gumowych jako proekologiczna metoda recyklingu zużytych opon samochodowych
- Project's acronym:
- Financial Program Name:
- Organization:
- Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (NCBR) (The National Centre for Research and Development)
- Agreement:
- LIDER/6/0035/L-8/16/NCBR/2017 z dnia 2017-11-22
- Realisation period:
- 2018-02-01 - 2021-12-31
- Project manager:
- dr inż. Krzysztof Formela
- Realised in:
- Department of Polymer Technology
- Request type:
- National Research Programmes
- Domestic:
- Domestic project
- Verified by:
- Gdańsk University of Technology
Papers associated with that project
total: 10
Catalog Projects
Year 2022
Ground Tire Rubber Modified by Elastomers via Low-Temperature Extrusion Process: Physico-Mechanical Properties and Volatile Organic Emission Assessment
PublicationIn this paper, low-temperature extrusion of ground tire rubber was performed as a proecological waste tires recycling method. During this process, ground tire rubber was modified with constant content of dicumyl peroxide and a variable amount of elastomer (in the range: 2.5–15 phr). During the studies, three types of elastomers were used: styrene-butadiene rubber, styreneethylene/butylene-styrene grafted with maleic anhydride and...
Recent Advances in Development of Waste-Based Polymer Materials: A Review
PublicationLimited petroleum sources, suitable law regulations, and higher awareness within society has caused sustainable development of manufacturing and recycling of polymer blends and composites to be gaining increasing attention. This work aims to report recent advances in the manufacturing of environmentally friendly and low-cost polymer materials based on post-production and postconsumer wastes. Sustainable development of three groups...
Year 2021
Chemical surface etching methods for ground tire rubber as sustainable approach for environmentally-friendly composites development– a review
PublicationGround tire rubber (GTR) has been used as a sustainable low-cost modifier in various composites. However, due to the hydrophobic nature of GTR, it is in compatible with most matrices and results in deterioration in both mechanical and physical properties of composites. This necessitates pre-modification of the powdered rubber to improve the interfacial bonding at the rubber-matric interface. The most common GTR modification research...
Processing, Performance Properties, and Storage Stability of Ground Tire Rubber Modified by Dicumyl Peroxide and Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Copolymers
PublicationIn this paper, ground tire rubber was modified with dicumyl peroxide and a variable content (in the range of 0–15 phr) of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers characterized by different vinyl acetate contents (in the range of 18–39 wt.%). Modification of ground tire rubber was performed via an auto-thermal extrusion process in which heat was generated during internal shearing of the material inside the extruder barrel. The processing,...
Year 2020
Ground Tire Rubber Modified by Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Copolymer: Processing, Physico-Mechanical Properties, Volatile Organic Compounds Emission and Recycling Possibility
PublicationGround tire rubber (GTR) was reclaimed and modified with 10 phr of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer via low-temperature extrusion process. Processing, physico-mechanical properties, volatile organic compounds emission, and recycling possibility were investigated. In order to better understand the impact of used modifiers, their efficiency was compared with transpolyoctenamer, which is an additive that is commercially dedicated...
Modification of Ground Tire Rubber—Promising Approach for Development of Green Composites
PublicationGround tire rubber (GTR) was mechano-chemically modified using a road bitumen 100/150 and two types of organic peroxides: di-(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)-benzene (BIB) and dicumyl peroxide (DCP). The impact of used additives on reactive sintering efficiency and physico-mechanical properties of modified GTR was investigated using oscillating disc rheometer measurements, followed by tensile tests and swelling behavior studies....
Reactive Sintering of Ground Tire Rubber (GTR) Modified by a Trans-Polyoctenamer Rubber and Curing Additives
PublicationThe proposed method of ground tire rubber (GTR) utilization involves the application of trans-polyoctenamer rubber (TOR), a commercially available waste rubber modifier. The idea was to investigate the influence of various curing additives (sulfur, N-cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazole sulfenamide (CBS), dibenzothiazole disulfide (MBTS) and di-(2-ethyl)hexylphosphorylpolysulfide (SDT)) on curing characteristics, physico-mechanical, thermal,...
Waste tire rubber as low-cost and environmentally-friendly modifier in thermoset polymers – a review
PublicationNowadays, waste tire rubber (WTR) management is a growing and serious problem. Therefore, research works focused on the development of cost-effective and environmentally-friendly methods of WTR recycling are fully justified. Incorporation of WTR into polymer matrices and composite materials attracts much attention, because this approach allows sustainable development of industrially applicable waste tires recycling technologies....
Year 2019
Wykorzystanie technik analitycznych do oceny emisji lotnych związków organicznych uwalnianych z materiałów polimerowych, jako obiecujące rozwiązania w kontroli ich jakości – Część 1
PublicationDynamiczny wzrost w zakresie wykorzystania szerokiej gamy materiałów polimerowych w produkcji przedmiotów codziennego użytku powoduje, że mogą one znacząco wpływać na rodzaj i ilość związków chemicznych występujących w środowisku zewnętrznym (outdoor), jak i w środowisku wewnętrznym (indoor), takich jak pomieszczenia mieszkalne oraz środowiska pracy (stanowiska pracy). Bardzo istotny wpływ na jakość środowiska wewnętrznego ma...
Wykorzystanie technik analitycznych do oceny emisji lotnych związków organicznych uwalnianych z materiałów polimerowych, jako obiecujące rozwiązania w kontroli ich jakości – Część 2
PublicationW pracy przedstawione zostały informacje na temat najczęściej stosowanych procedur analitycznych opartych na wykorzystaniu techniki analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej w trybie dynamicznego pobierania próbek analitów do badania emisji związków chemicznych z grupy lotnych związków organicznych. Rozwiązanie to zostało zaproponowane, jako nowego typu podejście do oceny zmian właściwości fizyko-chemicznych materiałów polimerowych zachodzących...
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